Author name code: janvier ADS astronomy entries on 2022-09-14 =author:"Janvier, Miho" OR =author:"Janvier, M." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Title: ML pipeline for Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) data Authors: Salvatelli, Valentina; Neuberg, Brad; Dos Santos, Luiz F. G.; Bose, Souvik; Cheung, Mark C. M; Janvier, Miho; Jin, Meng; Gal, Yarin; Güneş Baydın, Atılım Bibcode: 2022zndo...6954828S Altcode: This software has been developed from the [FDL SDO Team]( The package contains: a configurable pipeline to train and test ML models on data from the Solar Dynamics Observatory some notebooks for data exploration and results analysis. It contains all the code supporting the publications: [Multi-Channel Auto-Calibration for the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly using Machine Learning]( "Exploring the Limits of Synthetic Creation of Solar EUV Images via Image-to-Image Translation" Accepted for publication on ApJ (July 2022) Title: Exploring the Limits of Synthetic Creation of Solar EUV Images via Image-to-Image Translation Authors: Salvatelli, Valentina; dos Santos, Luiz F. G.; Bose, Souvik; Neuberg, Brad; Cheung, Mark C. M.; Janvier, Miho; Jin, Meng; Gal, Yarin; Gunes Baydin, Atilim Bibcode: 2022arXiv220809512S Altcode: The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), a NASA multi-spectral decade-long mission that has been daily producing terabytes of observational data from the Sun, has been recently used as a use-case to demonstrate the potential of machine learning methodologies and to pave the way for future deep-space mission planning. In particular, the idea of using image-to-image translation to virtually produce extreme ultra-violet channels has been proposed in several recent studies, as a way to both enhance missions with less available channels and to alleviate the challenges due to the low downlink rate in deep space. This paper investigates the potential and the limitations of such a deep learning approach by focusing on the permutation of four channels and an encoder--decoder based architecture, with particular attention to how morphological traits and brightness of the solar surface affect the neural network predictions. In this work we want to answer the question: can synthetic images of the solar corona produced via image-to-image translation be used for scientific studies of the Sun? The analysis highlights that the neural network produces high-quality images over three orders of magnitude in count rate (pixel intensity) and can generally reproduce the covariance across channels within a 1% error. However the model performance drastically diminishes in correspondence of extremely high energetic events like flares, and we argue that the reason is related to the rareness of such events posing a challenge to model training. Title: Interpreting the Two-step Forbush Decrease with a closer look at the two substructures modulating Galactic Cosmic Rays within Coronal Mass Ejections Authors: Janvier, Miho; Dasso, Sergio; Demoulin, Pascal; Guo, Jingnan; Regnault, Florian; Perri, Barbara; Guttierez, Christian Bibcode: 2022cosp...44.1272J Altcode: Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are magnetic structures emanating from the Sun. A consequence of their passage at planetary bodies can be seen as the reduction of galactic cosmic rays (GCRs), a phenomenon called a Forbush decrease. These decreases are routinely monitored with neutron detectors around the world, while ICMEs are measured directly in situ by spacecraft dedicated to the monitoring of the solar wind. In particular, these detections show that ICMEs may or not build a sheath of compressed solar wind at their front, preceded in some cases by a shock. Then, the question remains which substructure may, and how, drive the Forbush decrease. Here, we will discuss how statistical analyses such as superposed epoch studies can be applied to ICME-induced Forbush decreases. In particular, by selecting ICMEs with or without a sheath, we will show that magnetic ejecta alone can drive Forbush decreases as strong as those with a sheath. Different from previous studies, we find with such a study that it is the magnetic field intensity, rather than its fluctuations, that is the main driver of Forbush decreases. Finally, we will show how the passage of isolated magnetic ejecta reveal an anisotropy in the level of GCRs in the solar wind at 1 au, a finding that we explain as related to the gradient of the GCR flux found at different distances in the heliosphere, i.e., the GCR flux is slightly higher at a larger heliospheric distance. Title: Magnetic field of interplanetary ejecta Authors: Janvier, Miho Bibcode: 2022cosp...44.2432J Altcode: Interplanetary ejecta transport solar plasma and magnetic field from the Sun on large distances in the solar system. They can originate from diverse solar locations, from active regions, to quiescent filaments/prominences, to jets and streamers reconnected flux ropes. In the interplanetary medium, they have been routinely monitored at different helio-distances with the availability of different instruments on board space missions. We will review how statistical analyses of some properties point to different sources but similar magnetic structures of these ejecta: from small flux ropes to bigger ones found in magnetic clouds. We will also see in particular how magnetic ejecta in interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) can differ one from another depending on the conditions of the ejection and their interplay with the solar wind. By reviewing the numerous data we now have, from long-term missions such as ACE or Wind, to more recent missions such as Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter close to the Sun, and with the help of numerical simulations, we will discuss how this wealth of data provides us with a better understanding of the evolution of theses magnetic ejecta in the interplanetary medium. Title: Forecasting the Kp index a few days ahead using solar imaging and neural networks alone: is it achievable? Authors: Bernoux, Guillerme; Sicard, Angelica; Buchlin, Eric; Janvier, Miho; Brunet, Antoine Bibcode: 2022cosp...44.3330B Altcode: Over the past decade, data-driven methods using near-Earth solar wind parameters to forecast geomagnetic indices have shown very good performance, mostly outperforming many empirical and physics-based models in terms of accuracy. In addition, these forecasting models have recently shown their relevance to drive various magnetospheric models in space weather pipelines. However, these methods still suffer from many limitations, among which their restriction to a short effective forecasting horizon (often up to approximately 6 hours at best). This is not surprising, as these lead-times are of the same order of magnitude as the solar wind-magnetosphere coupling time-lags. Therefore, in order to increase the forecasting horizon, one solution would be to use more spatially remote data, such as solar imaging. In order to address this issue, we introduce SERENADE, a deep learning-based model driven only by Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (SDO/AIA) data that can provide probabilistic forecasts of geomagnetic indices such as Kp up to a few days ahead. We evaluate the model and discuss its advantages and drawbacks based on these first results. In particular, we compare it with baseline models and assess the performance of our model according to the solar cycle phase. We show that our method is promising, especially since it is only a first model that can be improved in many aspects. Title: Magnetic field lines configuration inside magnetic clouds: observations at 1 au Authors: Dasso, Sergio; Demoulin, Pascal; Janvier, Miho; Lanabere, Vanina Bibcode: 2022cosp...44.2435D Altcode: Flux ropes, which are twisted magnetic flux tubes, are of major interest in different space and astrophysical domains, such as the Sun, planetary environments, and stellar physics. In particular, these structures are observed in the solar photosphere, the corona, the interplanetary medium, and also in planetary magnetospheres. Magnetic flux ropes in the solar wind can reach huge sizes in the heliosphere, storing significant amounts of magnetic energy and helicity. Thus, interplanetary flux ropes (IFRs) transport these quantities from the Sun to the outer heliosphere. A few analytical models provide the IFR internal magnetic configuration, which can then be compared with in situ observations at 1 au. This provides hints (or information) on the associated coronal magnetic configuration at the origin of the event.The derived magnetic structure of IFRs has also implications to improve models for propagation of energetic particles inside IFRs. Finally, magnetic clouds are the clearest observed sub-set of IFRs, so that a detailed analysis and modelisation of the observed data can be performed to derive their magnetic twist profile. In this review talk we will present a summary of the state of the art about the quantification of the magnetic twist 
distribution in magnetic clouds from 'in-situ' observations at 1 au. Title: Evolution of Plasma Composition in an Eruptive Flux Rope Authors: Baker, Deborah; Demoulin, Pascal; Long, David; Janvier, Miho; Green, Lucie; Brooks, David; van Driel-Gesztelyi, Lidia; Mihailescu, Teodora; To, Andy S. H.; Yardley, Stephanie; Valori, Gherardo Bibcode: 2022cosp...44.1361B Altcode: Magnetic flux ropes are bundles of twisted magnetic field enveloping a central axis. They harbor free magnetic energy and can be progenitors of coronal mass ejections (CMEs). However, identifying flux ropes on the Sun can be challenging. One of the key coronal observables that has been shown to indicate the presence of a flux rope is a peculiar bright coronal structure called a sigmoid. In this work, we show Hinode EUV Imaging Spectrometer observations of sigmoidal active region (AR) 10977. We analyze the coronal plasma composition in the AR and its evolution as a sigmoid (flux rope) forms and erupts as a CME. Plasma with photospheric composition was observed in coronal loops close to the main polarity inversion line during episodes of significant flux cancellation, suggestive of the injection of photospheric plasma into these loops driven by photospheric flux cancellation. Concurrently, the increasingly sheared core field contained plasma with coronal composition. As flux cancellation decreased and a sigmoid/flux rope formed, the plasma evolved to an intermediate composition in between photospheric and typical AR coronal compositions. Finally, the flux rope contained predominantly photospheric plasma during and after a failed eruption preceding the CME. Hence, plasma composition observations of AR 10977 strongly support models of flux rope formation by photospheric flux cancellation forcing magnetic reconnection first at the photospheric level then at the coronal level. Title: Abundance diagnostics in active regions with Solar Orbiter/SPICE Authors: Giunta, Alessandra; Peter, Hardi; Parenti, Susanna; Buchlin, Eric; Thompson, William; Auchere, Frederic; Kucera, Therese; Carlsson, Mats; Janvier, Miho; Fludra, Andrzej; Hassler, Donald M.; Grundy, Timothy; Sidher, Sunil; Guest, Steve; Leeks, Sarah; Fredvik, Terje; Young, Peter Bibcode: 2022cosp...44.2583G Altcode: With the launch of Solar Orbiter in February 2020, we are now able to fully explore the link between the solar activity on the Sun and the inner heliosphere. Elemental abundance measurements provide a key tracer to probe the source regions of the solar wind and to track it from the solar surface and corona to the heliosphere. Abundances of elements with low first ionisation potential (FIP) are enhanced in the corona relative to high-FIP elements, with respect to the photosphere. This is known as the FIP effect, which is measured as abundance bias (FIP bias) of low and high FIP elements. This effect is vital for understanding the flow of mass and energy through the solar atmosphere. The comparison between in-situ and remote sensing composition data, coupled with modelling, will allow us to trace back the source of heliospheric plasma. Solar Orbiter has a unique combination of in-situ and remote sensing instruments that will help to make such a comparison. In particular, the SPICE (Spectral Imaging of the Coronal Environment) EUV spectrometer records spectra in two wavelength bands, 70.4-79.0 nm and 97.3-104.9 nm. SPICE is designed to provide spectroheliograms using a core set of emission lines arising from ions of both low-FIP and high-FIP elements such as C, N, O, Ne, Mg, S and Fe. These lines are formed over a wide range of temperatures from 20,000 K to over 1 million K, enabling the analysis of the different layers of the solar atmosphere. SPICE spectroheliograms can be processed to produce FIP bias maps, which can be compared to in-situ measurements of the solar wind composition of the same elements. During the Solar Orbiter Cruise Phase, SPICE observed several active regions. We will present some of these observations and discuss the SPICE diagnostic potential to derive relative abundances (e.g., Mg/Ne) and the FIP bias in those regions. Title: The SPICE spectrograph on Solar Orbiter: an introduction and results from the first Orbits Authors: Auchère, Frédéric; Peter, Hardi; Parenti, Susanna; Buchlin, Eric; Thompson, William; Auchere, Frederic; Teriaca, Luca; Kucera, Therese; Carlsson, Mats; Janvier, Miho; Fludra, Andrzej; Giunta, Alessandra; Schuehle, Udo; Hassler, Donald M.; Grundy, Timothy; Sidher, Sunil; Fredvik, Terje; Plowman, Joseph; Aznar Cuadrado, Regina Bibcode: 2022cosp...44.1338A Altcode: The Spectral Imaging of the Coronal Environment (SPICE) instrument is the EUV imaging spectrometer on board the Solar Orbiter mission. With its ability to derive physical properties of the coronal plasma, SPICE is a key component of the payload to establish the connection between the source regions and the in-situ measurements of the solar wind. The spacecraft was successfully launched in February 2020 and completed its cruise phase in December 2021. During this period, the remote sensing instruments were mostly operated during limited periods of time for 'checkout' engineering activities and synoptic observations. Nonetheless, several of these periods provided enough opportunities already to obtain new insights on coronal physics. During the march 2022 perihelion - close to 0.3 AU - SPICE will provide its highest spatial resolution data so far. Coordinated observations between the remote sensing and in-situ instruments will provide the first opportunity to use the full potential of the Solar Orbiter mission. We will review the instrument characteristics and present initial results from the cruise phase and first close encounter. Title: Evolution of Plasma Composition in an Eruptive Flux Rope Authors: Baker, D.; Green, L. M.; Brooks, D. H.; Démoulin, P.; van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.; Mihailescu, T.; To, A. S. H.; Long, D. M.; Yardley, S. L.; Janvier, M.; Valori, G. Bibcode: 2022ApJ...924...17B Altcode: 2021arXiv211011714B Magnetic flux ropes are bundles of twisted magnetic field enveloping a central axis. They harbor free magnetic energy and can be progenitors of coronal mass ejections (CMEs). However, identifying flux ropes on the Sun can be challenging. One of the key coronal observables that has been shown to indicate the presence of a flux rope is a peculiar bright coronal structure called a sigmoid. In this work, we show Hinode EUV Imaging Spectrometer observations of sigmoidal active region (AR) 10977. We analyze the coronal plasma composition in the AR and its evolution as a sigmoid (flux rope) forms and erupts as a CME. Plasma with photospheric composition was observed in coronal loops close to the main polarity inversion line during episodes of significant flux cancellation, suggestive of the injection of photospheric plasma into these loops driven by photospheric flux cancellation. Concurrently, the increasingly sheared core field contained plasma with coronal composition. As flux cancellation decreased and a sigmoid/flux rope formed, the plasma evolved to an intermediate composition in between photospheric and typical AR coronal compositions. Finally, the flux rope contained predominantly photospheric plasma during and after a failed eruption preceding the CME. Hence, plasma composition observations of AR 10977 strongly support models of flux rope formation by photospheric flux cancellation forcing magnetic reconnection first at the photospheric level then at the coronal level. Title: 3D modelling of Titov-Demoulin modified Flux Ropes propagation in the Solar Wind Authors: Regnault, Florian; Janvier, Miho; Strugarek, Antoine; Auchere, F.; Al-Haddad, Nada Bibcode: 2021AGUFMSH33A..04R Altcode: Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections (ICMEs) originate from the eruption of complex magnetic structures occurring in our stars atmosphere. They propagate in the interplanetary medium, where they can be probed by spacecraft. ICMEs are known to generate geomagnetic storms that can disturb our technologies on earth, this is why they are a subject of interest. Studying ICMEs could, therefore, allow us to predict and lower their impact in our technology. We present the results of the propagation simulation of a set of Titov-Demoulin flux ropes (Titov et al. 2014) with different magnetic fields and sizes at the initiation. This is done with the 3D MHD module of the PLUTO code. Our grid starts at the low corona and goes up to 2 astronomical units. This allows us to study the effect of the magnetic field intensity or the size of the flux rope at the initiation on its properties during the propagation, highlighting then the physical processes happening during their journey in the inner heliosphere. The evolution of the magnetic field of the flux rope during the propagation agrees with evolution laws deduced from in situ observations. We also simulate in situ profiles that spacecraft would have measured at Mercury and at Earth, and we compare with the results of Janvier et al. 2019 and Regnault et al. 2020. We find a good match between simulated in situ profiles and typical profiles obtained in these studies. The magnetic components of the simulated flux rope match well with what we are expecting from theory (Lundquist et al. 1950). This simulation helps us to have a better understanding of the physical mechanisms that happen during propagation of an ICME. Title: The Two-step Forbush Decrease: A Tale of Two Substructures Modulating Galactic Cosmic Rays within Coronal Mass Ejections Authors: Janvier, Miho; Démoulin, Pascal; Guo, Jingnan; Dasso, Sergio; Regnault, Florian; Topsi-Moutesidou, Sofia; Gutierrez, Christian; Perri, Barbara Bibcode: 2021ApJ...922..216J Altcode: 2021arXiv210914469J Interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) are known to modify the structure of the solar wind as well as interact with the space environment of planetary systems. Their large magnetic structures have been shown to interact with galactic cosmic rays (GCRs), leading to the Forbush decrease (FD) phenomenon. We revisit in the present article the 17 yr of Advanced Composition Explorer spacecraft ICME detection along with two neutron monitors (McMurdo and Oulu) with a superposed epoch analysis to further analyze the role of the magnetic ejecta in driving FDs. We investigate in the following the role of the sheath and the magnetic ejecta in driving FDs, and we further show that for ICMEs without a sheath, a magnetic ejecta only is able to drive significant FDs of comparable intensities. Furthermore, a comparison of samples with and without a sheath with similar speed profiles enable us to show that the magnetic field intensity, rather than its fluctuations, is the main driver for the FD. Finally, the recovery phase of the FD for isolated magnetic ejecta shows an anisotropy in the level of the GCRs. We relate this finding at 1 au to the gradient of the GCR flux found at different heliospheric distances from several interplanetary missions. Title: First observations from the SPICE EUV spectrometer on Solar Orbiter Authors: Fludra, A.; Caldwell, M.; Giunta, A.; Grundy, T.; Guest, S.; Leeks, S.; Sidher, S.; Auchère, F.; Carlsson, M.; Hassler, D.; Peter, H.; Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Buchlin, É.; Caminade, S.; DeForest, C.; Fredvik, T.; Haberreiter, M.; Harra, L.; Janvier, M.; Kucera, T.; Müller, D.; Parenti, S.; Schmutz, W.; Schühle, U.; Solanki, S. K.; Teriaca, L.; Thompson, W. T.; Tustain, S.; Williams, D.; Young, P. R.; Chitta, L. P. Bibcode: 2021A&A...656A..38F Altcode: 2021arXiv211011252F
Aims: We present first science observations taken during the commissioning activities of the Spectral Imaging of the Coronal Environment (SPICE) instrument on the ESA/NASA Solar Orbiter mission. SPICE is a high-resolution imaging spectrometer operating at extreme ultraviolet (EUV) wavelengths. In this paper we illustrate the possible types of observations to give prospective users a better understanding of the science capabilities of SPICE.
Methods: We have reviewed the data obtained by SPICE between April and June 2020 and selected representative results obtained with different slits and a range of exposure times between 5 s and 180 s. Standard instrumental corrections have been applied to the raw data.
Results: The paper discusses the first observations of the Sun on different targets and presents an example of the full spectra from the quiet Sun, identifying over 40 spectral lines from neutral hydrogen and ions of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, neon, sulphur, magnesium, and iron. These lines cover the temperature range between 20 000 K and 1 million K (10 MK in flares), providing slices of the Sun's atmosphere in narrow temperature intervals. We provide a list of count rates for the 23 brightest spectral lines. We show examples of raster images of the quiet Sun in several strong transition region lines, where we have found unusually bright, compact structures in the quiet Sun network, with extreme intensities up to 25 times greater than the average intensity across the image. The lifetimes of these structures can exceed 2.5 hours. We identify them as a transition region signature of coronal bright points and compare their areas and intensity enhancements. We also show the first above-limb measurements with SPICE above the polar limb in C III, O VI, and Ne VIII lines, and far off limb measurements in the equatorial plane in Mg IX, Ne VIII, and O VI lines. We discuss the potential to use abundance diagnostics methods to study the variability of the elemental composition that can be compared with in situ measurements to help confirm the magnetic connection between the spacecraft location and the Sun's surface, and locate the sources of the solar wind.
