--------------------------------------------------- HOW TO PUT CONTENT AND VIBRANT IN THEIR DIRECTORIES --------------------------------------------------- Make a directory, mkdir content cd content Put contenet.tar.gz from .../CONTENT/src/unix there mkdir vibrant (under content!) cd vibrant Put vibrant.tar.gz there -------------------------------------------- HOW TO UNPACK AND COMPILE VIBRANT UNDER UNIX -------------------------------------------- gunzip vibrant.tar.gz tar -xvf vibrant.tar Modify, if necessary the file viball.xxx in the directory make (here xxx specifies the platform and may be: sgi - Silicon graphics, sol - Sun solaris, lnx - Linux, alf - Dec alpha, hp - HP aix - IBM RS 6000) The paths to X11 and Motif libraries and include files should be correct. For example, for SUN, check that in the variable VIBFLAG -R/usr/openwin/lib -R/opt/SUNWmotif/lib -L/usr/openwin/lib -L/opt/SUNWmotif/lib are valid paths to X11 and Motif libraries, while -I/usr/openwin/include -I/opt/SUNWmotif/include are valid paths to X11 and Motif include files. If on your computer the libraries and include files are located elsewhere, edit the variable VIBFLAG in viball.xxx file. DO NOT break the line of the make command. ***************** SIZE_MAX problem: ***************** To compile VIBRANT under SunOs 5.7 or 5.8, please, replace the file .../vibrant/corelib/ncbistd.h by the file ncbistd.h located in directory .../CONTENT/src/unix. In the vibrant directory: cd build source ../make/viball.xxx -------------------------------------------- HOW TO UNPACK AND COMPILE CONTENT UNDER UNIX -------------------------------------------- cd ../.. gunzip content.tar.gz tar -xvf content.tar cd content To compile content for a specific platform set appropriate variable in the file makefile_v to empty string, e.g. SUN= All other platform variables should be set to non-empty strings. The paths to X11 and Motif libraries and include files should be correctly specified in $(xxx)LIBVIB and $(xxx)INCLUDE variables, where xxx stands for the platform. For example, for SUN, check that in $(SUN)LIBVIB -L/usr/openwin/lib -L/usr/dt/lib are the valid paths to X11 and Motif libraries, while in $(SUN)INCLUDE -I/usr/openwin/include -I/usr/dt/include are the valid paths to X11 and Motif include files. If on your computer the libraries and include files are located elsewhere, edit the corresponding paths in makefile_v file. Then compile: make -f makefile_v unix Remark: Optimized version of CONTENT (without Debug menu, memory tracing etc. is build with the -DINSTALL option. This is the default. To build a debug version remove or change the option, e.g. -DNOINSTALL. Important: the whole Content must be compiled with the same option. The following command removes all .o, .so and executable files and may be used before full recompilation: make -f makefile_v unixerase FOR THE FIRST TIME, CONTENT MUST BE COMPILED WITH -DINSTALL OPTION. ********** KNOWN BUG: ********** Under some versions of Linux, helpcomp might crash while executing make -f makefile_v unix Then you have to run helpcomp several times manually in both yuri and victor subdirectories until no error messages be produced. After that run make gain. --------------------------------------------- HOW TO PRODUCE THE SOURCE FILE content.tar.gz --------------------------------------------- In directory content: make -f makefile_v unixdevpack ----------------------------------------------------- HOW TO PRODUCE COMPILED VERSION retail-content.tar.gz ----------------------------------------------------- In directory content: make -f makefile_v unixpack Yu.A. Kuznetsov 21.01.2003