Computing Intersection Cohomology of B×B orbits in group compactifications

The Mathematica program

Here is the latest version of the main program, as discussed in our note, used for the recursions in the preprint Intersection Cohomology of B×B orbits in group compactifications by T.A. Springer. To use it, you need case specific data. See examples of data.

Some output

A sample in PostScript.
Some Poincaré polynomials of Intersection Cohomology of orbit closures.
Some cvw.
Some `inverse Kazhdan Lusztig polynomials' cinvvw.
Lots more cvw for the group H3. We computed them assuming they satisfy the recursion.
Inverses of matrices made from some cvw.

Generating ShortLex rewrite rules in larger cases

One would proceed differently.
Wilberd van der Kallen