Conclusions: The SPICE instrument successfully performs measurements of EUV spectra and raster images that will make vital contributions to the scientific success of the Solar Orbiter mission. Title: An operational approach to forecast the Earth's radiation belts dynamics Authors: Bernoux, Guillerme; Brunet, Antoine; Buchlin, Éric; Janvier, Miho; Sicard, Angélica Bibcode: 2021JSWSC..11...60B Altcode: The Ca index is a time-integrated geomagnetic index that correlates well with the dynamics of high-energy electron fluxes in the outer radiation belts. Therefore, Ca can be used as an indicator for the state of filling of the radiation belts for those electrons. Ca also has the advantage of being a ground-based measurement with extensive historical records. In this work, we propose a data-driven model to forecast Ca up to 24 h in advance from near-Earth solar wind parameters. Our model relies mainly on a recurrent neural network architecture called Long Short Term Memory that has shown good performances in forecasting other geomagnetic indices in previous papers. Most implementation choices in this study were arbitrated from the point of view of a space system operator, including the data selection and split, the definition of a binary classification threshold, and the evaluation methodology. We evaluate our model (against a linear baseline) using both classical and novel (in the space weather field) measures. In particular, we use the Temporal Distortion Mix (TDM) to assess the propensity of two time series to exhibit time lags. We also evaluate the ability of our model to detect storm onsets during quiet periods. It is shown that our model has high overall accuracy, with evaluation measures deteriorating in a smooth and slow trend over time. However, using the TDM and binary classification forecast evaluation metrics, we show that the forecasts lose some of their usefulness in an operational context even for time horizons shorter than 6 h. This behaviour was not observable when evaluating the model only with metrics such as the root-mean-square error or the Pearson linear correlation. Considering the physics of the problem, this result is not surprising and suggests that the use of more spatially remote data (such as solar imaging) could improve space weather forecasts. Title: BepiColombo's cruise phase: unique opportunity for synergistic observations Authors: Hadid, L. Z.; Génot, V.; Aizawa, S.; Milillo, A.; Zender, J.; Murakami, G.; Benkhoff, J.; Zouganelis, I.; Alberti, T.; André, N.; Bebesi, Z.; Califano, F.; Dimmock, A. P.; Dosa, M.; Escoubet, C. P.; Griton, L.; Ho, G. C.; Horbury, T. S.; Iwai, K.; Janvier, M.; Kilpua, E.; Lavraud, B.; Madar, A.; Miyoshi, Y.; Müller, D.; Pinto, R. F.; Rouillard, A. P.; Raines, J. M.; Raouafi, N.; Sahraoui, F.; Sánchez-Cano, B.; Shiota, D.; Vainio, R.; Walsh, A. Bibcode: 2021FrASS...8..154H Altcode: The investigation of multi-spacecraft coordinated observations during the cruise phase of BepiColombo (ESA/JAXA) are reported, with a particular emphasis on the recently launched missions, Solar Orbiter (ESA/NASA) and Parker Solar Probe (NASA). Despite some payload constraints, many instruments onboard BepiColombo are operating during its cruise phase simultaneously covering a wide range of heliocentric distances [0.28 AU - 0.5 AU]. Hence, the various spacecraft configurations and the combined in-situ and remote sensing measurements from the different spacecraft, offer unique opportunities for BepiColombo to be part of these unprecedented multipoint synergistic observations and for potential scientific studies in the inner heliosphere, even before its orbit insertion around Mercury in December 2025. The main goal of this report is to present the coordinated observation opportunities during the cruise phase of BepiColombo (excluding the planetary flybys). We summarize the identified science topics, the operational instruments, the method we have used to identify the windows of opportunity and discuss the planning of joint observations in the future. Title: Magnetic imaging of the outer solar atmosphere (MImOSA) Authors: Peter, H.; Ballester, E. Alsina; Andretta, V.; Auchère, F.; Belluzzi, L.; Bemporad, A.; Berghmans, D.; Buchlin, E.; Calcines, A.; Chitta, L. P.; Dalmasse, K.; Alemán, T. del Pino; Feller, A.; Froment, C.; Harrison, R.; Janvier, M.; Matthews, S.; Parenti, S.; Przybylski, D.; Solanki, S. K.; Štěpán, J.; Teriaca, L.; Bueno, J. Trujillo Bibcode: 2021ExA...tmp...95P Altcode: The magnetic activity of the Sun directly impacts the Earth and human life. Likewise, other stars will have an impact on the habitability of planets orbiting these host stars. Although the magnetic field at the surface of the Sun is reasonably well characterised by observations, the information on the magnetic field in the higher atmospheric layers is mainly indirect. This lack of information hampers our progress in understanding solar magnetic activity. Overcoming this limitation would allow us to address four paramount long-standing questions: (1) How does the magnetic field couple the different layers of the atmosphere, and how does it transport energy? (2) How does the magnetic field structure, drive and interact with the plasma in the chromosphere and upper atmosphere? (3) How does the magnetic field destabilise the outer solar atmosphere and thus affect the interplanetary environment? (4) How do magnetic processes accelerate particles to high energies? New ground-breaking observations are needed to address these science questions. We suggest a suite of three instruments that far exceed current capabilities in terms of spatial resolution, light-gathering power, and polarimetric performance: (a) A large-aperture UV-to-IR telescope of the 1-3 m class aimed mainly to measure the magnetic field in the chromosphere by combining high spatial resolution and high sensitivity. (b) An extreme-UV-to-IR coronagraph that is designed to measure the large-scale magnetic field in the corona with an aperture of about 40 cm. (c) An extreme-UV imaging polarimeter based on a 30 cm telescope that combines high throughput in the extreme UV with polarimetry to connect the magnetic measurements of the other two instruments. Placed in a near-Earth orbit, the data downlink would be maximised, while a location at L4 or L5 would provide stereoscopic observations of the Sun in combination with Earth-based observatories. This mission to measure the magnetic field will finally unlock the driver of the dynamics in the outer solar atmosphere and thereby will greatly advance our understanding of the Sun and the heliosphere. Title: Plasma Upflows Induced by Magnetic Reconnection Above an Eruptive Flux Rope Authors: Baker, Deborah; Mihailescu, Teodora; Démoulin, Pascal; Green, Lucie M.; van Driel-Gesztelyi, Lidia; Valori, Gherardo; Brooks, David H.; Long, David M.; Janvier, Miho Bibcode: 2021SoPh..296..103B Altcode: 2021arXiv210616137B One of the major discoveries of Hinode's Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) is the presence of upflows at the edges of active regions. As active regions are magnetically connected to the large-scale field of the corona, these upflows are a likely contributor to the global mass cycle in the corona. Here we examine the driving mechanism(s) of the very strong upflows with velocities in excess of 70 km s−1, known as blue-wing asymmetries, observed during the eruption of a flux rope in AR 10977 (eruptive flare SOL2007-12-07T04:50). We use Hinode/EIS spectroscopic observations combined with magnetic-field modeling to investigate the possible link between the magnetic topology of the active region and the strong upflows. A Potential Field Source Surface (PFSS) extrapolation of the large-scale field shows a quadrupolar configuration with a separator lying above the flux rope. Field lines formed by induced reconnection along the separator before and during the flux-rope eruption are spatially linked to the strongest blue-wing asymmetries in the upflow regions. The flows are driven by the pressure gradient created when the dense and hot arcade loops of the active region reconnect with the extended and tenuous loops overlying it. In view of the fact that separator reconnection is a specific form of the more general quasi-separatrix (QSL) reconnection, we conclude that the mechanism driving the strongest upflows is, in fact, the same as the one driving the persistent upflows of ≈10 - 20 km s−1 observed in all active regions. Title: Multichannel autocalibration for the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly using machine learning Authors: Dos Santos, Luiz F. G.; Bose, Souvik; Salvatelli, Valentina; Neuberg, Brad; Cheung, Mark C. M.; Janvier, Miho; Jin, Meng; Gal, Yarin; Boerner, Paul; Baydin, Atılım Güneş Bibcode: 2021A&A...648A..53D Altcode: 2020arXiv201214023D Context. Solar activity plays a quintessential role in affecting the interplanetary medium and space weather around Earth. Remote-sensing instruments on board heliophysics space missions provide a pool of information about solar activity by measuring the solar magnetic field and the emission of light from the multilayered, multithermal, and dynamic solar atmosphere. Extreme-UV (EUV) wavelength observations from space help in understanding the subtleties of the outer layers of the Sun, that is, the chromosphere and the corona. Unfortunately, instruments such as the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), suffer from time-dependent degradation that reduces their sensitivity. The current best calibration techniques rely on flights of sounding rockets to maintain absolute calibration. These flights are infrequent, complex, and limited to a single vantage point, however.
Aims: We aim to develop a novel method based on machine learning (ML) that exploits spatial patterns on the solar surface across multiwavelength observations to autocalibrate the instrument degradation.
Methods: We established two convolutional neural network (CNN) architectures that take either single-channel or multichannel input and trained the models using the SDOML dataset. The dataset was further augmented by randomly degrading images at each epoch, with the training dataset spanning nonoverlapping months with the test dataset. We also developed a non-ML baseline model to assess the gain of the CNN models. With the best trained models, we reconstructed the AIA multichannel degradation curves of 2010-2020 and compared them with the degradation curves based on sounding-rocket data.
Results: Our results indicate that the CNN-based models significantly outperform the non-ML baseline model in calibrating instrument degradation. Moreover, multichannel CNN outperforms the single-channel CNN, which suggests that cross-channel relations between different EUV channels are important to recover the degradation profiles. The CNN-based models reproduce the degradation corrections derived from the sounding-rocket cross-calibration measurements within the experimental measurement uncertainty, indicating that it performs equally well as current techniques.
Conclusions: Our approach establishes the framework for a novel technique based on CNNs to calibrate EUV instruments. We envision that this technique can be adapted to other imaging or spectral instruments operating at other wavelengths. Title: Statistical analysis of magnetic field fluctuations in CME-driven sheath regions Authors: Kilpua, E. K. J.; Good, S. W.; Ala-Lahti, M.; Osmane, A.; Fontaine, D.; Hadid, L.; Janvier, M.; Yordanova, E. Bibcode: 2021FrASS...7..109K Altcode: We report a statistical analysis of magnetic field fluctuations in 79 coronal mass ejection (CME)-driven sheath regions that were observed in the near-Earth solar wind. Wind high-resolution magnetic field data are used to investigate 2-hour regions adjacent to the shock and ejecta leading edge (Near-Shock and Near-LE regions, respectively) and the results are compared to a 2-hour region upstream of the shock. The inertial range spectral indices in the sheaths are found to be mostly steeper than the Kolmogorov -5/3 index and steeper than in the solar wind ahead. We did not find indications of a $f^{-1}$ spectrum, implying that magnetic fluctuation properties in CME sheaths differ significantly from planetary magnetosheaths and that CME-driven shocks do not reset the solar wind turbulence to a similar extent as planetary bow shocks. However, our study suggests that new compressible fluctuations are generated in the sheath for a wide variety of shock/upstream conditions. Fluctuation properties particularly differed between the Near-Shock region and the solar wind ahead. A strong positive correlation was found between the mean magnetic compressibility upstream and downstream regions, but the compressibility values in sheaths were similar to that in the slow solar wind ($< 0.2$), regardless of the value in the preceding wind. Otherwise, we did not find clear correlations between the inertial range spectral indices in the sheaths and shock/preceding solar wind properties, nor with the mean normalized fluctuation amplitudes. Correlations were also considerably lower in the Near-LE region than in the Near-Shock region. Intermittency was also considerably higher in the sheath than in the upstream wind according to several proxies, particularly so in the Near-Shock region. Fluctuations in the sheath exhibit larger rotation than upstream, implying the presence of strong current sheets in the sheath that can add to intermittency. Title: Magnetic twist distribution inside interplanetary flux ropes Authors: Dasso, Sergio; Rodriguez, Luciano; Demoulin, Pascal; Masias-Meza, Jimmy J.; Janvier, Miho; Lanabere, Vanina Bibcode: 2021cosp...43E1756D Altcode: Twisted magnetic flux tubes, also known as flux ropes, are ubiquitous in solar, stellar, and planetary environments. They are present in the photosphere of the Sun, the solar corona, the solar wind, and also in different locations of planetary magnetospheres and ionospheres. In particular, interplanetary flux ropes (IFRs) can store magnetic energy and, because their magnetic field lines are twisted around the tube axis, also can store important amounts of magnetic helicity. Thus, IFRs can transport these quantities from the Sun to the outer space of the heliosphere. The internal distribution of the magnetic twist forming the flux rope (i.e., the number of turns per unit length), is a key property to link IFRs with their solar origin and ejection processes, to improve the knowledge of coronal structures in equilibrium, and also to better understand the energetic particle propagation inside these interplanetary structures. Quantifying the magnetic twist distribution in IFRs from 'in-situ' observations of single events has a major difficulty produced by the significant field fluctuations in the interplanetary magnetic field. Magnetic clouds (MCs) are a sub-set of Interplanetary Coronal Ejections (ICMEs), which present clear signatures of flux ropes when 'in-situ' observed. In this work, we apply a superposed epoch analysis to a significant sample of MCs observed at 1 au, to extract their common features, and to remove the peculiarity and eventual high level of noise present in individual cases. From this analysis, we quantify the typical twist distribution inside the flux ropes forming MCs. As one of the main results, we find that the twist is nearly uniform in the core (central half part around the flux rope axis), and it increases moderately, up to a factor two, towards the MC boundaries. These results will allow to better understand these magnetic structures and to link them with their solar origin. Title: 20 years of ACE data: how superposed epoch analyses reveal generic features in interplanetary CME profiles Authors: Regnault, Florian; Dasso, Sergio; Auchere, Frederic; Demoulin, Pascal; Janvier, Miho; Strugarek, Antoine Bibcode: 2021cosp...43E1017R Altcode: Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections (ICMEs) result from solar flares occurring in our star's atmosphere. These large-scale magnetized structures propagate in the interplanetary medium where they can be probed by spacecraft. Depending on their speed, ICMEs may accumulate enough solar wind plasma to form a turbulent sheath ahead of them. They therefore consist of two main substructures : a sheath and a magnetic ejecta (ME). The magnetic ejecta is the main body of an ICME where the magnetic field is more intense and with less variance than that of the ambient solar wind. We present a statistical study using the superposed epoch analysis technique on a catalog of around 400 ICMEs where we consider the profiles of the physical parameters of the ICMEs (the magnetic field intensity, the speed, temperature, ...) seen at 1 AU by the ACE spacecraft. In particular, we investigate different possible classifications of ICMEs, for example based on their speeds, the phase of the solar cycle when they are detected, and the detection of an associated magnetic cloud (MCs, a subset of MEs with a clear rotation of the magnetic field as well as a low plasma temperature compared with the solar wind). We confirm that slow ICMEs have a more symmetric profile than fast ICMEs, therefore generalizing the work made on a sample of 44 ICMEs with clearly identified magnetic clouds by Masias-Meza et al. (2016). We also find that fast ICMEs show signs of compression in both their magnetic ejecta and in their sheath. Furthermore, we do not find any impact of the solar cycle on the generic features of ICMEs. However, more extreme events are observed during the active parts of the cycle, widening the distributions of all parameters. Finally, we find that ICMEs with or without a detected magnetic cloud show similar profiles, which confirms the hypothesis that both types of events correspond to similar ICMEs, and that the ones with no detected magnetic clouds may be observed when crossed sufficiently away from the flux rope core. Title: Generic profile evolution of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections and flux ropes in the inner heliosphere. Authors: Janvier, Miho Bibcode: 2021cosp...43E1743J Altcode: Coronal Mass Ejections are large disturbances emanating from the Sun. They transport solar plasma and magnetic field in the interplanetary medium and can interact with the space environments of planets. Known as one of the most important drivers of space weather, improving our understanding of how interplanetary CMEs (ICMEs) and the flux ropes within them evolve, as well as their generic features, is critical to develop prediction tools for space weather. On the other hand, it has been suspected that flaring stars may also be the source of exo-CME activity, although direct evidences of their existence remain to be found. Then, studies of CME evolution in the heliosphere may shed some light on what to be expected for their exo-CME counterpart in other astrospheres. ICMEs in the Solar System are routinely measured in situ by spacecraft dedicated to the monitoring of the solar wind (such as ACE at the Lagrangian point 1), or as a by-product of planetary missions (e.g. Messenger, Venus Express). ICMEs can then be monitored at different heliospheric distances, allowing a survey of their evolution with distance from the Sun. In particular, statistical analyses such as superposed epoch studies can reveal generic features in the time series of in situ parameters. By combining different catalogues of ICMEs detected at different spacecraft, we investigate the features of the superposed epochs for the profiles of these events and how these features evolve with heliospheric distances, solar activity, and with the presence or not of flux ropes. In particular, we find different profiles whether ICMEs are propagating fast or slow with respect to the solar wind, and with different effects on cosmic rays. We interpret the differences in the profiles of slow and fast ICMEs as the result of the conditions of ICME ejections as well as propagation processes in the solar wind. Such a study is important in providing a picture for how ICMEs propagate in the interplanetary medium and what to expect in other star systems. Title: Magnetic Imaging of the Outer Solar Atmosphere (MImOSA): Unlocking the driver of the dynamics in the upper solar atmosphere Authors: Peter, H.; Alsina Ballester, E.; Andretta, V.; Auchere, F.; Belluzzi, L.; Bemporad, A.; Berghmans, D.; Buchlin, E.; Calcines, A.; Chitta, L. P.; Dalmasse, K.; del Pino Aleman, T.; Feller, A.; Froment, C.; Harrison, R.; Janvier, M.; Matthews, S.; Parenti, S.; Przybylski, D.; Solanki, S. K.; Stepan, J.; Teriaca, L.; Trujillo Bueno, J. Bibcode: 2021arXiv210101566P Altcode: The magnetic activity of the Sun directly impacts the Earth and human life. Likewise, other stars will have an impact on the habitability of planets orbiting these host stars. The lack of information on the magnetic field in the higher atmospheric layers hampers our progress in understanding solar magnetic activity. Overcoming this limitation would allow us to address four paramount long-standing questions: (1) How does the magnetic field couple the different layers of the atmosphere, and how does it transport energy? (2) How does the magnetic field structure, drive and interact with the plasma in the chromosphere and upper atmosphere? (3) How does the magnetic field destabilise the outer solar atmosphere and thus affect the interplanetary environment? (4) How do magnetic processes accelerate particles to high energies? New ground-breaking observations are needed to address these science questions. We suggest a suite of three instruments that far exceed current capabilities in terms of spatial resolution, light-gathering power, and polarimetric performance: (a) A large-aperture UV-to-IR telescope of the 1-3 m class aimed mainly to measure the magnetic field in the chromosphere by combining high spatial resolution and high sensitivity. (b) An extreme-UV-to-IR coronagraph that is designed to measure the large-scale magnetic field in the corona with an aperture of about 40 cm. (c) An extreme-UV imaging polarimeter based on a 30 cm telescope that combines high throughput in the extreme UV with polarimetry to connect the magnetic measurements of the other two instruments. This mission to measure the magnetic field will unlock the driver of the dynamics in the outer solar atmosphere and thereby greatly advance our understanding of the Sun and the heliosphere. Title: Signature of the expansion of eruptive flux ropes measured by electric currents Authors: Schmieder, Brigitte; Aulanier, Guillaume; Janvier, Miho; Masson, Sophie; Barczynski, Krzysztof Bibcode: 2021cosp...43E1758S Altcode: MHD models demonstrate that hooks of flare ribbons are the footprints of eruptive flux ropes and that a decrease of the electric currents could be the signature of the evolution of the coronal magnetic field, e.g. the expansion of a line-tied flux rope with constant end-to-end external twist during the eruption. However in circuit models the surface electric current has a subsurface fixed source and therefore the currents should be constant . We analyze 19 X-class flares observed by Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) from 2011 to 2016, where flare ribbons with hooks are identifiable. For the first time fine measurements of time-evolution of electric currents inside the hooks in the observations as well as in the OHM 3D MHD simulation are performed. Our analysis shows a decrease of the electric current in the area surrounded by the ribbon hooks during and after the eruption. In the simulation the rate of current deceasing is similar to that of the field line elongation. So we interpret the decrease of the electric currents as due to the expansion of the flux rope in the corona during the eruption. Our analysis brings a new stone to the standard flare model in 3D. Title: Magnetic field fluctuation properties in CME-driven sheath regions Authors: Kilpua, K. E. J.; Good, S.; Ala-Lahti, M. M.; Osmane, A.; Fontaine, D.; Hadid, L.; Yordanova, E.; Janvier, M. Bibcode: 2020AGUFMSH0440012K Altcode: Coronal mass ejection driven sheath regions are important drivers of space weather. Their structure and formation is however not yet well understood. In this presentation we discuss general sheath characteristics and in particular their magnetic field fluctuations properties (spectral indices, compressibility and intermittency) in differents parts of the sheath. The results highlight that turbulent properties can vary considerably within the sheath and support the view of the complex formation of the sheath and different physical mechanisms playing a role in generating fluctuations. Title: Relative coronal abundance diagnostics with Solar Orbiter/SPICE Authors: Zambrana Prado, N.; Buchlin, E.; Peter, H.; Young, P. R.; Auchere, F.; Carlsson, M.; Fludra, A.; Hassler, D.; Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Caminade, S.; Caldwell, M.; DeForest, C.; Fredvik, T.; Harra, L.; Janvier, M.; Kucera, T. A.; Giunta, A. S.; Grundy, T.; Müller, D.; Parenti, S.; Schmutz, W. K.; Schühle, U.; Sidher, S.; Teriaca, L.; Thompson, W. T.; Williams, D. Bibcode: 2020AGUFMSH038..09Z Altcode: Linking solar activity on the surface and in the corona to the inner heliosphere is one of Solar Orbiter's main goals. Its UV spectrometer SPICE (SPectral Imaging of the Coronal Environment) will provide relative abundance measurements which will be key in this quest as different structures on the Sun have different abundances as a consequence of the FIP (First Ionization Potential) effect. Solar Orbiter's unique combination of remote sensing and in-situ instruments coupled with observation from other missions such as Parker Solar Probe will allow us to compare in-situ and remote sensing composition data. With the addition of modeling, these new results will allow us to trace back the source of heliospheric plasma. As high telemetry will not always be available with SPICE, we have developed a method for measuring relative abundances that is both telemetry efficient and reliable. Unlike methods based on Differential Emission Measure (DEM) inversion, the Linear Combination Ratio (LCR) method does not require a large number of spectral lines. This new method is based on linear combinations of UV spectral lines. The coefficients of the combinations are optimized such that the ratio of two linear combinations of radiances would yield the relative abundance of two elements. We present some abundance diagnostics tested on different combinations of spectral lines observable by SPICE. Title: Dynamics and thermal structure in the quiet Sun seen by SPICE Authors: Peter, H.; Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Schühle, U.; Teriaca, L.; Auchere, F.; Carlsson, M.; Fludra, A.; Hassler, D.; Buchlin, E.; Caminade, S.; Caldwell, M.; DeForest, C.; Fredvik, T.; Harra, L. K.; Janvier, M.; Kucera, T. A.; Giunta, A. S.; Grundy, T.; Müller, D.; Parenti, S.; Schmutz, W. K.; Sidher, S.; Thompson, W. T.; Williams, D.; Young, P. R. Bibcode: 2020AGUFMSH038..03P Altcode: We will present some of the early data of the Spectral Imaging of the Coronal Environment (SPICE) instrument on Solar Orbiter. One of the unique features of SPICE is its capability to record a wide range of wavelengths in the extreme UV with the possibility to record spectral lines giving access to a continuous plasma temperature range from 10.000 K to well above 1 MK. The data taken so far were for commissioning purposes and they can be used for a preliminary evaluation of the science performance of the instrument. Here we will concentrate on sample spectra covering the whole wavelength region and on the early raster maps acquired in bright lines in the quiet Sun close to disk center. Looking at different quiet Sun features we investigate the thermal structure of the atmosphere and flow structures. For this we apply fits to the spectral profiles and check the performance in terms of Doppler shifts and line widths to retrieve the structure of the network in terms of dynamics. While the amount of data available so far is limited, we will have a first look on how quiet Sun plasma responds to heating events. For this, we will compare spectral lines forming at different temperatures recorded at strictly the same time. Title: First Results From SPICE EUV Spectrometer on Solar Orbiter Authors: Fludra, A.; Caldwell, M.; Giunta, A. S.; Grundy, T.; Guest, S.; Sidher, S.; Auchere, F.; Carlsson, M.; Hassler, D.; Peter, H.; Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Buchlin, E.; Caminade, S.; DeForest, C.; Fredvik, T.; Harra, L. K.; Janvier, M.; Kucera, T. A.; Leeks, S.; Mueller, D.; Parenti, S.; Schmutz, W. K.; Schühle, U.; Teriaca, L.; Thompson, W. T.; Tustain, S.; Williams, D.; Young, P. R. Bibcode: 2020AGUFMSH038..02F Altcode: SPICE (Spectral Imaging of Coronal Environment) is one of the remote sensing instruments onboard Solar Orbiter. It is an EUV imaging spectrometer observing the Sun in two wavelength bands: 69.6-79.4 nm and 96.6-105.1 nm. SPICE is capable of recording full spectra in these bands with exposures as short as 1s. SPICE is the only Solar Orbiter instrument that can measure EUV spectra from the disk and low corona of the Sun and record all spectral lines simultaneously. SPICE uses one of three narrow slits, 2"x11', 4''x11', 6''x11', or a wide slit 30''x14'. The primary mirror can be scanned in a direction perpendicular to the slit, allowing raster images of up to 16' in size.

