The TACO project

Treewidth and Combinatorial Optimization

The research project Treewidth and Combinatorial Optimization, is in cooperation between the Institute for Information and Computing Sciences of Utrecht University and the Department of Quantitative Economics of Maastricht University, and subsidized by NWO.


The project has approximately three meeting per year. In case you are interested in joining us at one of the TACO meetings, or giving a talk on a TACO-related topic at such a meeting, please let know.

Relevant papers - a selection of recent work


The project is headed by dr Hans Bodlaender and prof dr Stan van Hoesel. Working in the project with full support of NWO-EW are MSc Emgad Bachoore, Roel Bovendeerd, and Alexander Grigoriev. The project is in cooperation with several other researchers.

If you want more information or have additional information for this webpage, e-mail Hans Bodlaender: