Michiel van den Broeke
Polar Meteorology, Utrecht University


In Publications see a new study led by colleague Larry Smith in which the fate of the meltwater on the Greenland ice sheet is investigated. This study featured on the cover of the December 2017 issue of PNAS and a cool picture story in the New York Times!

Also in Publications see an important study led by colleague Luke Trusel from WHOI in which he models the future of Antarctic ice shelves in relation to warming scenarios. This study featured on the cover of the December 2015 issue of Nature Geoscience!

Also in Publications see another exciting study led by colleague Stephen Cornford from BAS in which he models Antarctic ice sheet retreat.

Watch the largest iceberg calving event caught on tape thus far: Jacobshavn Isbrae, west Greenland. Footage is part of a recently released documentary film on the world's disappearing ice.

Curriculum Vitae

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Full name:Michiel Roland van den Broeke
2016 - presentScientific director, Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, (IMAU), Netherlands
2008 - presentProfessor, Utrecht University, Netherlands
2004 - 2008Associate Professor, Utrecht University, Netherlands
1998 - 2004Assistant Professor, Utrecht University, Netherlands
1996 - 1998Research Associate, Norwegian Polar Institute, Oslo
1994 - 1995Freelance Science Journalist, Utrechts Nieuwsblad
1992 - 1996Research Assistant, Utrecht University
1991 - 1996PhD student, Utrecht University
2005Senior Qualification Teaching, Utrecht University
2004Senior Qualification Research, Utrecht University
1999Basis Qualification Teaching, Utrecht University
1996PhD (Cum Laude), Utrecht University
1991Doctorate Meteorology and Physical Oceanography, Utrecht University
1996Propedeutic Exam Geophysics, Utrecht University
1996Exam Gymnasium-β, Stedelijk Gymnasium Leiden
2015 - presentBoundary-Layers, Turbulence and Mixing, Utrecht University
2010 - 2014Remote Sensing: applications in glaciology, Utrecht University
2009 - 2014Boundary-Layer Meteorology, Utrecht University
2007 - presentAtmosphere and Climate, University College Utrecht
2006 - 2008Making, Analyzing and interpreting of observations, Utrecht University
2006 - 2009Simulation of the Oceans, Atmosphere and Climate, Utrecht University
2005 - 2008Dynamical Meteorology, Utrecht University
2000 - 2006Polar Meteorology, Utrecht University
1998 - 2005Introduction to Meteorology (Atmosfeer en Klimaat), Utrecht University
2016 - presentAdvances in Polar Sciences
2016 - presentThe Cryosphere (European Geophysical Union, Topical editor)
2016 - presentQuantarctica (NPI, Topical editor)
2007 - 2016The Cryosphere (European Geophysical Union, Co-chief editor)
2016Climates of the Past/The Cryosphere, IPICS 2nd Open Science Conference Hobart, Tasmania, 20162
2012Climates of the Past/The Cryosphere, IPICS 1st Open Science Conference Giens, France, 2012
2011Annals of Glaciology, International Glaciological Society symposium on Ice sheet Ocean Interactions, San Diego, USA
2002 - 2007Antarctic Science (Physical Sciences Editor)
1999 - 2005Journal of Glaciology (Editor, Ice Climate Interactions)
Field work
2014Vatnajøkull (Iceland), testing subglacial instruments
2010Langfjordbreen, Storbreen, Mitdalsbreen, Bergsetbreen (Norway), servicing AWS
2009Rothera base, Antarctica, installation of two AWS on Larsen C ice shelf acrobat logo Field report
2001/02Kohnen base, Antarctica, EPICA-Netherlands Atmospheric Boundary-Layer Experiment acrobat logo Field report
2000Lomonosovfonna, Svalbard, drilling of shallow and medium ice cores
1996/97Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica: EPICA pre-site survey, Norwegian Antarctic Research Expedition
1996Lomonosovfonna, Svalbard, drilling of shallow and medium ice cores
1994Pasterze Experiment, Austrian Alps
1993 Greenland Ice Margin EXperiment (GIMEX93)
1992/93Svea, Antarctica, Blue Ice Experiment, Swedish Antarctic Research Program
1992 Greenland Ice Margin EXperiment (GIMEX92)
1991 Greenland Ice Margin EXperiment (GIMEX91)
1990 Greenland Ice Margin EXperiment (GIMEX90)
Dutch Oral - Native | Written - Native
English Oral - Fluent | Written - Fluent
German Oral - Fair | Written - Fair
French Oral - Fair | Written - Fair
NorwegianGood reading ability
These are listed on my publication page