We present an overview of the first SPICE data taken on several days during the instrument commissioning carried out by the RAL Space team between 2020 April 21 and 2020 June 14. We also include results from SPICE observations at the first Solar Orbiter perihelion at 0.52AU, taken between June 16-21st. We give examples of full spectra from the quiet Sun near disk centre and provide a list of key spectral lines emitted in a range of temperatures between 10,000 K and over 1 million K, from neutral hydrogen and ions of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, neon, sulphur and magnesium. We show examples of first raster images in several strong lines, obtained with different slits and a range of exposure times between 5s and 180s. We describe the temperature coverage and density diagnostics, determination of plasma flows, and discuss possible applications to studies of the elemental abundances in the corona. We also show the first off-limb measurements with SPICE, as obtained when the spacecraft pointed at the limb. Title: Metis - Solar Orbiter Topical Team on "Modelling of CME propagation/evolution in corona and solar wind in connection with Space Weather" Authors: Bemporad, A.; Banerjee, D.; Berlicki, A.; Biondo, R.; Boe, B.; Calchetti, D.; Capuano, G.; De Leo, Y.; Del Moro, D.; Feng, L.; Foldes, R.; Frassati, F.; Frazin, R. A.; Giovannelli, L.; Giunta, A. S.; Heinzel, P.; Ippolito, A.; Janvier, M.; Jerse, G.; Kilpua, K. E. J.; Laurenza, M.; Lloveras, D.; Magdalenic, J.; Mancuso, S.; Messerotti, M.; Mierla, M.; Nandy, D.; Napoletano, G.; Nuevo, F.; Pagano, P.; Pinto, R.; Plainaki, C.; Reale, F.; Romoli, M.; Rodriguez, L.; Slemer, A.; Spadaro, D.; Susino, R.; Stangalini, M.; Vainio, R. O.; Valori, G.; Vásquez, A. M.; West, M. J. Bibcode: 2020AGUFMSH0360027B Altcode: Despite the current availability of multi-spacecraft observations of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) and their interplanetary counterpart (ICMEs), at present we still don't understand which physical phenomena are driving their expansion and propagation phases. This also limits our understanding on how CMEs (observed with remote sensing data) become ICMEs (observed in situ), how they interact with the background solar wind, and how their final geo-effectiveness can be modified during their interplanetary evolution. Such problems match some of the scientific objectives of the Solar Orbiter Science Activity Plan and of the Metis coronagraph. Thanks to its multi-channel capability, Metis (acquiring images in the visible light and at the same time in the UV HI Lyman-alpha emission) will really provide an unprecedented view of CMEs and in particular of their thermodynamic evolution. At closest approaches to the Sun (in the nominal mission), Metis will acquire high spatial resolution and/or temporal cadence multi-channel images of CMEs. Farther from the Sun, Metis will shed light on the early Interplanetary propagation of CMEs. Later on (in the extended mission) Metis will observe for the first time the CME/ICME propagation out-of-ecliptic. These novelties will be combined with the unique vantage point that will be offered by the Solar Orbiter spacecraft, and supported with valuable data acquired by other on-board remote sensing (e.g. SPICE, EUI, SoloHI) and in situ (e.g. EPD, MAG, SWA, RPW) instruments. In this contribution we present the ongoing activities of the Metis Topical Team on "CME/ICME propagation", (, an international working group recently established and gathering scientists from different countries, experts of both in-situ and remote sensing observations, as well as numerical simulations, and we summarize the main science objectives discussed during the last months. Title: Calibrating optical distortions in the Solar Orbiter SPICE spectrograph Authors: Thompson, W. T.; Schühle, U.; Young, P. R.; Auchere, F.; Carlsson, M.; Fludra, A.; Hassler, D.; Peter, H.; Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Buchlin, E.; Caldwell, M.; DeForest, C.; Fredvik, T.; Harra, L. K.; Janvier, M.; Kucera, T. A.; Giunta, A. S.; Grundy, T.; Müller, D.; Parenti, S.; Caminade, S.; Schmutz, W. K.; Teriaca, L.; Williams, D.; Sidher, S. Bibcode: 2020AGUFMSH0360029T Altcode: The Spectral Imaging of the Coronal Environment (SPICE) instrument on Solar Orbiter is a high-resolution imaging spectrometer operating at extreme ultraviolet (EUV) wavelengths from 70.4-79.0 nm and 97.3-104.9 nm. A single-mirror off-axis paraboloid focuses the solar image onto the entrance slit of the spectrometer section. A Toroidal Variable Line Space (TVLS) grating images the entrance slit onto a pair of MCP-intensified APS detectors. Ray-tracing analysis prior to launch showed that the instrument was subject to a number of small image distortions which need to be corrected in the final data product. We compare the ray tracing results with measurements made in flight. Co-alignment with other telescopes on Solar Orbiter will also be examined. Title: First results from the EUI and SPICE observations of Alpha Leo near Solar Orbiter first perihelion Authors: Buchlin, E.; Teriaca, L.; Giunta, A. S.; Grundy, T.; Andretta, V.; Auchere, F.; Peter, H.; Berghmans, D.; Carlsson, M.; Fludra, A.; Harra, L.; Hassler, D.; Long, D.; Rochus, P. L.; Schühle, U.; Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Caldwell, M.; Caminade, S.; DeForest, C.; Fredvik, T.; Gissot, S.; Heerlein, K.; Janvier, M.; Kraaikamp, E.; Kucera, T. A.; Müller, D.; Parenti, S.; Schmutz, W. K.; Sidher, S.; Smith, P.; Stegen, K.; Thompson, W. T.; Verbeeck, C.; Williams, D.; Young, P. R. Bibcode: 2020AGUFMSH0360024B Altcode: On June 16th 2020 Solar Orbiter made a dedicated observing campaign where the spacecraft pointed to the solar limb to allow some of the high resolution instruments to observe the ingress (at the east limb) and later the egress (west limb) of the occultation of the star Alpha Leonis by the solar disk. The star was chosen because its luminosity and early spectral type ensure high and stable flux at wavelengths between 100 and 122 nanometers, a range observed by the High Resolution EUI Lyman alpha telescope (HRI-LYA) and by the long wavelength channel of the SPICE spectrograph. Star observations, when feasible, allow to gather a great deal of information on the instrument performances, such as the radiometric performance and the instrument optical point spread function (PSF).

We report here the first results from the above campaign for the two instruments. Title: First results from combined EUI and SPICE observations of Lyman lines of Hydrogen and He II Authors: Teriaca, L.; Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Giunta, A. S.; Grundy, T.; Parenti, S.; Auchere, F.; Vial, J. C.; Fludra, A.; Berghmans, D.; Carlsson, M.; Harra, L.; Hassler, D.; Long, D.; Peter, H.; Rochus, P. L.; Schühle, U.; Buchlin, E.; Caldwell, M.; Caminade, S.; DeForest, C.; Fredvik, T.; Gissot, S.; Heerlein, K.; Janvier, M.; Kraaikamp, E.; Kucera, T. A.; Mueller, D.; Schmutz, W. K.; Sidher, S.; Smith, P.; Stegen, K.; Thompson, W. T.; Verbeeck, C.; Williams, D.; Young, P. R. Bibcode: 2020AGUFMSH0360003T Altcode: The Solar Orbiter spacecraft carries a powerful set of remote sensing instruments that allow studying the solar atmosphere with unprecedented diagnostic capabilities. Many such diagnostics require the simultaneous usage of more than one instrument. One example of that is the capability, for the first time, to obtain (near) simultaneous spatially resolved observations of the emission from the first three lines of the Lyman series of hydrogen and of He II Lyman alpha. In fact, the SPectral Imaging of the Coronal Environment (SPICE) spectrometer can observe the Lyman beta and gamma lines in its long wavelength (SPICE-LW) channel, the High Resolution Lyman Alpha (HRI-LYA) telescope of the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) acquires narrow band images in the Lyman alpha line while the Full Disk Imager (FSI) of EUI can take images dominated by the Lyman alpha line of ionized Helium at 30.4 nm (FSI-304). Being hydrogen and helium the main components of our star, these very bright transitions play an important role in the energy budget of the outer atmosphere via radiative losses and the measurement of their profiles and radiance ratios is a fundamental constraint to any comprehensive modelization effort of the upper solar chromosphere and transition region. Additionally, monitoring their average ratios can serve as a check out for the relative radiometric performance of the two instruments throughout the mission. Although the engineering data acquired so far are far from ideal in terms of time simultaneity (often only within about 1 h) and line coverage (often only Lyman beta was acquired by SPICE and not always near simultaneous images from all three telescopes are available) the analysis we present here still offers a great opportunity to have a first look at the potential of this diagnostic from the two instruments. In fact, we have identified a series of datasets obtained at disk center and at various positions at the solar limb that allow studying the Lyman alpha to beta radiance ratio and their relation to He II 30.4 as a function of the position on the Sun (disk center versus limb and quiet Sun versus coronal holes). Title: 20 Years of ACE Data: How Superposed Epoch Analyses Reveal Generic Features in Interplanetary CME Profiles Authors: Regnault, F.; Janvier, M.; Démoulin, P.; Auchère, F.; Strugarek, A.; Dasso, S.; Noûs, C. Bibcode: 2020JGRA..12528150R Altcode: 2020arXiv201105050R Interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) are magnetic structures propagating from the Sun's corona to the interplanetary medium. With over 20 years of observations at the L1 libration point, ACE offers hundreds of ICMEs detected at different times during several solar cycles and with different features such as the propagation speed. We investigate a revisited catalog of more than 400 ICMEs using the superposed epoch method on the mean, median, and the most probable values of the distribution of magnetic and plasma parameters. We also investigate the effects of the speed of ICMEs relative to the solar wind, the solar cycle, and the existence of a magnetic cloud on the generic ICME profile. We find that fast-propagating ICMEs (relatively to the solar wind in front) still show signs of compression at 1 au, as seen by the compressed sheath and the asymmetric profile of the magnetic field. While the solar cycle evolution does not impact the generic features of ICMEs, there are more extreme events during the active part of the cycle, widening the distributions of all parameters. Finally, we find that ICMEs with or without a detected magnetic cloud show similar profiles, which confirms the hypothesis that ICMEs with no detected magnetic clouds are crossed further away from the flux rope core. Such a study provides a generic understanding of processes that shape the overall features of ICMEs in the solar wind and can be extended with future missions at different locations in the solar system. Title: Models and data analysis tools for the Solar Orbiter mission Authors: Rouillard, A. P.; Pinto, R. F.; Vourlidas, A.; De Groof, A.; Thompson, W. T.; Bemporad, A.; Dolei, S.; Indurain, M.; Buchlin, E.; Sasso, C.; Spadaro, D.; Dalmasse, K.; Hirzberger, J.; Zouganelis, I.; Strugarek, A.; Brun, A. S.; Alexandre, M.; Berghmans, D.; Raouafi, N. E.; Wiegelmann, T.; Pagano, P.; Arge, C. N.; Nieves-Chinchilla, T.; Lavarra, M.; Poirier, N.; Amari, T.; Aran, A.; Andretta, V.; Antonucci, E.; Anastasiadis, A.; Auchère, F.; Bellot Rubio, L.; Nicula, B.; Bonnin, X.; Bouchemit, M.; Budnik, E.; Caminade, S.; Cecconi, B.; Carlyle, J.; Cernuda, I.; Davila, J. M.; Etesi, L.; Espinosa Lara, F.; Fedorov, A.; Fineschi, S.; Fludra, A.; Génot, V.; Georgoulis, M. K.; Gilbert, H. R.; Giunta, A.; Gomez-Herrero, R.; Guest, S.; Haberreiter, M.; Hassler, D.; Henney, C. J.; Howard, R. A.; Horbury, T. S.; Janvier, M.; Jones, S. I.; Kozarev, K.; Kraaikamp, E.; Kouloumvakos, A.; Krucker, S.; Lagg, A.; Linker, J.; Lavraud, B.; Louarn, P.; Maksimovic, M.; Maloney, S.; Mann, G.; Masson, A.; Müller, D.; Önel, H.; Osuna, P.; Orozco Suarez, D.; Owen, C. J.; Papaioannou, A.; Pérez-Suárez, D.; Rodriguez-Pacheco, J.; Parenti, S.; Pariat, E.; Peter, H.; Plunkett, S.; Pomoell, J.; Raines, J. M.; Riethmüller, T. L.; Rich, N.; Rodriguez, L.; Romoli, M.; Sanchez, L.; Solanki, S. K.; St Cyr, O. C.; Straus, T.; Susino, R.; Teriaca, L.; del Toro Iniesta, J. C.; Ventura, R.; Verbeeck, C.; Vilmer, N.; Warmuth, A.; Walsh, A. P.; Watson, C.; Williams, D.; Wu, Y.; Zhukov, A. N. Bibcode: 2020A&A...642A...2R Altcode: Context. The Solar Orbiter spacecraft will be equipped with a wide range of remote-sensing (RS) and in situ (IS) instruments to record novel and unprecedented measurements of the solar atmosphere and the inner heliosphere. To take full advantage of these new datasets, tools and techniques must be developed to ease multi-instrument and multi-spacecraft studies. In particular the currently inaccessible low solar corona below two solar radii can only be observed remotely. Furthermore techniques must be used to retrieve coronal plasma properties in time and in three dimensional (3D) space. Solar Orbiter will run complex observation campaigns that provide interesting opportunities to maximise the likelihood of linking IS data to their source region near the Sun. Several RS instruments can be directed to specific targets situated on the solar disk just days before data acquisition. To compare IS and RS, data we must improve our understanding of how heliospheric probes magnetically connect to the solar disk.
Aims: The aim of the present paper is to briefly review how the current modelling of the Sun and its atmosphere can support Solar Orbiter science. We describe the results of a community-led effort by European Space Agency's Modelling and Data Analysis Working Group (MADAWG) to develop different models, tools, and techniques deemed necessary to test different theories for the physical processes that may occur in the solar plasma. The focus here is on the large scales and little is described with regards to kinetic processes. To exploit future IS and RS data fully, many techniques have been adapted to model the evolving 3D solar magneto-plasma from the solar interior to the solar wind. A particular focus in the paper is placed on techniques that can estimate how Solar Orbiter will connect magnetically through the complex coronal magnetic fields to various photospheric and coronal features in support of spacecraft operations and future scientific studies.
Methods: Recent missions such as STEREO, provided great opportunities for RS, IS, and multi-spacecraft studies. We summarise the achievements and highlight the challenges faced during these investigations, many of which motivated the Solar Orbiter mission. We present the new tools and techniques developed by the MADAWG to support the science operations and the analysis of the data from the many instruments on Solar Orbiter.
Results: This article reviews current modelling and tool developments that ease the comparison of model results with RS and IS data made available by current and upcoming missions. It also describes the modelling strategy to support the science operations and subsequent exploitation of Solar Orbiter data in order to maximise the scientific output of the mission.
Conclusions: The on-going community effort presented in this paper has provided new models and tools necessary to support mission operations as well as the science exploitation of the Solar Orbiter data. The tools and techniques will no doubt evolve significantly as we refine our procedure and methodology during the first year of operations of this highly promising mission. Title: The Solar Orbiter Science Activity Plan. Translating solar and heliospheric physics questions into action Authors: Zouganelis, I.; De Groof, A.; Walsh, A. P.; Williams, D. R.; Müller, D.; St Cyr, O. C.; Auchère, F.; Berghmans, D.; Fludra, A.; Horbury, T. S.; Howard, R. A.; Krucker, S.; Maksimovic, M.; Owen, C. J.; Rodríguez-Pacheco, J.; Romoli, M.; Solanki, S. K.; Watson, C.; Sanchez, L.; Lefort, J.; Osuna, P.; Gilbert, H. R.; Nieves-Chinchilla, T.; Abbo, L.; Alexandrova, O.; Anastasiadis, A.; Andretta, V.; Antonucci, E.; Appourchaux, T.; Aran, A.; Arge, C. N.; Aulanier, G.; Baker, D.; Bale, S. D.; Battaglia, M.; Bellot Rubio, L.; Bemporad, A.; Berthomier, M.; Bocchialini, K.; Bonnin, X.; Brun, A. S.; Bruno, R.; Buchlin, E.; Büchner, J.; Bucik, R.; Carcaboso, F.; Carr, R.; Carrasco-Blázquez, I.; Cecconi, B.; Cernuda Cangas, I.; Chen, C. H. K.; Chitta, L. P.; Chust, T.; Dalmasse, K.; D'Amicis, R.; Da Deppo, V.; De Marco, R.; Dolei, S.; Dolla, L.; Dudok de Wit, T.; van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.; Eastwood, J. P.; Espinosa Lara, F.; Etesi, L.; Fedorov, A.; Félix-Redondo, F.; Fineschi, S.; Fleck, B.; Fontaine, D.; Fox, N. J.; Gandorfer, A.; Génot, V.; Georgoulis, M. K.; Gissot, S.; Giunta, A.; Gizon, L.; Gómez-Herrero, R.; Gontikakis, C.; Graham, G.; Green, L.; Grundy, T.; Haberreiter, M.; Harra, L. K.; Hassler, D. M.; Hirzberger, J.; Ho, G. C.; Hurford, G.; Innes, D.; Issautier, K.; James, A. W.; Janitzek, N.; Janvier, M.; Jeffrey, N.; Jenkins, J.; Khotyaintsev, Y.; Klein, K. -L.; Kontar, E. P.; Kontogiannis, I.; Krafft, C.; Krasnoselskikh, V.; Kretzschmar, M.; Labrosse, N.; Lagg, A.; Landini, F.; Lavraud, B.; Leon, I.; Lepri, S. T.; Lewis, G. R.; Liewer, P.; Linker, J.; Livi, S.; Long, D. M.; Louarn, P.; Malandraki, O.; Maloney, S.; Martinez-Pillet, V.; Martinovic, M.; Masson, A.; Matthews, S.; Matteini, L.; Meyer-Vernet, N.; Moraitis, K.; Morton, R. J.; Musset, S.; Nicolaou, G.; Nindos, A.; O'Brien, H.; Orozco Suarez, D.; Owens, M.; Pancrazzi, M.; Papaioannou, A.; Parenti, S.; Pariat, E.; Patsourakos, S.; Perrone, D.; Peter, H.; Pinto, R. F.; Plainaki, C.; Plettemeier, D.; Plunkett, S. P.; Raines, J. M.; Raouafi, N.; Reid, H.; Retino, A.; Rezeau, L.; Rochus, P.; Rodriguez, L.; Rodriguez-Garcia, L.; Roth, M.; Rouillard, A. P.; Sahraoui, F.; Sasso, C.; Schou, J.; Schühle, U.; Sorriso-Valvo, L.; Soucek, J.; Spadaro, D.; Stangalini, M.; Stansby, D.; Steller, M.; Strugarek, A.; Štverák, Š.; Susino, R.; Telloni, D.; Terasa, C.; Teriaca, L.; Toledo-Redondo, S.; del Toro Iniesta, J. C.; Tsiropoula, G.; Tsounis, A.; Tziotziou, K.; Valentini, F.; Vaivads, A.; Vecchio, A.; Velli, M.; Verbeeck, C.; Verdini, A.; Verscharen, D.; Vilmer, N.; Vourlidas, A.; Wicks, R.; Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F.; Wiegelmann, T.; Young, P. R.; Zhukov, A. N. Bibcode: 2020A&A...642A...3Z Altcode: 2020arXiv200910772Z Solar Orbiter is the first space mission observing the solar plasma both in situ and remotely, from a close distance, in and out of the ecliptic. The ultimate goal is to understand how the Sun produces and controls the heliosphere, filling the Solar System and driving the planetary environments. With six remote-sensing and four in-situ instrument suites, the coordination and planning of the operations are essential to address the following four top-level science questions: (1) What drives the solar wind and where does the coronal magnetic field originate?; (2) How do solar transients drive heliospheric variability?; (3) How do solar eruptions produce energetic particle radiation that fills the heliosphere?; (4) How does the solar dynamo work and drive connections between the Sun and the heliosphere? Maximising the mission's science return requires considering the characteristics of each orbit, including the relative position of the spacecraft to Earth (affecting downlink rates), trajectory events (such as gravitational assist manoeuvres), and the phase of the solar activity cycle. Furthermore, since each orbit's science telemetry will be downloaded over the course of the following orbit, science operations must be planned at mission level, rather than at the level of individual orbits. It is important to explore the way in which those science questions are translated into an actual plan of observations that fits into the mission, thus ensuring that no opportunities are missed. First, the overarching goals are broken down into specific, answerable questions along with the required observations and the so-called Science Activity Plan (SAP) is developed to achieve this. The SAP groups objectives that require similar observations into Solar Orbiter Observing Plans, resulting in a strategic, top-level view of the optimal opportunities for science observations during the mission lifetime. This allows for all four mission goals to be addressed. In this paper, we introduce Solar Orbiter's SAP through a series of examples and the strategy being followed. Title: The Solar Orbiter SPICE instrument. An extreme UV imaging spectrometer Authors: SPICE Consortium; Anderson, M.; Appourchaux, T.; Auchère, F.; Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Barbay, J.; Baudin, F.; Beardsley, S.; Bocchialini, K.; Borgo, B.; Bruzzi, D.; Buchlin, E.; Burton, G.; Büchel, V.; Caldwell, M.; Caminade, S.; Carlsson, M.; Curdt, W.; Davenne, J.; Davila, J.; Deforest, C. E.; Del Zanna, G.; Drummond, D.; Dubau, J.; Dumesnil, C.; Dunn, G.; Eccleston, P.; Fludra, A.; Fredvik, T.; Gabriel, A.; Giunta, A.; Gottwald, A.; Griffin, D.; Grundy, T.; Guest, S.; Gyo, M.; Haberreiter, M.; Hansteen, V.; Harrison, R.; Hassler, D. M.; Haugan, S. V. H.; Howe, C.; Janvier, M.; Klein, R.; Koller, S.; Kucera, T. A.; Kouliche, D.; Marsch, E.; Marshall, A.; Marshall, G.; Matthews, S. A.; McQuirk, C.; Meining, S.; Mercier, C.; Morris, N.; Morse, T.; Munro, G.; Parenti, S.; Pastor-Santos, C.; Peter, H.; Pfiffner, D.; Phelan, P.; Philippon, A.; Richards, A.; Rogers, K.; Sawyer, C.; Schlatter, P.; Schmutz, W.; Schühle, U.; Shaughnessy, B.; Sidher, S.; Solanki, S. K.; Speight, R.; Spescha, M.; Szwec, N.; Tamiatto, C.; Teriaca, L.; Thompson, W.; Tosh, I.; Tustain, S.; Vial, J. -C.; Walls, B.; Waltham, N.; Wimmer-Schweingruber, R.; Woodward, S.; Young, P.; de Groof, A.; Pacros, A.; Williams, D.; Müller, D. Bibcode: 2020A&A...642A..14S Altcode: 2019arXiv190901183A; 2019arXiv190901183S
Aims: The Spectral Imaging of the Coronal Environment (SPICE) instrument is a high-resolution imaging spectrometer operating at extreme ultraviolet wavelengths. In this paper, we present the concept, design, and pre-launch performance of this facility instrument on the ESA/NASA Solar Orbiter mission.
