Part 1/3
Maps and their orbits. Cycles and fixed points (00:00)
Hyperbolic fixed points (13:20)
Topological equivalence of maps (19:40)
Critical stability cases: Fold (LP), Period-Doubling (PD), and Neimark-Sacker (NS) points (27:16)
Center manifold reduction (32:50)
Fixed points of parameter-dependent maps. Detection of LP, PD, and NS bifurcations (37:20)
Part 2/3
Normal forms on center manifolds for LP, PD, and NS bifurcations (00:00)
General method for computation of the critical normal form coefficients (35:30)
Critical normal form coefficient for LP (43:00)
Critical normal form coefficient for PD (48:38)
Part 3/3
Critical normal form coefficient for NS (01:05)