35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50  51   

35-36: Some fractals.The originals are 20 times 20 times higher resolution.

37: The entire famous Mandelbrot Set.
38 - 40: Zooming in on that. Click, zoom and scroll to enjoy them (about 2 or 3 MB each).
41: The cubic version of the Mandelbrot set (based on a cubic equation)
42: Another variant.
43: Iterating z → z^2 + x + (.7)^n.

44 - 48: My newest color coding, which shows more delicate details. This is again the original Mandelbrot Set. Nr. 45 is a detail of 44; Nr. 48 is a detail of 47.
Postscript accuracy did not allow me to go further.
49-51: New fractals (parts of the Mandelbrot set) using PovRay instead of Postscript.

See also the marvelous gallery produced by Wolfgang Beyer with the program Ultra Fractal 3.

The next page shows better results ...
These pictures have been reduced in size. Some can be clicked to see the full resolution.
Poster format files (>10 times higher resolution) of all pictures can be obtained from Gerard  t  Hooft.
Send me an e-mail mentioning the number of the picture desired.

More of 't Hooft's pictures: 1, 2 . More fractals: 4. and 5.

Gerard ’t Hooft  home page.