Methods: The goal of this paper is to give prospective users a better understanding of the possible types of observations, the data acquisition, and the sources that contribute to the instrument's signal.
Results: The paper discusses the science objectives, with a focus on the SPICE-specific aspects, before presenting the instrument's design, including optical, mechanical, thermal, and electronics aspects. This is followed by a characterisation and calibration of the instrument's performance. The paper concludes with descriptions of the operations concept and data processing.
Conclusions: The performance measurements of the various instrument parameters meet the requirements derived from the mission's science objectives. The SPICE instrument is ready to perform measurements that will provide vital contributions to the scientific success of the Solar Orbiter mission. Title: Magnetic field fluctuation properties of coronal mass ejection-driven sheath regions in the near-Earth solar wind Authors: Kilpua, Emilia K. J.; Fontaine, Dominique; Good, Simon W.; Ala-Lahti, Matti; Osmane, Adnane; Palmerio, Erika; Yordanova, Emiliya; Moissard, Clement; Hadid, Lina Z.; Janvier, Miho Bibcode: 2020AnGeo..38..999K Altcode: In this work, we investigate magnetic field fluctuations in three coronal mass ejection (CME)-driven sheath regions at 1 AU, with their speeds ranging from slow to fast. The data set we use consists primarily of high-resolution (0.092 s) magnetic field measurements from the Wind spacecraft. We analyse magnetic field fluctuation amplitudes, compressibility, and spectral properties of fluctuations. We also analyse intermittency using various approaches; we apply the partial variance of increments (PVIs) method, investigate probability distribution functions of fluctuations, including their skewness and kurtosis, and perform a structure function analysis. Our analysis is conducted separately for three different subregions within the sheath and one in the solar wind ahead of it, each 1 h in duration. We find that, for all cases, the transition from the solar wind ahead to the sheath generates new fluctuations, and the intermittency and compressibility increase, while the region closest to the ejecta leading edge resembled the solar wind ahead. The spectral indices exhibit large variability in different parts of the sheath but are typically steeper than Kolmogorov's in the inertial range. The structure function analysis produced generally the best fit with the extended p model, suggesting that turbulence is not fully developed in CME sheaths near Earth's orbit. Both Kraichnan-Iroshinikov and Kolmogorov's forms yielded high intermittency but different spectral slopes, thus questioning how well these models can describe turbulence in sheaths. At the smallest timescales investigated, the spectral indices indicate shallower than expected slopes in the dissipation range (between -2 and -2.5), suggesting that, in CME-driven sheaths at 1 AU, the energy cascade from larger to smaller scales could still be ongoing through the ion scale. Many turbulent properties of sheaths (e.g. spectral indices and compressibility) resemble those of the slow wind rather than the fast. They are also partly similar to properties reported in the terrestrial magnetosheath, in particular regarding their intermittency, compressibility, and absence of Kolmogorov's type turbulence. Our study also reveals that turbulent properties can vary considerably within the sheath. This was particularly the case for the fast sheath behind the strong and quasi-parallel shock, including a small, coherent structure embedded close to its midpoint. Our results support the view of the complex formation of the sheath and different physical mechanisms playing a role in generating fluctuations in them. Title: Contribution of the ageing effect to the observed asymmetry of interplanetary magnetic clouds Authors: Démoulin, P.; Dasso, S.; Lanabere, V.; Janvier, M. Bibcode: 2020A&A...639A...6D Altcode: 2020arXiv200505049D Context. Large magnetic structures are launched away from the Sun during solar eruptions. They are observed as (interplanetary) coronal mass ejections (ICMEs or CMEs) with coronal and heliospheric imagers. A fraction of them are observed in situ as magnetic clouds (MCs). Fitting these structures properly with a model requires a better understanding of their evolution.
Aims: In situ measurements are made locally when the spacecraft trajectory crosses the magnetic configuration. These observations are taken for different elements of plasma and at different times, and are therefore biased by the expansion of the magnetic configuration. This ageing effect means that stronger magnetic fields are measured at the front than at the rear of MCs. This asymmetry is often present in MC data. However, the question is whether the observed asymmetry can be explained quantitatively from the expansion alone.
Methods: Based on self-similar expansion, we derived a method for estimating the expansion rate from the observed plasma velocity. We next corrected the observed magnetic field and the spatial coordinate along the spacecraft trajectory for the ageing effect. This provided corrected data as in the case when the MC internal structure were observed at the same time.
Results: We apply the method to 90 best-observed MCs near Earth (1995-2012). The ageing effect is the main source of the observed magnetic asymmetry for only 28% of the MCs. After correcting for the ageing effect, the asymmetry is almost symmetrically distributed between MCs with a stronger magnetic field at the front and those at the rear of MCs.
Conclusions: The proposed method can efficiently remove the ageing bias within in situ data of MCs, and more generally, of ICMEs. This allows us to analyse the data with a spatial coordinate, such as in models or remote-sensing observations. Title: Using Forbush decreases at Earth and Mars to measure the radial evolution of ICMEs Authors: von Forstner, Johan; Guo, Jingnan; Wimmer-Schweingruber, Robert F.; Dumbović, Mateja; Janvier, Miho; Démoulin, Pascal; Veronig, Astrid; Temmer, Manuela; Papaioannou, Athanasios; Dasso, Sergio; Hassler, Donald M.; Zeitlin, Cary J. Bibcode: 2020EGUGA..22.7838V Altcode: Interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs), large clouds of plasma and magnetic field regularly expelled from the Sun, are one of the main drivers of space weather effects in the solar system. While the prediction of their arrival time at Earth and other locations in the heliosphere is still a complex task, it is also necessary to further understand the time evolution of their geometric and magnetic structure, which is even more challenging considering the limited number of available observation points.Forbush decreases (FDs), short-term drops in the flux of galactic cosmic rays (GCR), can be caused by the shielding from strong and/or turbulent magnetic structures in the solar wind, such as ICMEs and their associated shock/sheath regions. In the past, FD observations have often been used to determine the arrival times of ICMEs at different locations in the solar system, especially where sufficient solar wind plasma and magnetic field measurements are not (or not always) available. One of these locations is Mars, where the Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) onboard the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission's Curiosity rover has been continuously measuring GCRs and FDs on the surface for more than 7 years.In this work, we investigate whether FD data can be used to derive additional information about the ICME properties than just the arrival time by performing a statistical study based on catalogs of FDs observed at Earth or Mars. In particular, we find that the linear correlation between the FD amplitude and the maximum steepness, which was already seen at Earth by previous authors (Belov et al., 2008, Abunin et al., 2012), is likewise present at Mars, but with a different proprtionality factor.By consulting physics-based analytical models of FDs, we find that this quantity is not expected to be influenced by the different energy ranges of GCR particles observed by the instruments at Earth and Mars. Instead, we suggest that the difference in FD characteristics at the two planets is caused by the radial enlargement of the ICMEs, and particularly their sheath regions, as they propagate from Earth (1 AU) to Mars (~ 1.5 AU). This broadening factor derived from our analysis extends observations for the evolution closer to the Sun by Janvier et al. (2019, JGR Space Physics) to larger heliocentric distances and is consistent with these results. Title: BepiColombo and Solar Orbiter coordinated observations: scientific cases and measurements opportunities Authors: Hadid, Lina; Dosa, Melinda; Akos, Madar; Alberti, Tommaso; Benkhoff, Johannes; Bebesi, Zsofia; Griton, Lea; Ho, George C.; Iwai, Kazumasa; Janvier, Miho; Milillo, Anna; Miyoshi, Yoshizumi; Mueller, Daniel; Murukami, Go; Raines, Jim M.; Shiota, Daikou; Walsh, Andrew; Zender, Joe; Zouganelis, Yannis Bibcode: 2020EGUGA..2217957H Altcode: BepiColombo and Solar Orbiter are two spacecraft that will be both travelling in the inner heliosphere for 5 years, between the launch of Solar Orbiter (planned in February 2020) and the end of the cruise phase of BepiColombo (2018 - 2025). Both BepiColombo (ESA/JAXA) and Solar Orbiter (ESA/NASA) are carrying exceptional and complementary plasma instrumental payloads and magnetometers. Besides, the remote-sensing instruments on board of Solar Orbiter will provide invaluable information on the state of the Sun, and therefore some contextual information for BepiColombo observations. During the five years to come, BepiColombo will evolve between the Earth and the orbit of Mercury, while Solar Orbiter's highly elliptical orbit will cover distances from 1.02 AU to 0.28 AU. We present here the scientific cases, modelling tools, measurement opportunities and related instruments operations that have been identified in the frame of potential coordinated observations campaign between the spacecraft. Title: Electric Current Evolution at the Footpoints of Solar Eruptions Authors: Barczynski, Krzysztof; Aulanier, Guillaume; Janvier, Miho; Schmieder, Brigitte; Masson, Sophie Bibcode: 2020ApJ...895...18B Altcode: 2020arXiv200407990B Electric currents play a critical role in the triggering of solar flares and their evolution. The aim of the present paper is to test whether the surface electric current has a surface or subsurface fixed source as predicted by the circuit approach of flare physics, or is the response of the surface magnetic field to the evolution of the coronal magnetic field as the MHD approach proposes? Out of all 19 X-class flares observed by SDO from 2011 to 2016 near the disk center, we analyzed the only nine eruptive flares for which clear ribbon hooks were identifiable. Flare ribbons with hooks are considered to be the footprints of eruptive flux ropes in MHD flare models. For the first time, fine measurements of the time evolution of electric currents inside the hooks in the observations as well as in the OHM 3D MHD simulation are performed. Our analysis shows a decrease of the electric current in the area surrounded by the ribbon hooks during and after the eruption. We interpret the decrease of the electric currents as due to the expansion of the flux rope in the corona during the eruption. Our analysis brings a new contribution to the standard flare model in 3D. Title: Magnetic twist profile inside magnetic clouds derived with a superposed epoch analysis Authors: Lanabere, V.; Dasso, S.; Démoulin, P.; Janvier, M.; Rodriguez, L.; Masías-Meza, J. J. Bibcode: 2020A&A...635A..85L Altcode: 2020arXiv200210606L Context. Magnetic clouds (MCs) are large-scale interplanetary transient structures in the heliosphere that travel from the Sun into the interplanetary medium. The internal magnetic field lines inside the MCs are twisted, forming a flux rope (FR). This magnetic field structuring is determined by its initial solar configuration, by the processes involved during its eruption from the Sun, and by the dynamical evolution during its interaction with the ambient solar wind.
Aims: One of the most important properties of the magnetic structure inside MCs is the twist of the field lines forming the FR (the number of turns per unit length). The detailed internal distribution of twist is under debate mainly because the magnetic field (B) in MCs is observed only along the spacecraft trajectory, and thus it is necessary to complete observations with theoretical assumptions. Estimating the twist from the study of a single event is difficult because the field fluctuations significantly increase the noise of the observed B time series and thus the bias of the deduced twist.
Methods: The superposed epoch applied to MCs has proven to be a powerful technique, permitting the extraction of their common features, and removing the peculiarity of individual cases. We apply a superposed epoch technique to analyse the magnetic components in the local FR frame of a significant sample of moderately asymmetric MCs observed at 1 au.
Results: From the superposed profile of B components in the FR frame, we determine the typical twist distribution in MCs. The twist is nearly uniform in the FR core (central half part), and it increases moderately, up to a factor two, towards the MC boundaries. This profile is close to the Lundquist field model limited to the FR core where the axial field component is above about one-third of its central value. Title: Comparing the Properties of ICME-Induced Forbush Decreases at Earth and Mars Authors: Freiherr von Forstner, Johan L.; Guo, Jingnan; Wimmer-Schweingruber, Robert F.; Dumbović, Mateja; Janvier, Miho; Démoulin, Pascal; Veronig, Astrid; Temmer, Manuela; Papaioannou, Athanasios; Dasso, Sergio; Hassler, Donald M.; Zeitlin, Cary J. Bibcode: 2020JGRA..12527662F Altcode: 2020arXiv200303157V Forbush decreases (FDs), which are short-term drops in the flux of galactic cosmic rays, are caused by the shielding from strong and/or turbulent magnetic structures in the solar wind, especially interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) and their associated shocks, as well as corotating interaction regions. Such events can be observed at Earth, for example, using neutron monitors, and also at many other locations in the solar system, such as on the surface of Mars with the Radiation Assessment Detector instrument onboard Mars Science Laboratory. They are often used as a proxy for detecting the arrival of ICMEs or corotating interaction regions, especially when sufficient in situ solar wind measurements are not available. We compare the properties of FDs observed at Earth and Mars, focusing on events produced by ICMEs. We find that FDs at both locations show a correlation between their total amplitude and the maximum hourly decrease, but with different proportionality factors. We explain this difference using theoretical modeling approaches and suggest that it is related to the size increase of ICMEs, and in particular their sheath regions, en route from Earth to Mars. From the FD data, we can derive the sheath broadening factor to be between about 1.5 and 1.9, agreeing with our theoretical considerations. This factor is also in line with previous measurements of the sheath evolution closer to the Sun. Title: Comparing the Properties of ICME-Induced Forbush Decreases at Earth and Mars Authors: Freiherr von Forstner, J. L.; Guo, J.; Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F.; Dumbovic, M.; Janvier, M.; Demoulin, P.; Veronig, A.; Temmer, M.; Hassler, D.; Zeitlin, C. Bibcode: 2019AGUFMSH41D3339F Altcode: Forbush decreases (FDs), short-term drops in the flux of galactic cosmic rays (GCR), can be caused by the shielding from strong and/or turbulent magnetic structures in the solar wind, i.e. interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) and their associated shocks as well as corotating interaction regions (CIRs). FDs are often used as a proxy for detecting the arrival of ICMEs or CIRs at locations where sufficient in situ solar wind measurements are not or not always available, such as at Mars. The Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) onboard the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission's Curiosity rover has been continuously measuring the GCR environment on the surface of Mars for more than 7 years since its landing in August 2012 and is thus an excellent source for measurements of FDs at Mars (see e.g. Guo et al. 2018, A&A).

Based on the large catalog of FDs at Mars compiled by Papaioannou et al. (2019, Solar Physics) as well as results from our previous work (Freiherr von Forstner et al., 2019, Space Weather), we study the parameters of FDs at Mars and their relations, focusing on events produced by ICMEs. We then compare these data with catalogs of terrestrial FDs, investigating whether and to what extent the differences of certain FD characteristics between the two planets, at two different heliospheric distances, are related to the evolution of ICMEs between Earth and Mars.

