Median Trajectories

We investigate the concept of a median among a set of trajectories. We establish criteria that a 'median trajectory' should meet, and present two different methods to construct a median for a set of input trajectories. The first method is very simple, while the second method is more complicated and uses homotopy with respect to large enough faces in the arrangement formed by the trajectories. We give algorithms for both methods, analyze the worst-case running time, and show that under certain assumptions both methods can be implemented efficiently. We empirically compare the output of both methods using a trajectory generator, and analyze whether the two methods yield medians that are according to our intuition. We believe that the second method, using homotopy, performs considerably better.

keywords: Computational Geometry, Geographical Information Analysis, Trajectories

Journal Article (peer-reviewed)

Carola Wenk, Kevin Buchin, Lionov Wiratma, Maarten Löffler, Maike Buchin, Marc van Kreveld, Rodrigo I. Silveira
Median Trajectories
66, 3, 595–614, 2013

Conference Proceedings (peer-reviewed)

Carola Wenk, Kevin Buchin, Lionov Wiratma, Maarten Löffler, Maike Buchin, Marc van Kreveld, Rodrigo I. Silveira
Median Trajectories
Proc. 18th European Symposium on Algorithms
LNCS 6346, 463–474, 2010

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