Logo Department of Mathematics, Utrecht University

Mathematical models for the spread of infectious diseases

The meetings will be on Mondays from 11.00-12.45 in room 610 in the Hans Freudenthal building. Don't forget to send an e-mail to me before Monday 8.00 regarding your impression of the material that will be presents that day.

Additional Material


In the first semester (period 1 and 2) of the academic year 2016-2017, there will be a seminar on the topic "Mathematical models for the spread of infectious diseases" provided there are sufficiently many participants. The seminar will be based on the book Mathematical Tools for Understanding Infectious Disease Dynamics (http://press.princeton.edu/titles/9916.html) by Odo Diekmann, Hans Heesterbeek and Tom Britton. The aim is that the participants, in turns, will study a part of the book and give a (constructive critical) presentation for the other participants who should have read that part as well. Apart from university students, we also welcome participants from other institutes, for instance the RIVM, university medical centers and the Animal Sciences Group in Lelystad. The seminar will take place in de Uithof, Utrecht most likely on Monday or Tuesday because, but the exact time and day is open for discussion. More information on the course can be obtained from Martin Bootsma. The participants will be awarded 7.5 ECTS credits after successful participation. If you are interested in participating, please send the following information to Martin Bootsma (M.C.J.Bootsma@uu.nl): - Name: - e-mail address: - Background (study/work): - Participation (likely/unlikely): - Days of the week you are not available splitted in mornings/afternoons;
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last updated: September 19, 2016