Our results show that there is a linear correlation between the FD amplitude (drop percentage) and the maximum hourly GCR decrease during the FD, which was already found at Earth by previous authors (Belov et al., 2008, Abunin et al., 2012). However, this correlation has a different proprtionality factor at Mars than at Earth, especially for ICME-induced events. As we do not find a clear dependence of this relationship on the observed GCR energy range, we suggest that this difference is probably caused by the expansion of the ICME sheath region as it propagates outward from 1 AU to ∼1.5 AU. The expansion factor derived from our analysis is in line with expansion factors of ICME sheaths within the inner heliosphere observed by <a href=">Janvier et al. (2019, JGR Space Physics). Title: Re-analysis of Lepping's Fitting Method for Magnetic Clouds: Lundquist Fit Reloaded Authors: Démoulin, Pascal; Dasso, Sergio; Janvier, Miho; Lanabere, Vanina Bibcode: 2019SoPh..294..172D Altcode: 2019arXiv191209829D Magnetic clouds (MCs) are a subset of ejecta, launched from the Sun as coronal mass ejections. The coherent rotation of the magnetic field vector observed in MCs leads to envision MCs as formed by flux ropes (FRs). Among all the methods used to analyze MCs, Lepping's method (Lepping, Burlaga, and Jones in J. Geophys. Res.95, 11957, 1990) is the broadest used. While this fitting method does not require the axial field component to vanish at the MC boundaries, this idea is largely spread in publications. We revisit Lepping's method to emphasize its hypothesis and the meaning of its output parameters. As originally defined, these parameters imply a fitted FR which could be smaller or larger than the studied MC. We rather provide a re-interpretation of Lepping's results with a fitted model limited to the observed MC interval. We find that typically the crossed FRs are asymmetric with a larger side both in size and magnetic flux before or after the FR axis. At the boundary of the largest side we find an axial magnetic field component distributed around zero which we justify by the physics of solar eruptions. In contrast, at the boundary of the smaller side the axial field distribution is shifted to positive values, as expected with erosion acting during the interplanetary travel. This new analysis of Lepping's results has several implications. First, global quantities, such as magnetic fluxes and helicity, need to be revised depending on the aim (estimating global properties of FRs just after the solar launch or at 1 au). Second, the deduced twist profiles in MCs range quasi-continuously from nearly uniform, to increasing away from the FR axis, up to a reversal near the MC boundaries. There is no trace of outsider cases, but a continuum of cases. Finally, the impact parameter of the remaining FR crossed at 1 au is revised. Its distribution is compatible with weakly flattened FR cross-sections. Title: Using U-Nets to Create High-Fidelity Virtual Observations of the Solar Corona Authors: Salvatelli, Valentina; Bose, Souvik; Neuberg, Brad; dos Santos, Luiz F. G.; Cheung, Mark; Janvier, Miho; Gunes Baydin, Atilim; Gal, Yarin; Jin, Meng Bibcode: 2019arXiv191104006S Altcode: Understanding and monitoring the complex and dynamic processes of the Sun is important for a number of human activities on Earth and in space. For this reason, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) has been continuously monitoring the multi-layered Sun's atmosphere in high-resolution since its launch in 2010, generating terabytes of observational data every day. The synergy between machine learning and this enormous amount of data has the potential, still largely unexploited, to advance our understanding of the Sun and extend the capabilities of heliophysics missions. In the present work, we show that deep learning applied to SDO data can be successfully used to create a high-fidelity virtual telescope that generates synthetic observations of the solar corona by image translation. Towards this end we developed a deep neural network, structured as an encoder-decoder with skip connections (U-Net), that reconstructs the Sun's image of one instrument channel given temporally aligned images in three other channels. The approach we present has the potential to reduce the telemetry needs of SDO, enhance the capabilities of missions that have less observing channels, and transform the concept development of future missions. Title: Auto-Calibration of Remote Sensing Solar Telescopes with Deep Learning Authors: Neuberg, Brad; Bose, Souvik; Salvatelli, Valentina; dos Santos, Luiz F. G.; Cheung, Mark; Janvier, Miho; Gunes Baydin, Atilim; Gal, Yarin; Jin, Meng Bibcode: 2019arXiv191104008N Altcode: As a part of NASA's Heliophysics System Observatory (HSO) fleet of satellites,the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) has continuously monitored the Sun since2010. Ultraviolet (UV) and Extreme UV (EUV) instruments in orbit, such asSDO's Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) instrument, suffer time-dependent degradation which reduces instrument sensitivity. Accurate calibration for (E)UV instruments currently depends on periodic sounding rockets, which are infrequent and not practical for heliophysics missions in deep space. In the present work, we develop a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) that auto-calibrates SDO/AIA channels and corrects sensitivity degradation by exploiting spatial patterns in multi-wavelength observations to arrive at a self-calibration of (E)UV imaging instruments. Our results remove a major impediment to developing future HSOmissions of the same scientific caliber as SDO but in deep space, able to observe the Sun from more vantage points than just SDO's current geosynchronous orbit.This approach can be adopted to perform autocalibration of other imaging systems exhibiting similar forms of degradation Title: The in situ Solar Wind and Galactic Cosmic Ray correlation at Mars and its comparison with Earth observations Authors: Guo, Jingnan; Temmer, Manuela; Veronig, Astrid; Janvier, Miho; Hofmeister, Stefan; Wimmer-Schweingruber, Robert; Halekas, Jasper Bibcode: 2019EGUGA..21.9366G Altcode: The Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) spacecraft have been observing the in situ solar wind properties since its arrival to Mars at the end of 2014. Together with the Galactic Cosmic Ray (GCR) observation continuously monitored by the Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) on the Martian ground, we are able to analyze the correlation of the solar wind evolution and the modulated GCR variations at Mars. The transient variations (mostly observed as short-term decreases) in these in situ observations are usually related to either the impact of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) erupted from Solar active regions or the pass-by of High Speed Streams (HSS) in the solar wind arising from Coronal Holes (CHs) on the Sun. During the opposition phase in 2016 when Earth and Mars were radially aligned on the same side of the Sun, we observe the stable evolution of a few CHs on the solar surface over several solar rotations and analyze the re-current in situ solar wind and GCR signatures at both Earth and Mars. Title: Solar data, dataproducts, and tools at MEDOC Authors: Buchlin, Eric; Caminade, Stéphane; Dufourg, Nicolas; Auchère, Frédéric; Baudin, Frédéric; Bocchialini, Karine; Boumier, Patrick; Janvier, Miho; Parenti, Susanna; Alingery, Pablo; Ballans, Hervé; Chane-Yook, Martine; Dexet, Marc; Mercier, Claude; Poulleau, Gilles Bibcode: 2019EGUGA..2117362B Altcode: MEDOC (Multi-Experiment Data and Operation Centre), initially created as a European data and operation centre for the SOHO mission, has grown with data from other solar physics space missions, from STEREO to SDO. Derived data products such as DEM maps from SDO/AIA, synoptic EUV intensity maps from SOHO/EIT, and catalogues of solar structures are also automatically produced and redistributed. Both the data and the derived data products are publicly available from web interfaces and from programmatic interfaces (with clients for IDL and Python), allowing classical data analysis as well as automatic queries, data download, and processing to be made on large datasets. Title: Generalization of the Magnetic Field Configuration of Typical and Atypical Confined Flares Authors: Joshi, Navin Chandra; Zhu, Xiaoshuai; Schmieder, Brigitte; Aulanier, Guillaume; Janvier, Miho; Joshi, Bhuwan; Magara, Tetsuya; Chandra, Ramesh; Inoue, Satoshi Bibcode: 2019ApJ...871..165J Altcode: 2018arXiv181101228J Atypical flares cannot be naturally explained with standard models. To predict such flares, we need to define their physical characteristics, in particular, their magnetic environment, and identify pairs of reconnected loops. Here, we present in detail a case study of a confined flare preceded by flux cancellation that leads to the formation of a filament. The slow rise of the noneruptive filament favors the growth and reconnection of overlying loops. The flare is only of C5.0 class but it is a long duration event. The reason is that it is comprised of three successive stages of reconnection. A nonlinear force-free field extrapolation and a magnetic topology analysis allow us to identify the loops involved in the reconnection process and build a reliable scenario for this atypical confined flare. The main result is that a curved magnetic polarity inversion line in active regions is a key ingredient for producing such atypical flares. A comparison with previous extrapolations for typical and atypical confined flares leads us to propose a cartoon for generalizing the concept. Title: Generic Magnetic Field Intensity Profiles of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections at Mercury, Venus, and Earth From Superposed Epoch Analyses Authors: Janvier, Miho; Winslow, Reka M.; Good, Simon; Bonhomme, Elise; Démoulin, Pascal; Dasso, Sergio; Möstl, Christian; Lugaz, Noé; Amerstorfer, Tanja; Soubrié, Elie; Boakes, Peter D. Bibcode: 2019JGRA..124..812J Altcode: 2019arXiv190109921J We study interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) measured by probes at different heliocentric distances (0.3-1 AU) to investigate the propagation of ICMEs in the inner heliosphere and determine how the generic features of ICMEs change with heliospheric distance. Using data from the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER), Venus Express and ACE spacecraft, we analyze with the superposed epoch technique the profiles of ICME substructures, namely, the sheath and the magnetic ejecta. We determine that the median magnetic field magnitude in the sheath correlates well with ICME speeds at 1 AU, and we use this proxy to order the ICMEs at all spacecraft. We then investigate the typical ICME profiles for three categories equivalent to slow, intermediate, and fast ICMEs. Contrary to fast ICMEs, slow ICMEs have a weaker solar wind field at the front and a more symmetric magnetic field profile. We find the asymmetry to be less pronounced at Earth than at Mercury, indicating a relaxation taking place as ICMEs propagate. We also find that the magnetic field intensities in the wake region of the ICMEs do not go back to the pre-ICME solar wind intensities, suggesting that the effects of ICMEs on the ambient solar wind last longer than the duration of the transient event. Such results provide an indication of physical processes that need to be reproduced by numerical simulations of ICME propagation. The samples studied here will be greatly improved by future missions dedicated to the exploration of the inner heliosphere, such as Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter. Title: Exploring the biases of a new method based on minimum variance for interplanetary magnetic clouds Authors: Démoulin, P.; Dasso, S.; Janvier, M. Bibcode: 2018A&A...619A.139D Altcode: 2018arXiv180900522D Context. Magnetic clouds (MCs) are twisted magnetic structures ejected from the Sun and probed by in situ instruments. They are typically modeled as flux ropes (FRs).
Aims: Magnetic field measurements are only available along the 1D spacecraft trajectory. The determination of the FR global characteristics requires the estimation of the FR axis orientation. Among the developed methods, the minimum variance (MV) is the most flexible, and features only a few assumptions. However, as other methods, MV has biases. We aim to investigate the limits of the method and extend it to a less biased method.
Methods: We first identified the origin of the biases by testing the MV method on cylindrical and elliptical models with a temporal expansion comparable to the one observed in MCs. Then, we developed an improved MV method to reduce these biases.
Results: In contrast with many previous publications we find that the ratio of the MV eigenvalues is not a reliable indicator of the precision of the derived FR axis direction. Next, we emphasize the importance of the FR boundaries selected since they strongly affect the deduced axis orientation. We have improved the MV method by imposing that the same amount of azimuthal flux should be present before and after the time of closest approach to the FR axis. We emphasize the importance of finding simultaneously the FR axis direction and the location of the boundaries corresponding to a balanced magnetic flux, so as to minimize the bias on the deduced FR axis orientation. This method can also define an inner flux-balanced sub-FR. We show that the MV results are much less biased when a compromize in size of this sub-FR is achieved.
Conclusions: For weakly asymmetric field temporal profiles, the improved MV provides a very good determination of the FR axis orientation. The main remaining bias is moderate (lower than 6°) and is present mostly on the angle between the flux rope axis and the plane perpendicular to the Sun-Earth direction. Title: On the Spatial Coherence of Magnetic Ejecta: Measurements of Coronal Mass Ejections by Multiple Spacecraft Longitudinally Separated by 0.01 au Authors: Lugaz, Noé; Farrugia, Charles J.; Winslow, Reka M.; Al-Haddad, Nada; Galvin, Antoinette B.; Nieves-Chinchilla, Teresa; Lee, Christina O.; Janvier, Miho Bibcode: 2018ApJ...864L...7L Altcode: 2018arXiv181200911L Measurements of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) by multiple spacecraft at small radial separations but larger longitudinal separations is one of the ways to learn about the three-dimensional structure of CMEs. Here, we take advantage of the orbit of the Wind spacecraft that ventured to distances of up to 0.012 au from the Sun-Earth line during 2000-2002. Combined with measurements from the Advanced Composition Experiment, which is in a tight halo orbit around L1, the multipoint measurements allow us to investigate how the magnetic field inside magnetic ejecta (MEs) changes on scales of 0.005-0.012 au. We identify 21 CMEs measured by these two spacecraft for longitudinal separations of 0.007 au or more. We find that the time-shifted correlation between 30 minute averages of the non-radial magnetic field components measured at the two spacecraft is systematically above 0.97 when the separation is 0.008 au or less, but is on average 0.89 for greater separations. Overall, these newly analyzed measurements, combined with 14 additional ones when the spacecraft separation is smaller, point toward a scale length of longitudinal magnetic coherence inside MEs of 0.25-0.35 au for the magnitude of the magnetic field, but 0.06-0.12 au for the magnetic field components. This finding raises questions about the very nature of MEs. It also highlights the need for additional “mesoscale” multipoint measurements of CMEs with longitudinal separations of 0.01-0.2 au. Title: Manifestation of Coronal Mass Ejections near Earth: A review Authors: Dasso, Sergio; Rodriguez, . Luciano, , dr.; Demoulin, Pascal; Masias-Meza, Jimmy J.; Janvier, Miho; Lanabere, Vanina Bibcode: 2018cosp...42E.768D Altcode: Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are launched from the Sun, as a result of magnetic instabilities, carrying away a huge amount of magnetic flux and helicity. Interplanetary CMEs (ICMEs) are their manifestations observed further away in the heliosphere. ICMEs contain different plasma and magnetic field properties, compared with those of the ambient solar wind. From the large number of observed ICMEs in the past years, we significantly increased our knowledge on several of their properties such as: their global 3D shape, the identification of the composing sub-structures, the amount of magnetohydrodynamical quantities transported, as well as how the plasma and magnetic field are typically distributed inside them.In the present talk we will present a general review of these aspects of ICMEs. In particular we will focus on the total amount of magnetic flux and helicity ejected by CMEs from the Sun along a solar cycle, and on plasma and magnetic properties of their shock/sheath/flux-rope/wake. These results can help to understand their interaction with the ambient solar wind and with planetary magnetic environments. They are particularly crucial for a better understanding of the Sun-Earth coupling. Title: Signature of flux ropes before and after eruptions: electric currents in active regions Authors: Schmieder, Brigitte; Aulanier, Guillaume; Dalmasse, Kévin; Janvier, Miho; Gilchrist, Stuart; Zhao, Jie; Dudik, Jaroslav Bibcode: 2018cosp...42E3026S Altcode: Solar observations, nonlinear force-free field extrapolations relying on these observations, and three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) models indicate the presence of electric currents in the pre-eruption state and in the course of eruptions of solar magnetic structures which are interpreted as flux ropes (sigmoids, filaments, cavities).The MHD models are able to explain the net currents in active regions by the existence of strong magnetic shear along the polarity inversion lines, thus confirming previous observations. The models have also captured the essence of the behavior of electric currents in active regions during solar eruptions, predicting current-density increases and decreases inside flare ribbons and in the interior of expanding flux ropes, respectively.The observed photospheric current-density maps, inferred from vector magnetic field observations, exhibit whirling ribbon patterns similar to the MHD model results, which are interpreted as the signatures of flux ropes and of quasi-separatrix layers (QSLs) between the magnetic systems in active regions. We will show how observations can confirm enhancement of the total current in these QSLs during the eruptions, and how these observations can be used to investigate whether current density decrease can be seen at the footpoints of erupting flux ropes Title: Constructing a Generic Icme from the Sun to Earth from Statistical Studies of in Situ Data Authors: Janvier, Miho; Dasso, Sergio; Demoulin, Pascal Bibcode: 2018cosp...42E1600J Altcode: Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections (ICMEs) are detected in situ by instruments measuring the magnetic field and plasma properties of the ambient solar wind. In particular, a subset of ICMEs, referred to as Magnetic Clouds (MCs), is well defined by the presence of a rotating magnetic field, indicative of a twisted magnetic structure. Shocks, on the other hand, are also well defined in the interplanetary medium as sharp discontinuities in the plasma and magnetic properties. Both structures then allow defining the presence of a sheath region between the shock and the MC. Over the past years, we have proposed and refined new statistical methods aiming at analyzing ICME properties, so as to assess the existence of a generic shape and a generic internal profile of ICMEs at different distances from the Sun. These methods rely on the computation from the data of the distribution of the shock normal and the flux-rope axis directions. From these analysis, we were able to constrain an analytical shape that describes best these observed distributions. Another method is a superposed epoch analysis so as to obtain typical profiles of ICME substructures at different distances from the Sun. Next, we compare such generic features of ICMEs to numerical simulations and heliospheric images of CMEs. We will discuss the commonalities, then the discrepancies that need to be further understood between the models and the constraints given by the in situ data. This is important in completing the scenario of the evolution of solar eruptive flares, from their start in the Sun's atmosphere to their evolution in the solar wind. Title: French SKA White Book - The French Community towards the Square Kilometre Array Authors: Acero, F.; Acquaviva, J. -T.; Adam, R.; Aghanim, N.; Allen, M.; Alves, M.; Ammanouil, R.; Ansari, R.; Araudo, A.; Armengaud, E.; Ascaso, B.; Athanassoula, E.; Aubert, D.; Babak, S.; Bacmann, A.; Banday, A.; Barriere, K.; Bellossi, F.; Bernard, J. -P.; Bernardini, M. G.; Béthermin, M.; Blanc, E.; Blanchet, L.; Bobin, J.; Boissier, S.; Boisson, C.; Boselli, A.; Bosma, A.; Bosse, S.; Bottinelli, S.; Boulanger, F.; Boyer, R.; Bracco, A.; Briand, C.; Bucher, M.; Buat, V.; Cambresy, L.; Caillat, M.; Casandjian, J. -M.; Caux, E.; Célestin, S.; Cerruti, M.; Charlot, P.; Chassande-Mottin, E.; Chaty, S.; Christensen, N.; Ciesla, L.; Clerc, N.; Cohen-Tanugi, J.; Cognard, I.; Combes, F.; Comis, B.; Corbel, S.; Cordier, B.; Coriat, M.; Courtin, R.; Courtois, H.; Da Silva, B.; Daddi, E.; Dallier, R.; Dartois, E.; Demyk, K.; Denis, J. -M.; Denis, L.; Djannati-Ataï, A.; Donati, J. -F.; Douspis, M.; van Driel, W.; El Korso, M. N.; Falgarone, E.; Fantina, A.; Farges, T.; Ferrari, A.; Ferrari, C.; Ferrière, K.; Flamary, R.; Gac, N.; Gauffre, S.; Genova, F.; Girard, J.; Grenier, I.; Griessmeier, J. -M.; Guillard, P.; Guillemot, L.; Gulminelli, F.; Gusdorf, A.; Habart, E.; Hammer, F.; Hennebelle, P.; Herpin, F.; Hervet, O.; Hughes, A.; Ilbert, O.; Janvier, M.; Josselin, E.; Julier, A.; Lachaud, C.; Lagache, G.; Lallement, R.; Lambert, S.; Lamy, L.; Langer, M.; Larzabal, P.; Lavaux, G.; Le Bertre, T.; Le Fèvre, O.; Le Tiec, A.; Lefloch, B.; Lehnert, M.; Lemoine-Goumard, M.; Levrier, F.; Limousin, M.; Lis, D.; López-Sepulcre, A.; Macias-Perez, J.; Magneville, C.; Marcowith, A.; Margueron, J.; Marquette, G.; Marshall, D.; Martin, L.; Mary, D.; Masson, S.; Maurogordato, S.; Mazauric, C.; Mellier, Y.; Miville-Deschênes, M. -A.; Montier, L.; Mottez, F.; Mourard, D.; Nesvadba, N.; Nezan, J. -F.; Noterdaeme, P.; Novak, J.; Ocvirk, P.; Oertel, M.; Olive, X.; Ollier, V.; Palanque-Delabrouille, N.; Pandey-Pommier, M.; Pennec, Y.; Pérault, M.; Peroux, C.; Petit, P.; Pétri, J.; Petiteau, A.; Pety, J.; Pratt, G. W.; Puech, M.; Quertier, B.; Raffin, E.; Rakotozafy Harison, S.; Rawson, S.; Renaud, M.; Revenu, B.; Richard, C.; Richard, J.; Rincon, F.; Ristorcelli, I.; Rodriguez, J.; Schultheis, M.; Schimd, C.; Semelin, B.; Sol, H.; Starck, J. -L.; Tagger, M.; Tasse, C.; Theureau, G.; Torchinsky, S.; Vastel, C.; Vergani, S. D.; Verstraete, L.; Vigouroux, X.; Vilmer, N.; Vilotte, J. -P.; Webb, N.; Ysard, N.; Zarka, P. Bibcode: 2017arXiv171206950A Altcode: The "Square Kilometre Array" (SKA) is a large international radio telescope project characterised, as suggested by its name, by a total collecting area of approximately one square kilometre, and consisting of several interferometric arrays to observe at metric and centimetric wavelengths. The deployment of the SKA will take place in two sites, in South Africa and Australia, and in two successive phases. From its Phase 1, the SKA will be one of the most formidable scientific machines ever deployed by mankind, and by far the most impressive in terms of data throughput and required computing power. With the participation of almost 200 authors from forty research institutes and six private companies, the publication of this French SKA white paper illustrates the strong involvement in the SKA project of the French astronomical community and of a rapidly growing number of major scientific and technological players in the fields of Big Data, high performance computing, energy production and storage, as well as system integration. Title: Analysis and modelling of recurrent solar flares observed with Hinode/EIS on March 9, 2012 Authors: Polito, V.; Del Zanna, G.; Valori, G.; Pariat, E.; Mason, H. E.; Dudík, J.; Janvier, M. Bibcode: 2017A&A...601A..39P Altcode: 2016arXiv161203504P Three homologous C-class flares and one last M-class flare were observed by both the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) and the Hinode EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) in the AR 11429 on March 9, 2012. All the recurrent flares occurred within a short interval of time (less than 4 h), showed very similar plasma morphology and were all confined, until the last one when a large-scale eruption occurred. The C-class flares are characterized by the appearance, at approximatively the same locations, of two bright and compact footpoint sources of ≈3-10 MK evaporating plasma, and a semi-circular ribbon. During all the flares, the continuous brightening of a spine-like hot plasma (≈10 MK) structure is also observed. Spectroscopic observations with Hinode/EIS are used to measure and compare the blueshift velocities in the Fe xxiii emission line and the electron number density at the flare footpoints for each flare. Similar velocities, of the order of 150-200 km s-1, are observed during the C2.0 and C4.7 confined flares, in agreement with the values reported by other authors in the study of the last M1.8 class flare. On the other hand, lower electron number densities and temperatures tend to be observed in flares with lower peak soft X-ray flux. In order to investigate the homologous nature of the flares, we performed a non-linear force-free field (NLFFF) extrapolation of the 3D magnetic field configuration in the corona. The NLFFF extrapolation and the Quasi-Separatrix Layers (QSLs) provide the magnetic field context which explains the location of the kernels, spine-like hot plasma and semi-circular brightenings observed in the (non-eruptive) flares. Given the absence of a coronal null point, we argue that the homologous flares were all generated by the continuous recurrence of bald patch reconnection.

The movie associated to Fig. 2 is available at Title: Apparent and Intrinsic Evolution of Active Region Upflows Authors: Baker, Deborah; Janvier, Miho; Démoulin, Pascal; Mandrini, Cristina H. Bibcode: 2017SoPh..292...46B Altcode: 2017arXiv170206022B We analyze the evolution of Fe XII coronal plasma upflows from the edges of ten active regions (ARs) as they cross the solar disk using the Hinode Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) to do this. Confirming the results of Démoulin et al. (Sol. Phys.283, 341, 2013), we find that for each AR there is an observed long-term evolution of the upflows. This evolution is largely due to the solar rotation that progressively changes the viewpoint of dominantly stationary upflows. From this projection effect, we estimate the unprojected upflow velocity and its inclination to the local vertical. AR upflows typically fan away from the AR core by 40° to nearly vertical for the following polarity. The span of inclination angles is more spread out for the leading polarity, with flows angled from −29° (inclined toward the AR center) to 28° (directed away from the AR). In addition to the limb-to-limb apparent evolution, we identify an intrinsic evolution of the upflows that is due to coronal activity, which is AR dependent. Furthermore, line widths are correlated with Doppler velocities only for the few ARs with the highest velocities. We conclude that for the line widths to be affected by the solar rotation, the spatial gradient of the upflow velocities must be large enough such that the line broadening exceeds the thermal line width of Fe XII. Finally, we find that upflows occurring in pairs or multiple pairs are a common feature of ARs observed by Hinode/EIS, with up to four pairs present in AR 11575. This is important for constraining the upflow-driving mechanism as it implies that the mechanism is not local and does not occur over a single polarity. AR upflows originating from reconnection along quasi-separatrix layers between overpressure AR loops and neighboring underpressure loops is consistent with upflows occurring in pairs, unlike other proposed mechanisms that act locally in one polarity. Title: Observable Signatures of Energy Release in Braided Coronal Loops Authors: Pontin, D. I.; Janvier, M.; Tiwari, S. K.; Galsgaard, K.; Winebarger, A. R.; Cirtain, J. W. Bibcode: 2017ApJ...837..108P Altcode: We examine the turbulent relaxation of solar coronal loops containing non-trivial field line braiding. Such field line tangling in the corona has long been postulated in the context of coronal heating models. We focus on the observational signatures of energy release in such braided magnetic structures using MHD simulations and forward modeling tools. The aim is to answer the following question: if energy release occurs in a coronal loop containing braided magnetic flux, should we expect a clearly observable signature in emissions? We demonstrate that the presence of braided magnetic field lines does not guarantee a braided appearance to the observed intensities. Observed intensities may—but need not necessarily—reveal the underlying braided nature of the magnetic field, depending on the degree and pattern of the field line tangling within the loop. However, in all cases considered, the evolution of the braided loop is accompanied by localized heating regions as the loop relaxes. Factors that may influence the observational signatures are discussed. Recent high-resolution observations from Hi-C have claimed the first direct evidence of braided magnetic fields in the corona. Here we show that both the Hi-C data and some of our simulations give the appearance of braiding at a range of scales. Title: Three-dimensional magnetic reconnection and its application to solar flares Authors: Janvier, Miho Bibcode: 2017JPlPh..83a5301J Altcode: 2016arXiv161206513J Solar flares are powerful radiations occurring in the Sun's atmosphere. They are powered by magnetic reconnection, a phenomenon that can convert magnetic energy into other forms of energy such as heat and kinetic energy, and which is believed to be ubiquitous in the universe. With the ever increasing spatial and temporal resolutions of solar observations, as well as numerical simulations benefiting from increasing computer power, we can now probe into the nature and the characteristics of magnetic reconnection in three dimensions to better understand the phenomenon's consequences during eruptive flares in our star's atmosphere. We review in the following the efforts made on different fronts to approach the problem of magnetic reconnection. In particular, we will see how understanding the magnetic topology in three dimensions helps in locating the most probable regions for reconnection to occur, how the current layer evolves in three dimensions and how reconnection leads to the formation of flux ropes, plasmoids and flaring loops. Title: Evolution of the magnetic field distribution of active regions Authors: Dacie, S.; Démoulin, P.; van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.; Long, D. M.; Baker, D.; Janvier, M.; Yardley, S. L.; Pérez-Suárez, D. Bibcode: 2016A&A...596A..69D Altcode: 2016arXiv160903723D
Aims: Although the temporal evolution of active regions (ARs) is relatively well understood, the processes involved continue to be the subject of investigation. We study how the magnetic field of a series of ARs evolves with time to better characterise how ARs emerge and disperse.
Methods: We examined the temporal variation in the magnetic field distribution of 37 emerging ARs. A kernel density estimation plot of the field distribution was created on a log-log scale for each AR at each time step. We found that the central portion of the distribution is typically linear, and its slope was used to characterise the evolution of the magnetic field.
Results: The slopes were seen to evolve with time, becoming less steep as the fragmented emerging flux coalesces. The slopes reached a maximum value of -1.5 just before the time of maximum flux before becoming steeper during the decay phase towards the quiet-Sun value of -3. This behaviour differs significantly from a classical diffusion model, which produces a slope of -1. These results suggest that simple classical diffusion is not responsible for the observed changes in field distribution, but that other processes play a significant role in flux dispersion.
Conclusions: We propose that the steep negative slope seen during the late-decay phase is due to magnetic flux reprocessing by (super)granular convective cells. Title: Tracing the Evolution of ICMEs from Sun to Earth Authors: Janvier, M.; Demoulin, P.; Dasso, S.; Masias, J. Bibcode: 2016AGUFMSH53A..03J Altcode: Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are the result of magnetic instabilities in the Sun's atmosphere, which are consequently launched into the heliosphere. As their interplanetary counterparts (ICMEs) propagate in the interplanetary medium, they can interact with the magnetized environment of planets and other objects in the solar system. They are believed to be the main drivers of space weather. Over the past decades, the multiplication of space missions has led to a gold mine in ICME data, allowing us to deepen our knowledge on their properties and evolution from the Sun to the Earth. In particular, the identification of substructures such as shocks and magnetic clouds and their typical profiles, as well as their properties, can be traced at different locations away from the Sun. Here, we will review different aspects of ICMEs, such as their 3D generic shape, the transported physical quantities as well as their evolution (such as the expansion) in the inner heliosphere. These aspects can be quantified by in situ data, and consequently they can provide useful information to constrain analytical and numerical models as well as remote-sensing data interpretation. They also provide key questions to be addressed by the future Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus missions. Title: Quantitative model for the generic 3D shape of ICMEs at 1 AU Authors: Démoulin, P.; Janvier, M.; Masías-Meza, J. J.; Dasso, S. Bibcode: 2016A&A...595A..19D Altcode: 2016arXiv160808550D Context. Interplanetary imagers provide 2D projected views of the densest plasma parts of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs), while in situ measurements provide magnetic field and plasma parameter measurements along the spacecraft trajectory, that is, along a 1D cut. The data therefore only give a partial view of the 3D structures of ICMEs.
Aims: By studying a large number of ICMEs, crossed at different distances from their apex, we develop statistical methods to obtain a quantitative generic 3D shape of ICMEs.
Methods: In a first approach we theoretically obtained the expected statistical distribution of the shock-normal orientation from assuming simple models of 3D shock shapes, including distorted profiles, and compared their compatibility with observed distributions. In a second approach we used the shock normal and the flux rope axis orientations together with the impact parameter to provide statistical information across the spacecraft trajectory.
Results: The study of different 3D shock models shows that the observations are compatible with a shock that is symmetric around the Sun-apex line as well as with an asymmetry up to an aspect ratio of around 3. Moreover, flat or dipped shock surfaces near their apex can only be rare cases. Next, the sheath thickness and the ICME velocity have no global trend along the ICME front. Finally, regrouping all these new results and those of our previous articles, we provide a quantitative ICME generic 3D shape, including the global shape of the shock, the sheath, and the flux rope.
Conclusions: The obtained quantitative generic ICME shape will have implications for several aims. For example, it constrains the output of typical ICME numerical simulations. It is also a base for studying the transport of high-energy solar and cosmic particles during an ICME propagation as well as for modeling and forecasting space weather conditions near Earth. Title: The Characteristics of Solar X-Class Flares and CMEs: A Paradigm for Stellar Superflares and Eruptions? Authors: Harra, Louise K.; Schrijver, Carolus J.; Janvier, Miho; Toriumi, Shin; Hudson, Hugh; Matthews, Sarah; Woods, Magnus M.; Hara, Hirohisa; Guedel, Manuel; Kowalski, Adam; Osten, Rachel; Kusano, Kanya; Lueftinger, Theresa Bibcode: 2016SoPh..291.1761H Altcode: 2016SoPh..tmp..111H This paper explores the characteristics of 42 solar X-class flares that were observed between February 2011 and November 2014, with data from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) and other sources. This flare list includes nine X-class flares that had no associated CMEs. In particular our aim was to determine whether a clear signature could be identified to differentiate powerful flares that have coronal mass ejections (CMEs) from those that do not. Part of the motivation for this study is the characterization of the solar paradigm for flare/CME occurrence as a possible guide to the stellar observations; hence we emphasize spectroscopic signatures. To do this we ask the following questions: Do all eruptive flares have long durations? Do CME-related flares stand out in terms of active-region size vs. flare duration? Do flare magnitudes correlate with sunspot areas, and, if so, are eruptive events distinguished? Is the occurrence of CMEs related to the fraction of the active-region area involved? Do X-class flares with no eruptions have weaker non-thermal signatures? Is the temperature dependence of evaporation different in eruptive and non-eruptive flares? Is EUV dimming only seen in eruptive flares? We find only one feature consistently associated with CME-related flares specifically: coronal dimming in lines characteristic of the quiet-Sun corona, i.e. 1 - 2 MK. We do not find a correlation between flare magnitude and sunspot areas. Although challenging, it will be of importance to model dimming for stellar cases and make suitable future plans for observations in the appropriate wavelength range in order to identify stellar CMEs consistently. Title: A small mission concept to the Sun-Earth Lagrangian L5 point for innovative solar, heliospheric and space weather science Authors: Lavraud, B.; Liu, Y.; Segura, K.; He, J.; Qin, G.; Temmer, M.; Vial, J. -C.; Xiong, M.; Davies, J. A.; Rouillard, A. P.; Pinto, R.; Auchère, F.; Harrison, R. A.; Eyles, C.; Gan, W.; Lamy, P.; Xia, L.; Eastwood, J. P.; Kong, L.; Wang, J.; Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. F.; Zhang, S.; Zong, Q.; Soucek, J.; An, J.; Prech, L.; Zhang, A.; Rochus, P.; Bothmer, V.; Janvier, M.; Maksimovic, M.; Escoubet, C. P.; Kilpua, E. K. J.; Tappin, J.; Vainio, R.; Poedts, S.; Dunlop, M. W.; Savani, N.; Gopalswamy, N.; Bale, S. D.; Li, G.; Howard, T.; DeForest, C.; Webb, D.; Lugaz, N.; Fuselier, S. A.; Dalmasse, K.; Tallineau, J.; Vranken, D.; Fernández, J. G. Bibcode: 2016JASTP.146..171L Altcode: We present a concept for a small mission to the Sun-Earth Lagrangian L5 point for innovative solar, heliospheric and space weather science. The proposed INvestigation of Solar-Terrestrial Activity aNd Transients (INSTANT) mission is designed to identify how solar coronal magnetic fields drive eruptions, mass transport and particle acceleration that impact the Earth and the heliosphere. INSTANT is the first mission designed to (1) obtain measurements of coronal magnetic fields from space and (2) determine coronal mass ejection (CME) kinematics with unparalleled accuracy. Thanks to innovative instrumentation at a vantage point that provides the most suitable perspective view of the Sun-Earth system, INSTANT would uniquely track the whole chain of fundamental processes driving space weather at Earth. We present the science requirements, payload and mission profile that fulfill ambitious science objectives within small mission programmatic boundary conditions. Title: Evolution of Magnetic Helicity During Eruptive Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections Authors: Priest, E. R.; Longcope, D. W.; Janvier, M. Bibcode: 2016SoPh..291.2017P Altcode: 2016arXiv160703874P; 2016SoPh..tmp..130P During eruptive solar flares and coronal mass ejections, a non-potential magnetic arcade with much excess magnetic energy goes unstable and reconnects. It produces a twisted erupting flux rope and leaves behind a sheared arcade of hot coronal loops. We suggest that the twist of the erupting flux rope can be determined from conservation of magnetic flux and magnetic helicity and equipartition of magnetic helicity. It depends on the geometry of the initial pre-eruptive structure. Two cases are considered, in the first of which a flux rope is not present initially but is created during the eruption by the reconnection. In the second case, a flux rope is present under the arcade in the pre-eruptive state, and the effect of the eruption and reconnection is to add an amount of magnetic helicity that depends on the fluxes of the rope and arcade and the geometry. Title: Superposed epoch study of ICME sub-structures near Earth and their effects on Galactic cosmic rays Authors: Masías-Meza, J. J.; Dasso, S.; Démoulin, P.; Rodriguez, L.; Janvier, M. Bibcode: 2016A&A...592A.118M Altcode: 2016arXiv160508130M Context. Interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) are the interplanetary manifestations of solar eruptions. The overtaken solar wind forms a sheath of compressed plasma at the front of ICMEs. Magnetic clouds (MCs) are a subset of ICMEs with specific properties (e.g. the presence of a flux rope). When ICMEs pass near Earth, ground observations indicate that the flux of Galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) decreases.
Aims: The main aims of this paper are to find common plasma and magnetic properties of different ICME sub-structures and which ICME properties affect the flux of GCRs near Earth.
Methods: We used a superposed epoch method applied to a large set of ICMEs observed in situ by the spacecraft ACE, between 1998 and 2006. We also applied a superposed epoch analysis on GCRs time series observed with the McMurdo neutron monitors.
Results: We find that slow MCs at 1 AU have on average more massive sheaths. We conclude that this is because they are more effectively slowed down by drag during their travel from the Sun. Slow MCs also have a more symmetric magnetic field and sheaths expanding similarly as their following MC, while in contrast, fast MCs have an asymmetric magnetic profile and a sheath in compression. In all types of MCs, we find that the proton density and the temperature and the magnetic fluctuations can diffuse within the front of the MC due to 3D reconnection. Finally, we derive a quantitative model that describes the decrease in cosmic rays as a function of the amount of magnetic fluctuations and field strength.
Conclusions: The obtained typical profiles of sheath, MC and GCR properties corresponding to slow, middle, and fast ICMEs, can be used for forecasting or modelling these events, and to better understand the transport of energetic particles in ICMEs. They are also useful for improving future operative space weather activities. Title: Typical Profiles and Distributions of Plasma and Magnetic Field Parameters in Magnetic Clouds at 1 AU Authors: Rodriguez, L.; Masías-Meza, J. J.; Dasso, S.; Démoulin, P.; Zhukov, A. N.; Gulisano, A. M.; Mierla, M.; Kilpua, E.; West, M.; Lacatus, D.; Paraschiv, A.; Janvier, M. Bibcode: 2016SoPh..291.2145R Altcode: 2016SoPh..tmp..113R Magnetic clouds (MCs) are a subset of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs). They are important because of their simple internal magnetic field configuration, which resembles a magnetic flux rope, and because they represent one of the most geoeffective types of solar transients. In this study, we analyze their internal structure using a superposed epoch method on 63 events observed at L1 by the Advance Composition Explorer (ACE), between 1998 and 2006. In this way, we obtain an average profile for each plasma and magnetic field parameter at each point of the cloud. Furthermore, we take a fixed time-window upstream and downstream from the MC to also sample the regions preceding the cloud and the wake trailing it. We then perform a detailed analysis of the internal characteristics of the clouds and their surrounding solar wind environments. We find that the parameters studied are compatible with log-normal distribution functions. The plasma β and the level of fluctuations in the magnetic field vector are the best parameters to define the boundaries of MCs. We find that one third of the events shows a peak in plasma density close to the trailing edge of the flux ropes. We provide several possible explanations for this result and investigate if the density peak is of a solar origin (e.g. erupting prominence material) or formed during the magnetic cloud travel from the Sun to 1 AU. The most plausible explanation is the compression due to a fast overtaking flow, coming from a coronal hole located to the east of the solar source region of the magnetic cloud. Title: The SPICE Spectral Imager on Solar Orbiter: Linking the Sun to the Heliosphere Authors: Fludra, Andrzej; Haberreiter, Margit; Peter, Hardi; Vial, Jean-Claude; Harrison, Richard; Parenti, Susanna; Innes, Davina; Schmutz, Werner; Buchlin, Eric; Chamberlin, Phillip; Thompson, William; Gabriel, Alan; Morris, Nigel; Caldwell, Martin; Auchere, Frederic; Curdt, Werner; Teriaca, Luca; Hassler, Donald M.; DeForest, Craig; Hansteen, Viggo; Carlsson, Mats; Philippon, Anne; Janvier, Miho; Wimmer-Schweingruber, Robert; Griffin, Douglas; Davila, Joseph; Giunta, Alessandra; Waltham, Nick; Eccleston, Paul; Gottwald, Alexander; Klein, Roman; Hanley, John; Walls, Buddy; Howe, Chris; Schuehle, Udo Bibcode: 2016cosp...41E.607F Altcode: The SPICE (Spectral Imaging of the Coronal Environment) instrument is one of the key remote sensing instruments onboard the upcoming Solar Orbiter Mission. SPICE has been designed to contribute to the science goals of the mission by investigating the source regions of outflows and ejection processes which link the solar surface and corona to the heliosphere. In particular, SPICE will provide quantitative information on the physical state and composition of the solar atmosphere plasma. For example, SPICE will access relative abundances of ions to study the origin and the spatial/temporal variations of the 'First Ionization Potential effect', which are key signatures to trace the solar wind and plasma ejections paths within the heliosphere. Here we will present the instrument and its performance capability to attain the scientific requirements. We will also discuss how different observation modes can be chosen to obtain the best science results during the different orbits of the mission. To maximize the scientific return of the instrument, the SPICE team is working to optimize the instrument operations, and to facilitate the data access and their exploitation. Title: Solar abundances with the SPICE spectral imager on Solar Orbiter Authors: Giunta, Alessandra; Haberreiter, Margit; Peter, Hardi; Vial, Jean-Claude; Harrison, Richard; Parenti, Susanna; Innes, Davina; Schmutz, Werner; Buchlin, Eric; Chamberlin, Phillip; Thompson, William; Bocchialini, Karine; Gabriel, Alan; Morris, Nigel; Caldwell, Martin; Auchere, Frederic; Curdt, Werner; Teriaca, Luca; Hassler, Donald M.; DeForest, Craig; Hansteen, Viggo; Carlsson, Mats; Philippon, Anne; Janvier, Miho; Wimmer-Schweingruber, Robert; Griffin, Douglas; Baudin, Frederic; Davila, Joseph; Fludra, Andrzej; Waltham, Nick; Eccleston, Paul; Gottwald, Alexander; Klein, Roman; Hanley, John; Walls, Buddy; Howe, Chris; Schuehle, Udo; Gyo, Manfred; Pfiffner, Dany Bibcode: 2016cosp...41E.681G Altcode: Elemental composition of the solar atmosphere and in particular abundance bias of low and high First Ionization Potential (FIP) elements are a key tracer of the source regions of the solar wind. These abundances and their spatio-temporal variations, as well as the other plasma parameters , will be derived by the SPICE (Spectral Imaging of the Coronal Environment) EUV spectral imager on the upcoming Solar Orbiter mission. SPICE is designed to provide spectroheliograms (spectral images) using a core set of emission lines arising from ions of both low-FIP and high-FIP elements. These lines are formed over a wide range of temperatures, enabling the analysis of the different layers of the solar atmosphere. SPICE will use these spectroheliograms to produce dynamic composition maps of the solar atmosphere to be compared to in-situ measurements of the solar wind composition of the same elements (i.e. O, Ne, Mg, Fe). This will provide a tool to study the connectivity between the spacecraft (the Heliosphere) and the Sun. We will discuss the SPICE capabilities for such composition measurements. Title: Evolution of flare ribbons, electric currents, and quasi-separatrix layers during an X-class flare Authors: Janvier, M.; Savcheva, A.; Pariat, E.; Tassev, S.; Millholland, S.; Bommier, V.; McCauley, P.; McKillop, S.; Dougan, F. Bibcode: 2016A&A...591A.141J Altcode: 2016arXiv160407241J Context. The standard model for eruptive flares has been extended to three dimensions (3D) in the past few years. This model predicts typical J-shaped photospheric footprints of the coronal current layer, forming at similar locations as the quasi-separatrix layers (QSLs). Such a morphology is also found for flare ribbons observed in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) band, and in nonlinear force-free field (NLFFF) magnetic field extrapolations and models.
Aims: We study the evolution of the photospheric traces of the current density and flare ribbons, both obtained with the Solar Dynamics Observatory instruments. We aim to compare their morphology and their time evolution, before and during the flare, with the topological features found in a NLFFF model.
Methods: We investigated the photospheric current evolution during the 06 September 2011 X-class flare (SOL2011-09-06T22:20) occurring in NOAA AR 11283 from observational data of the magnetic field obtained with the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager aboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory. We compared this evolution with that of the flare ribbons observed in the EUV filters of the Atmospheric Imager Assembly. We also compared the observed electric current density and the flare ribbon morphology with that of the QSLs computed from the flux rope insertion method-NLFFF model.
Results: The NLFFF model shows the presence of a fan-spine configuration of overlying field lines, due to the presence of a parasitic polarity, embedding an elongated flux rope that appears in the observations as two parts of a filament. The QSL signatures of the fan configuration appear as a circular flare ribbon that encircles the J-shaped ribbons related to the filament ejection. The QSLs, evolved via a magnetofrictional method, also show similar morphology and evolution as both the current ribbons and the EUV flare ribbons obtained several times during the flare.
Conclusions: For the first time, we propose a combined analysis of the photospheric traces of an eruptive flare, in a complex topology, with direct measurements of electric currents and QSLs from observational data and a magnetic field model. The results, obtained by two different and independent approaches 1) confirm previous results of current increase during the impulsive phase of the flare and 2) show how NLFFF models can capture the essential physical signatures of flares even in a complex magnetic field topology.

A movie associated to Fig. 1 is available in electronic form at Title: Evidence of flux rope and sigmoid in Active Regions prior eruptions Authors: Schmieder, Brigitte; Aulanier, Guillaume; Janvier, Miho; Bommier, Veronique; Dudik, Jaroslav; Gilchrist, Stuart; Zhao, Jie Bibcode: 2016cosp...41E1750S Altcode: In the solar corona, the magnetic field is dominant, and the current density vector is nearly aligned with the magnetic field lines for strong and stressed field regions. Stressed and highly twisted flux ropes are at the origin of eruptive events such as flares and coronal mass ejections, which inject material into the interplanetary medium. The standard three dimensional (3D) flare model predicts the complex evolution of flare loops and the flux rope before the eruption. Flux ropes are not directly observed in the corona, however it has started to be possible to detect their footprints in the photosphere. Recent high spatial and temporal resolution spectro-polarimeters have allowed us to compute the photospheric electric currents and follow their evolution. Characteristics pattern like J-shaped ribbons indicate the presence of a flux rope before the flare. The results confirm the predictions of the 3D MHD standard model of eruptive flares. It is interesting to compare the magnetic helicity of the ejected flux rope with the in situ measurements of the corresponding ICME at L1. We will show some examples (February 15 2011, July 12 2012, Sept 10 2014). Title: Evolution of the Topology, Electric Currents, and Ribbons during an X-class Flare Authors: Savcheva, Antonia; Janvier, M.; Pariat, E.; Tassev, S. Bibcode: 2016shin.confE.126S Altcode: The standard model for eruptive flares has in the past few years been extended to 3D. It predicts typical J-shaped photospheric footprints of the coronal current layer, forming at similar locations as the Quasi-Separatrix Layers (QSLs). Such a morphology is also found for flare ribbons observed in EUV, as well as in non-linear force-free field (NLFFF) magnetic field extrapolations and models. We study the evolution of the photospheric traces of the current density and the flare ribbons, both obtained with SDO instruments. We aim at comparing their morphology and their time evolution, before and during the flare, with the topological features found in a NLFFF and an unstable magnetic field model. For this purpose we investigate the photospheric current evolution during the 06 September 2011 X-class flare occurring in NOAA AR11283 from observational data of the magnetic field obtained with HMI. This evolution is compared with that of the flare ribbons observed with AIA. We also compare the observed electric current density and the flare ribbon morphology with that of the QSLs computed from magnetic field models obtained from the the flux rope insertion method. Both the NLFFF and the unstable (eruptive) model show the presence of a fan-spine configuration of overlying field lines, due to the presence of a parasitic polarity, embedding an elongated flux rope that appears in the observations as two parts of a filament. The magnetofrictional evolution of the unstable model tell a consistent story of the filament eruption in which topology plays an important role. The photospheric QSL traces of the fan configuration appear as an elongated flare ribbon that encircles the J-shaped ribbons related to the filament ejection. The QSLs, evolved via a magnetofrictional method, also show similar morphology and evolution as both the current ribbons and the EUV flare ribbons obtained at several times during the flare. For the first time, we propose a combined analysis of the photospheric traces of an eruptive flare, in a complex topology, with direct measurements of electric currents and QSLs from observational data and a magnetic field model. The results, obtained by two different and independent approaches, 1) confirm previous results of current increase during the impulsive phase of the flare, 2) show how NLFFF extrapolations can capture the essential physical signatures of flares even in a complex magnetic field topology. Title: Magnetic energy release and topology in the solar atmosphere Authors: Mandrini, Cristina H.; Janvier, Miho Bibcode: 2016cosp...41E1241M Altcode: The energy released in a wide range of atmospheric events in the Sun is contained in current-carrying magnetic fields that have emerged after traversing the convection zone. Once the magnetic flux reaches the solar atmosphere, it may be further stressed via motions at the photosphere. Magnetic field reconnection is thought to be the mechanism through which the stored magnetic energy is transformed into kinetic energy of accelerated particles, mass flows, and radiative energy along the whole electromagnetic spectrum. Though this mechanism is efficient only at very small spatial scales, it implies a large-scale restructuring of the magnetic field inferred from the analysis of observations, models of the coronal magnetic field and numerical simulations, combined with the computation of the magnetic field topology. The consequences of energy release include phenomena that range from nano-flares and the slow solar wind to powerful flares that may be accompanied by the ejection of large amounts of plasma into the interplanetary medium. We will discuss how the computation and analysis of the magnetic field topology, applied to a wide variety of observed and modeled magnetic configurations, can be used to identify the energy release locations and their physical characteristics. Title: Manifestation of Coronal Mass Ejections near Earth: A review Authors: Dasso, Sergio; Rodriguez, Luciano; Demoulin, Pascal; Masías-Meza, Jimmy J.; Janvier, Miho Bibcode: 2016cosp...41E.405D Altcode: Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are launched from the Sun, as a result of magnetic instabilities, carrying away a huge amount of magnetic flux and helicity. Interplanetary CMEs (ICMEs) are their manifestation observed further away in the heliosphere. ICMEs produce important changes of plasma and magnetic field properties in the interplanetary medium, with respect to the ones of the ambient solar wind. From the large number of observed ICMEs, in the past years we significantly increased our kwnoledge on several of their properties, such as: the identification of the composing sub-structures and their local properties, their global 3D shape, the amount of magnetohydrodynamical quantities transported in the heliosphere by the associated flux ropes, as well as how the plasma and magnetic field are distributed inside them. In the present talk we will present a general review of these aspects of ICMEs. In particular we will focuss on the total amount of magnetic flux and helicity ejected by CMEs from the Sun along a solar cycle, and on plasma and magnetic properties of their shock-sheath-flux_rope-wake. These results can help to understand their interaction with the ambient solar wind and with planetary magnetic environments. They are particularly crucial for a better understanding of the Sun-Earth coupling. Title: Slipping Magnetic Reconnection, Chromospheric Evaporation, Implosion, and Precursors in the 2014 September 10 X1.6-Class Solar Flare Authors: Dudík, Jaroslav; Polito, Vanessa; Janvier, Miho; Mulay, Sargam M.; Karlický, Marian; Aulanier, Guillaume; Del Zanna, Giulio; Dzifčáková, Elena; Mason, Helen E.; Schmieder, Brigitte Bibcode: 2016ApJ...823...41D Altcode: 2016arXiv160306092D We investigate the occurrence of slipping magnetic reconnection, chromospheric evaporation, and coronal loop dynamics in the 2014 September 10 X-class flare. Slipping reconnection is found to be present throughout the flare from its early phase. Flare loops are seen to slip in opposite directions toward both ends of the ribbons. Velocities of 20-40 km s-1 are found within time windows where the slipping is well resolved. The warm coronal loops exhibit expanding and contracting motions that are interpreted as displacements due to the growing flux rope that subsequently erupts. This flux rope existed and erupted before the onset of apparent coronal implosion. This indicates that the energy release proceeds by slipping reconnection and not via coronal implosion. The slipping reconnection leads to changes in the geometry of the observed structures at the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph slit position, from flare loop top to the footpoints in the ribbons. This results in variations of the observed velocities of chromospheric evaporation in the early flare phase. Finally, it is found that the precursor signatures, including localized EUV brightenings as well as nonthermal X-ray emission, are signatures of the flare itself, progressing from the early phase toward the impulsive phase, with the tether-cutting being provided by the slipping reconnection. The dynamics of both the flare and outlying coronal loops is found to be consistent with the predictions of the standard solar flare model in three dimensions. Title: Evolution of the Topology, Electric Currents, and Ribbons during an X-class Flare Authors: Savcheva, Antonia; Janvier, Miho; Pariat, Etienne Bibcode: 2016SPD....4740101S Altcode: The standard model for eruptive flares has in the past few years been extended to 3D. It predicts typical J-shaped photospheric footprints of the coronal current layer, forming at similar locations as the Quasi-Separatrix Layers (QSLs). We study the evolution of the photospheric traces of the current density and the flare ribbons observed with SDO. We aim at comparing their morphology and their time evolution, before and during the flare, with the topological features found in a magnetic field model. For this purpose we investigate the photospheric current evolution during the 6 Sep 2011 X-class flare occurring in AR11283 from observational data of the magnetic field obtained with HMI. This evolution is compared with that of the flare ribbons observed with AIA. We also compare the observed electric current density and the flare ribbon morphology with that of the QSLs computed from magnetic field models obtained from the the flux rope insertion method. Both the NLFFF and the unstable (eruptive) model show the presence of a fan-spine configuration of overlying field lines, due to the presence of a parasitic polarity, embedding in elongated flux rope that appears in the observations as two parts of a filament. The magnetofrictional evolution of the unstable model tells a consistent story of the filament eruption in which topology plays an important role. The photospheric QSL traces of the fan configuration appear as an elongated flare ribbon that encircles the J-shaped ribbons related to the filament ejection. The QSLs, evolved via a magnetofrictional method, also show similar morphology and evolution as both the current ribbons and the EUV flare ribbons obtained at several times during the flare. For the first time, we propose a combined analysis of the photospheric traces of an eruptive flare, in a complex topology, with direct measurements of electric currents and QSLs from observational data and a magnetic field model. The results obtained by two independent approaches confirm previous results and show how NLFFF models can capture the essential physical signatures of flares even in a complex magnetic field topology. Title: Magnetic Flux and Helicity of Magnetic Clouds Authors: Démoulin, P.; Janvier, M.; Dasso, S. Bibcode: 2016SoPh..291..531D Altcode: 2015SoPh..tmp..183D; 2015arXiv150901068D Magnetic clouds (MCs) are formed by flux ropes (FRs) launched from the Sun as part of coronal mass ejections (CMEs). They carry away a large amount of magnetic flux and helicity. The main aim of this study is to quantify these amounts from in situ measurements of MCs at 1 AU. The fit of these data by a local FR model provides the axial magnetic field strength, the radius, the magnetic flux, and the helicity per unit length along the FR axis. We show that these quantities are statistically independent of the position along the FR axis. We then derive the generic shape and length of the FR axis from two sets of MCs. These results improve the estimation of magnetic helicity. Next, we evaluate the total magnetic flux and helicity that cross the sphere of radius of 1 AU, centred at the Sun, per year and during a solar cycle. We also include in the study two sets of small FRs that do not have all the typical characteristics of MCs. While small FRs are at least ten times more numerous than MCs, the magnetic flux and helicity are dominated by the contribution from the larger MCs. In one year they carry away the magnetic flux of about 25 large active regions and the magnetic helicity of 200 of them. MCs carry away an amount of unsigned magnetic helicity similar to the amount estimated for the solar dynamo and that measured in emerging active regions. Title: From Coronal Observations to MHD Simulations, the Building Blocks for 3D Models of Solar Flares (Invited Review) Authors: Janvier, M.; Aulanier, G.; Démoulin, P. Bibcode: 2015SoPh..290.3425J Altcode: 2015SoPh..tmp...63J; 2015arXiv150505299J Solar flares are energetic events taking place in the Sun's atmosphere, and their effects can greatly impact the environment of the surrounding planets. In particular, eruptive flares, as opposed to confined flares, launch coronal mass ejections into the interplanetary medium, and as such, are one of the main drivers of space weather. After briefly reviewing the main characteristics of solar flares, we summarise the processes that can account for the build-up and release of energy during their evolution. In particular, we focus on the development of recent 3D numerical simulations that explain many of the observed flare features. These simulations can also provide predictions of the dynamical evolution of coronal and photospheric magnetic field. Here we present a few observational examples that, together with numerical modelling, point to the underlying physical mechanisms of the eruptions. Title: Slipping reconnection and chromospheric evaporation in the 10 September 2014 flare Authors: Dudík, Jaroslav; Janvier, Miho; Polito, Vanessa; Mulay, Sargam; Del Zanna, Giulio; Mason, Helen; Aulanier, Guillaume Bibcode: 2015IAUGA..2252237D Altcode: We study the occurrence of slipping reconnection in the long-duration X-class flare of 2014 September 10. From the start, the flare shows apparent slippage of hot Fe XXI flare loops observed in the 131A channel of SDO/AIA. Using the time-distance plots, we show that the slipping motion of the flare loops proceeds in counter directions in both flare ribbons. Simultaneous IRIS Fe XXI observations show the occurrence of chromospheric evaporation at brightening kernels that are involved in the slipping reconnection of AIA loops. This happens also during a flux-rope breakout accompanied by a faint 'magnetic implosion' of a coronal loop. Based on the 3D MHD flare model, we argue that the 'implosion' is caused by the erupting flux rope pushing the neighbouring loops aside, with the low-lying loops being squeezed. Title: Strong coronal channelling and interplanetary evolution of a solar storm up to Earth and Mars Authors: Möstl, Christian; Rollett, Tanja; Frahm, Rudy A.; Liu, Ying D.; Long, David M.; Colaninno, Robin C.; Reiss, Martin A.; Temmer, Manuela; Farrugia, Charles J.; Posner, Arik; Dumbović, Mateja; Janvier, Miho; Démoulin, Pascal; Boakes, Peter; Devos, Andy; Kraaikamp, Emil; Mays, Mona L.; Vršnak, Bojan Bibcode: 2015NatCo...6.7135M Altcode: 2015arXiv150602842M; 2015NatCo...6E7135M The severe geomagnetic effects of solar storms or coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are to a large degree determined by their propagation direction with respect to Earth. There is a lack of understanding of the processes that determine their non-radial propagation. Here we present a synthesis of data from seven different space missions of a fast CME, which originated in an active region near the disk centre and, hence, a significant geomagnetic impact was forecasted. However, the CME is demonstrated to be channelled during eruption into a direction +37+/-10° (longitude) away from its source region, leading only to minimal geomagnetic effects. In situ observations near Earth and Mars confirm the channelled CME motion, and are consistent with an ellipse shape of the CME-driven shock provided by the new Ellipse Evolution model, presented here. The results enhance our understanding of CME propagation and shape, which can help to improve space weather forecasts. Title: Comparing generic models for interplanetary shocks and magnetic clouds axis configurations at 1 AU Authors: Janvier, M.; Dasso, S.; Démoulin, P.; Masías-Meza, J. J.; Lugaz, N. Bibcode: 2015JGRA..120.3328J Altcode: 2015arXiv150306128J Interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) are the manifestation of solar transient eruptions, which can significantly modify the plasma and magnetic conditions in the heliosphere. They are often preceded by a shock, and a magnetic flux rope is detected in situ in a third to half of them. The main aim of this study is to obtain the best quantitative shape for the flux rope axis and for the shock surface from in situ data obtained during spacecraft crossings of these structures. We first compare the orientation of the flux rope axes and shock normals obtained from independent data analyses of the same events, observed in situ at 1 AU from the Sun. Then we carry out an original statistical analysis of axes/shock normals by deriving the statistical distributions of their orientations. We fit the observed distributions using the distributions derived from several synthetic models describing these shapes. We show that the distributions of axis/shock orientations are very sensitive to their respective shape. One classical model, used to analyze interplanetary imager data, is incompatible with the in situ data. Two other models are introduced, for which the results for axis and shock normals lead to very similar shapes; the fact that the data for MCs and shocks are independent strengthens this result. The model which best fits all the data sets has an ellipsoidal shape with similar aspect ratio values for all the data sets. These derived shapes for the flux rope axis and shock surface have several potential applications. First, these shapes can be used to construct a consistent ICME model. Second, these generic shapes can be used to develop a quantitative model to analyze imager data, as well as constraining the output of numerical simulations of ICMEs. Finally, they will have implications for space weather forecasting, in particular, for forecasting the time arrival of ICMEs at the Earth. Title: Strong coronal deflection of a CME and its interplanetary evolution to Earth and Mars Authors: Möstl, Christian; Rollett, Tanja; Frahm, Rudy A.; Liu, Ying D.; Long, David M.; Colaninno, Robin C.; Reiss, Martin A.; Temmer, Manuela; Farrugia, Charles J.; Posner, Arik; Dumbovic, Mateja; Janvier, Miho; Demoulin, Pascal; Boakes, Peter; Devos, Andy; Kraaikamp, Emil; Mays, Mona L.; Vrsnak, Bojan Bibcode: 2015EGUGA..17.1366M Altcode: We discuss multipoint imaging and in situ observations of the coronal mass ejection (CME) on January 7 2014 which resulted in a major false alarm. While the source region was almost at disk center facing Earth, the eruption was strongly deflected in the corona, and in conjunction with its particular orientation this CME missed Earth almost entirely, leading to no significant geomagnetic effects. We demonstrate this by a synthesis of data from 7 different heliospheric and planetary space missions (STEREO-A/B, SOHO, SDO, Wind, Mars Express, Mars Science Laboratory). The CMEs ecliptic part was deflected by 37 ± 10° in heliospheric longitude, a value larger than previously thought. Multipoint in situ observations at Earth and Mars confirm the deflection, and are consistent with an elliptical interplanetary shock shape of aspect ratio 1.4 ± 0.4. We also discuss our new method, the Ellipse Evolution (ElEvo) model, which allows us to optimize the global shape of the CME shock with multipoint in situ observations of the interplanetary CME arrival. ElEvo, which is an extension to the Drag-Based-Model by Vrsnak et al., may also be used for real time space weather forecasting. The presented results enhance our understanding of CME deflection and shape, which are fundamental ingredients for improving space weather forecasts. Title: Particle Acceleration in Plasmoid Ejections Derived from Radio Drifting Pulsating Structures Authors: Nishizuka, N.; Karlický, M.; Janvier, M.; Bárta, M. Bibcode: 2015ApJ...799..126N Altcode: 2014arXiv1412.7904N We report observations of slowly drifting pulsating structures (DPSs) in the 0.8-4.5 GHz frequency range of the RT4 and RT5 radio spectrographs at Ondřejov Observatory, between 2002 and 2012. We found 106 events of DPSs, which we classified into four cases: (I) single events with a constant frequency drift (12 events), (II) multiple events occurring in the same flare with constant frequency drifts (11 events), (III) single or multiple events with increasing or decreasing frequency drift rates (52 events), and (IV) complex events containing multiple events occurring at the same time in a different frequency range (31 events). Many DPSs are associated with hard X-ray (HXR) bursts (15-25 keV) and soft X-ray (SXR) gradient peaks, as they typically occurred at the beginning of HXR peaks. This indicates that DPS events are related to the processes of fast energy release and particle acceleration. Furthermore, interpreting DPSs as signatures of plasmoids, we measured their ejection velocity, their width, and their height from the DPS spectra, from which we also estimated the reconnection rate and the plasma beta. In this interpretation, constant frequency drift indicates a constant velocity of a plasmoid, and an increasing/decreasing frequency drift indicates a deceleration/acceleration of a plasmoid ejection. The reconnection rate shows a good positive correlation with the plasmoid velocity. Finally we confirmed that some DPS events show plasmoid counterparts in Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly images. Title: In situ properties of small and large flux ropes in the solar wind Authors: Janvier, M.; Démoulin, P.; Dasso, S. Bibcode: 2014JGRA..119.7088J Altcode: 2014arXiv1408.5520J Two populations of twisted magnetic field tubes, or flux ropes (hereafter, FRs), are detected by in situ measurements in the solar wind. While small FRs are crossed by the observing spacecraft within few hours, with a radius typically less than 0.1 AU, larger FRs, or magnetic clouds (hereafter, MCs), have durations of about half a day. The main aim of this study is to compare the properties of both populations of FRs observed by the Wind spacecraft at 1 AU. To do so, we use standard correlation techniques for the FR parameters, as well as histograms and more refined statistical methods. Although several properties seem at first different for small FRs and MCs, we show that they are actually governed by the same propagation physics. For example, we observe no in situ signatures of expansion for small FRs, contrary to MCs. We demonstrate that this result is in fact expected: small FRs expand similar to MCs, as a consequence of a total pressure balance with the surrounding medium, but the expansion signature is well hidden by velocity fluctuations. Next, we find that the FR radius, velocity, and magnetic field strength are all positively correlated, with correlation factors than can reach a value >0.5. This result indicates a remnant trace of the FR ejection process from the corona. We also find a larger FR radius at the apex than at the legs (up to 3 times larger at the apex), for FR observed at 1 AU. Finally, assuming that the detected FRs have a large-scale configuration in the heliosphere, we derived the mean axis shape from the probability distribution of the axis orientation. We therefore interpret the small FR and MC properties in a common framework of FRs interacting with the solar wind, and we disentangle the physics present behind their common and different features. Title: Are There Different Populations of Flux Ropes in the Solar Wind? Authors: Janvier, M.; Démoulin, P.; Dasso, S. Bibcode: 2014SoPh..289.2633J Altcode: 2014SoPh..tmp...26J; 2014arXiv1401.6812J Flux ropes are twisted magnetic structures that can be detected by in-situ measurements in the solar wind. However, different properties of detected flux ropes suggest different types of flux-rope populations. As such, are there different populations of flux ropes? The answer is positive and is the result of the analysis of four lists of flux ropes, including magnetic clouds (MCs), observed at 1 AU. The in-situ data for the four lists were fitted with the same cylindrical force-free field model, which provides an estimate of the local flux-rope parameters such as its radius and orientation. Since the flux-rope distributions have a broad dynamic range, we went beyond a simple histogram analysis by developing a partition technique that uniformly distributes the statistical fluctuations across the radius range. By doing so, we found that small flux ropes with radius R<0.1 AU have a steep power-law distribution in contrast to the larger flux ropes (identified as MCs), which have a Gaussian-like distribution. Next, from four CME catalogs, we estimated the expected flux-rope frequency per year at 1 AU. We found that the predicted numbers are similar to the frequencies of MCs observed in-situ. However, we also found that small flux ropes are at least ten times too abundant to correspond to CMEs, even to narrow ones. Investigating the different possible scenarios for the origin of these small flux ropes, we conclude that these twisted structures can be formed by blowout jets in the low corona or in coronal streamers. Title: Electric Currents in Flare Ribbons: Observations and Three-dimensional Standard Model Authors: Janvier, M.; Aulanier, G.; Bommier, V.; Schmieder, B.; Démoulin, P.; Pariat, E. Bibcode: 2014ApJ...788...60J Altcode: 2014arXiv1402.2010J We present for the first time the evolution of the photospheric electric currents during an eruptive X-class flare, accurately predicted by the standard three-dimensional (3D) flare model. We analyze this evolution for the 2011 February 15 flare using Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager/Solar Dynamics Observatory magnetic observations and find that localized currents in J-shaped ribbons increase to double their pre-flare intensity. Our 3D flare model, developed with the OHM code, suggests that these current ribbons, which develop at the location of extreme ultraviolet brightenings seen with Atmospheric Imaging Assembly imagery, are driven by the collapse of the flare's coronal current layer. These findings of increased currents restricted in localized ribbons are consistent with the overall free energy decrease during a flare, and the shapes of these ribbons also give an indication of how twisted the erupting flux rope is. Finally, this study further enhances the close correspondence obtained between the theoretical predictions of the standard 3D model and flare observations, indicating that the main key physical elements are incorporated in the model. Title: Mean shape of interplanetary shocks deduced from in situ observations and its relation with interplanetary CMEs Authors: Janvier, M.; Démoulin, P.; Dasso, S. Bibcode: 2014A&A...565A..99J Altcode: Context. Shocks are frequently detected by spacecraft in the interplanetary space. However, the in situ data of a shock do not provide direct information on its overall properties even when a following interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) is detected.
Aims: The main aim of this study is to constrain the general shape of ICME shocks with a statistical study of shock orientations.
Methods: We first associated a set of shocks detected near Earth over 10 years with a sample of ICMEs over the same period. We then analyzed the correlations between shock and ICME parameters and studied the statistical distributions of the local shock normal orientation. Supposing that shocks are uniformly detected all over their surface projected on the 1 AU sphere, we compared the shock normal distribution with synthetic distributions derived from an analytical shock shape model. Inversely, we derived a direct method to compute the typical general shape of ICME shocks by integrating observed distributions of the shock normal.
Results: We found very similar properties between shocks with and without an in situ detected ICME, so that most of the shocks detected at 1 AU are ICME-driven even when no ICME is detected. The statistical orientation of shock normals is compatible with a mean shape having a rotation symmetry around the Sun-apex line. The analytically modeled shape captures the main characteristics of the observed shock normal distribution. Next, by directly integrating the observed distribution, we derived the mean shock shape, which is found to be comparable for shocks with and without a detected ICME and weakly affected by the limited statistics of the observed distribution. We finally found a close correspondence between this statistical result and the leading edge of the ICME sheath that is observed with STEREO imagers.
Conclusions: We have derived a mean shock shape that only depends on one free parameter. This mean shape can be used in various contexts, such as studies for high-energy particles or space weather forecasts. Title: Slipping Magnetic Reconnection during an X-class Solar Flare Observed by SDO/AIA Authors: Dudík, J.; Janvier, M.; Aulanier, G.; Del Zanna, G.; Karlický, M.; Mason, H. E.; Schmieder, B. Bibcode: 2014ApJ...784..144D Altcode: 2014arXiv1401.7529D We present SDO/AIA observations of an eruptive X-class flare of 2012 July 12, and compare its evolution with the predictions of a three-dimensional (3D) numerical simulation. We focus on the dynamics of flare loops that are seen to undergo slipping reconnection during the flare. In the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) 131 Å observations, lower parts of 10 MK flare loops exhibit an apparent motion with velocities of several tens of km s-1 along the developing flare ribbons. In the early stages of the flare, flare ribbons consist of compact, localized bright transition-region emission from the footpoints of the flare loops. A differential emission measure analysis shows that the flare loops have temperatures up to the formation of Fe XXIV. A series of very long, S-shaped loops erupt, leading to a coronal mass ejection observed by STEREO. The observed dynamics are compared with the evolution of magnetic structures in the "standard solar flare model in 3D." This model matches the observations well, reproducing the apparently slipping flare loops, S-shaped erupting loops, and the evolution of flare ribbons. All of these processes are explained via 3D reconnection mechanisms resulting from the expansion of a torus-unstable flux rope. The AIA observations and the numerical model are complemented by radio observations showing a noise storm in the metric range. Dm-drifting pulsation structures occurring during the eruption indicate plasmoid ejection and enhancement of the reconnection rate. The bursty nature of radio emission shows that the slipping reconnection is still intermittent, although it is observed to persist for more than an hour. Title: Highlights of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections and its impact on the terrestrial environment Authors: Dasso, Sergio; Janvier, Miho; Demoulin, Pascal; Masías Meza, Jimmy Bibcode: 2014cosp...40E.637D Altcode: Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections (ICMEs) are meso-scale transient objects in the heliosphere, ejected by the Sun from the destabilisation of a portion of coronal magnetic field. They imply large modifications of the heliospheric plasma and magnetic field properties. Then, an ICME passing nearby Earth generates strong variations of the input of energy, momentum and particles, from the interplanetary medium to the terrestrial environment. The study of ICMEs has greatly advanced in the last few years, thanks to multi-spacecraft observations of the solar corona and the solar wind, combined with high performance numerical modelling. The comparisons between models and recent observations now answer several open questions, such as the typical configuration (internal and global) of ICMEs, as well as how they are affected due to their interaction with the ambient solar wind during their propagation in the interplanetary medium. This talk will provide a summary of recent advances in the field of ICMEs, and will present several aspects of the interaction with the ambient solar wind that have serious consequences on the level of Sun-Earth coupling. Title: Structure of ICMEs and their driven shocks at 1 AU, and consequences on Forbush decreases Authors: Dasso, Sergio; Janvier, Miho; Demoulin, Pascal; Masias-Meza, Jimmy J. Bibcode: 2014cosp...40E.636D Altcode: Solar wind structures, such as interplanetary (IP) shocks, can affect the transport of energetic particles in the heliosphere. In particular, the presence of IP shocks driven by interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) is typically associated with a transient variation of the energetic particles flux (e.g., Forbush decreases, FDs). A FD can present two steps: one of them produced by a diffusive barrier associated with the turbulent region behind the shock, and the another one produced by the ICME itself. However, not every IP shock driven by an ICME is followed by a two-step FD, and it is under debate what are the properties of the solar wind for determining the presence of a two-step Forbush decrease, the presence of a single-step FD, or even the absence of a FD after the passage of the ICME. Magnetic clouds (MCs) are a subset of ICMEs, which present clear evidence in favor of the presence of an interplanetary flux rope in the solar wind. We recently found constraints to the geometrical shape of ICME shocks from a statistical study of shock orientations, and found constraints to the global shape of MCs from a statistical study of main axis orientation of a large sample of magnetic clouds, both at one astronomical unit from the Sun. The main aim of this study is to establish the link between Forbush decreases and the MC/shock properties, taking into account these geometrical shapes of MC axis and shocks surfaces. We present here a combined analysis of events MC-shock-FD, in order to better understand the effects of interplanetary structures on the propagation of energetic particles in the heliosphere. Title: Flux rope axis geometry of magnetic clouds deduced from in situ data Authors: Janvier, Miho; Démoulin, Pascal; Dasso, Sergio Bibcode: 2014IAUS..300..265J Altcode: Magnetic clouds (MCs) consist of flux ropes that are ejected from the low solar corona during eruptive flares. Following their ejection, they propagate in the interplanetary medium where they can be detected by in situ instruments and heliospheric imagers onboard spacecraft. Although in situ measurements give a wide range of data, these only depict the nature of the MC along the unidirectional trajectory crossing of a spacecraft. As such, direct 3D measurements of MC characteristics are impossible. From a statistical analysis of a wide range of MCs detected at 1 AU by the Wind spacecraft, we propose different methods to deduce the most probable magnetic cloud axis shape. These methods include the comparison of synthetic distributions with observed distributions of the axis orientation, as well as the direct integration of observed probability distribution to deduce the global MC axis shape. The overall shape given by those two methods is then compared with 2D heliospheric images of a propagating MC and we find similar geometrical features. Title: Global axis shape of magnetic clouds deduced from the distribution of their local axis orientation Authors: Janvier, M.; Démoulin, P.; Dasso, S. Bibcode: 2013A&A...556A..50J Altcode: 2013arXiv1305.4039J Context. Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are routinely tracked with imagers in the interplanetary space, while magnetic clouds (MCs) properties are measured locally by spacecraft. However, both imager and in situ data do not provide any direct estimation of the general flux rope properties.
Aims: The main aim of this study is to constrain the global shape of the flux rope axis from local measurements and to compare the results from in-situ data with imager observations.
Methods: We performed a statistical analysis of the set of MCs observed by WIND spacecraft over 15 years in the vicinity of Earth. We analyzed the correlation between different MC parameters and studied the statistical distributions of the angles defining the local axis orientation. With the hypothesis of having a sample of MCs with a uniform distribution of spacecraft crossing along their axis, we show that a mean axis shape can be derived from the distribution of the axis orientation. As a complement, while heliospheric imagers do not typically observe MCs but only their sheath region, we analyze one event where the flux rope axis can be estimated from the STEREO imagers.
Results: From the analysis of a set of theoretical models, we show that the distribution of the local axis orientation is strongly affected by the overall axis shape. Next, we derive the mean axis shape from the integration of the observed orientation distribution. This shape is robust because it is mostly determined from the overall shape of the distribution. Moreover, we find no dependence on the flux rope inclination on the ecliptic. Finally, the derived shape is fully consistent with the one derived from heliospheric imager observations of the June 2008 event.
Conclusions: We have derived a mean shape of MC axis that only depends on one free parameter, the angular separation of the legs (as viewed from the Sun). This mean shape can be used in various contexts, such as studies of high-energy particles or space weather forecasts. Title: The standard flare model in three dimensions. III. Slip-running reconnection properties Authors: Janvier, M.; Aulanier, G.; Pariat, E.; Démoulin, P. Bibcode: 2013A&A...555A..77J Altcode: 2013arXiv1305.4053J Context. A standard model for eruptive flares aims at describing observational 3D features of the reconnecting coronal magnetic field. Extensions to the 2D model require the physical understanding of 3D reconnection processes at the origin of the magnetic configuration evolution. However, the properties of 3D reconnection without null point and separatrices still need to be analyzed.
Aims: We focus on magnetic reconnection associated with the growth and evolution of a flux rope and associated flare loops during an eruptive flare. We aim at understanding the intrinsic characteristics of 3D reconnection in the presence of quasi-separatrix layers (QSLs), how QSL properties are related to the slip-running reconnection mode in general, and how this applies to eruptive flares in particular.
Methods: We studied the slip-running reconnection of field lines in a magnetohydrodynamic simulation of an eruptive flare associated with a torus-unstable flux rope. The squashing degree and the mapping norm are two parameters related to the QSLs. We computed them to investigate their relation with the slip-running reconnection speed of selected field lines.
Results: Field lines associated with the flux rope and the flare loops undergo a continuous series of magnetic reconnection, which results in their super-Alfvénic slipping motion. The time profile of their slippage speed and the space distribution of the mapping norm are shown to be strongly correlated. We find that the motion speed is proportional to the mapping norm. Moreover, this slip-running motion becomes faster as the flux rope expands, since the 3D current layer evolves toward a current sheet, and QSLs to separatrices.
Conclusions: The present analysis extends our understanding of the 3D slip-running reconnection regime. We identified a controlling parameter of the apparent velocity of field lines while they slip-reconnect, enabling the interpretation of the evolution of post flare loops. This work completes the standard model for flares and eruptions by giving its 3D properties. Title: Does spacecraft trajectory strongly affect detection of magnetic clouds? Authors: Démoulin, P.; Dasso, S.; Janvier, M. Bibcode: 2013A&A...550A...3D Altcode: 2012arXiv1211.5343D Context. Magnetic clouds (MCs) are a subset of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs). One property of MCs is the presence of a magnetic flux rope. Is the difference between ICMEs with and without MCs intrinsic or rather due to an observational bias?
Aims: As the spacecraft has no relationship with the MC trajectory, the frequency distribution of MCs versus the spacecraft distance to the MCs' axis is expected to be approximately flat. However, Lepping & Wu (2010, Ann. Geophys., 28, 1539) confirmed that it is a strongly decreasing function of the estimated impact parameter. Is a flux rope more frequently undetected for larger impact parameter?
Methods: In order to answer the questions above, we explore the parameter space of flux rope models, especially the aspect ratio, boundary shape, and current distribution. The proposed models are analyzed as MCs by fitting a circular linear force-free field to the magnetic field computed along simulated crossings.
Results: We find that the distribution of the twist within the flux rope and the non-detection due to too low field rotation angle or magnitude only weakly affect the expected frequency distribution of MCs versus impact parameter. However, the estimated impact parameter is increasingly biased to lower values as the flux rope cross section is more elongated orthogonally to the crossing trajectory. The observed distribution of MCs is a natural consequence of a flux rope cross section flattened on average by a factor 2 to 3 depending on the magnetic twist profile. However, the faster MCs at 1 AU, with V > 550 km s-1, present an almost uniform distribution of MCs vs. impact parameter, which is consistent with round-shaped flux ropes, in contrast with the slower ones.
Conclusions: We conclude that the sampling of MCs at various distances from the axis does not significantly affect their detection. The large part of ICMEs without MCs could be due to a too strict criteria for MCs or to the fact that these ICMEs are encountered outside their flux rope or near the leg region, or they do not contain a flux rope. Title: The standard flare model in three dimensions. II. Upper limit on solar flare energy Authors: Aulanier, G.; Démoulin, P.; Schrijver, C. J.; Janvier, M.; Pariat, E.; Schmieder, B. Bibcode: 2013A&A...549A..66A Altcode: 2012arXiv1212.2086A Context. Solar flares strongly affect the Sun's atmosphere as well as the Earth's environment. Quantifying the maximum possible energy of solar flares of the present-day Sun, if any, is thus a key question in heliophysics.
Aims: The largest solar flares observed over the past few decades have reached energies of a few times 1032 erg, possibly up to 1033 erg. Flares in active Sun-like stars reach up to about 1036 erg. In the absence of direct observations of solar flares within this range, complementary methods of investigation are needed to assess the probability of solar flares beyond those in the observational record.
Methods: Using historical reports for sunspot and solar active region properties in the photosphere, we scaled to observed solar values a realistic dimensionless 3D MHD simulation for eruptive flares, which originate from a highly sheared bipole. This enabled us to calculate the magnetic fluxes and flare energies in the model in a wide paramater space.
Results: Firstly, commonly observed solar conditions lead to modeled magnetic fluxes and flare energies that are comparable to those estimated from observations. Secondly, we evaluate from observations that 30% of the area of sunspot groups are typically involved in flares. This is related to the strong fragmentation of these groups, which naturally results from sub-photospheric convection. When the model is scaled to 30% of the area of the largest sunspot group ever reported, with its peak magnetic field being set to the strongest value ever measured in a sunspot, it produces a flare with a maximum energy of ~6 × 1033 erg.
Conclusions: The results of the model suggest that the Sun is able to produce flares up to about six times as energetic in total solar irradiance fluence as the strongest directly observed flare of Nov. 4, 2003. Sunspot groups larger than historically reported would yield superflares for spot pairs that would exceed tens of degrees in extent. We thus conjecture that superflare-productive Sun-like stars should have a much stronger dynamo than in the Sun. Title: The standard flare model in three dimensions. I. Strong-to-weak shear transition in post-flare loops Authors: Aulanier, G.; Janvier, M.; Schmieder, B. Bibcode: 2012A&A...543A.110A Altcode: Context. The standard CSHKP model for eruptive flares is two-dimensional. Yet observational interpretations of photospheric currents in pre-eruptive sigmoids, shear in post-flare loops, and relative positioning and shapes of flare ribbons, all together require three-dimensional extensions to the model.
Aims: We focus on the strong-to-weak shear transition in post-flare loops, and on the time-evolution of the geometry of photospheric electric currents, which occur during the development of eruptive flares. The objective is to understand the three-dimensional physical processes, which cause them, and to know how much the post-flare and the pre-eruptive distributions of shear depend on each other.
Methods: The strong-to-weak shear transition in post-flare loops is identified and quantified in a flare observed by STEREO, as well as in a magnetohydrodynamic simulation of CME initiation performed with the OHM code. In both approaches, the magnetic shear is evaluated with field line footpoints. In the simulation, the shear is also estimated from ratios between magnetic field components.
Results: The modeled strong-to-weak shear transition in post-flare loops comes from two effects. Firstly, a reconnection-driven transfer of the differential magnetic shear, from the pre- to the post-eruptive configuration. Secondly, a vertical straightening of the inner legs of the CME, which induces an outer shear weakening. The model also predicts the occurrence of narrow electric current layers inside J-shaped flare ribbons, which are dominated by direct currents. Finally, the simulation naturally accounts for energetics and time-scales for weak and strong flares, when typical scalings for young and decaying solar active regions are applied.
Conclusions: The results provide three-dimensional extensions to the standard flare model. These extensions involve MHD processes that should be tested with observations. Title: Slip-running reconnection and evolution of shear in post-flare loops Authors: Janvier, Miho; Schmieder, Brigitte; Pariat, Etienne; Aulanier, Guillaume Bibcode: 2012cosp...39..816J Altcode: We analyze the physical mechanisms of an eruptive flare via 3D magnetohydrodynamic simulations of a flux rope. We focus on the relaxation process associated with the reconnection of magnetic field lines driven by the free expansion of the magnetic field. First, the origin of the shearing of post-flare magnetic loops is investigated in relation to the pre-flare geometry of the magnetic field. Indeed, space-borne satellites can observe the temporal changes of post-flare structures that are important observational manifestations of the solar flare phenomenon. As such, understanding the evolution of post-flare loops can reveal the characteristics of the pre-flare magnetic field. Here, we introduce different proxies to quantify the shear angle. We show that strong geometrical similarities exist between the initial magnetic field and the post-flare loops. Analysis of the eruption dynamics shows that magnetic reconnection at the origin of the post-flare field lines forms less and less sheared magnetic loops on top of one another. We confirm this tendency by direct measurements of the shear angle seen in flare events such as that of May 9, 2011 recorded by STEREO-B/EUVI. Our results also highlight that vertical stretching of the magnetic field lines may play a role in the shear angle evolution of post-flare loops. The analysis of the eruptive flare evolution is followed by a detailed investigation of the flux rope growth and of the post-flare loops formation due to coronal slip-running reconnection. For that, we study the dynamics of different regions around two ribbons of opposite current. We find that these ribbons correspond to quasi-separatrix layers (QSLs), associated with J-shaped pre-flare magnetic field lines, reconnected S-shaped flux rope lines and post-flare loops. Simulations with very small time steps are required so as to show the detailed time evolution of those QSLs as well as the time variations of the slip-running velocities. Our results provide a fully 3D extension of the standard 2D flare model. Title: Structure-Driven Nonlinear Instability as the Origin of the Explosive Reconnection Dynamics in Resistive Double Tearing Modes Authors: Janvier, M.; Kishimoto, Y.; Li, J. Q. Bibcode: 2011PhRvL.107s5001J Altcode: The onset of abrupt magnetic reconnection events, observed in the nonlinear evolution of double tearing modes (DTM), is investigated via reduced resistive magnetohydrodynamic simulations. We have identified the critical threshold for the parameters characterizing the linear DTM stability leading to the bifurcation to the explosive dynamics. A new type of secondary instability is discovered that is excited once the magnetic islands on each rational surface reach a critical structure characterized here by the width and the angle rating their triangularization. This new instability is an island structure-driven nonlinear instability, identified as the trigger of the subsequent nonlinear dynamics which couples flow and flux perturbations. This instability only weakly depends on resistivity. Title: Venus Express science planning Authors: Titov, D. V.; Svedhem, H.; Koschny, D.; Hoofs, R.; Barabash, S.; Bertaux, J. -L.; Drossart, P.; Formisano, V.; Häusler, B.; Korablev, O.; Markiewicz, W. J.; Nevejans, D.; Pätzold, M.; Piccioni, G.; Zhang, T. L.; Merritt, D.; Witasse, O.; Zender, J.; Accomazzo, A.; Sweeney, M.; Trillard, D.; Janvier, M.; Clochet, A. Bibcode: 2006P&SS...54.1279T Altcode: Venus Express is the first European mission to the planet Venus. Its payload consists of seven instruments and will investigate the atmosphere, the plasma environment, and the surface of Venus from orbit. Science planning is a complex process that takes into account requests from all experiments and the operational constraints. The planning of the science operations is based on synergetic approach to provide good coverage of science themes derived from the main mission goals. Typical observations in a single orbit - so-called "science cases" are used to build the mission science activity plan. The nominal science mission (from June 4, 2006 till October 2, 2007) is divided in nine phases depending on observational conditions, occurrences of the solar and Earth occultation, and particular science goals. The observation timelines for each phase were developed in a coordinated way to optimize the payload activity, maximize the overall mission science return, and to fit into the available mission budgets. Title: SOHO Microvibrations: Analyses, Tests and Flight Results Authors: Laurens, Ph.; Decoux, E.; Janvier, M. Bibcode: 1997ESASP.381..489L Altcode: 1997sgnc.conf..489L No abstract at ADS Title: Atelier scientifique: une autre façon d'enseigner les sciences au collège. Authors: Janvier, M. Bibcode: 1996LAstr.110...44J Altcode: No abstract at ADS Title: Hermes rendezvous and navigation system Authors: Frezet, M.; Riant, P.; Janvier, M.; Caldichoury, M. Bibcode: 1989ESASP.297..207F Altcode: 1989ioot.conf..207F No abstract at ADS