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Author name code: bard
ADS astronomy entries on 2022-09-14
author:"Bard, S.," 

Title: Radiative Hydrodynamic Simulations of Acoustic Waves in
Authors: Bard, S.; Carlsson, M.
2010ApJ...722..888B    Altcode:
  We investigate the formation and evolution of the Ca II H line in a
  sunspot. The aim of our study is to establish the mechanisms underlying
  the formation of the frequently observed brightenings of small regions
  of sunspot umbrae known as "umbral flashes." We perform fully consistent
  NLTE radiation hydrodynamic simulations of the propagation of acoustic
  waves in sunspot umbrae and conclude that umbral flashes result from
  increased emission of the local solar material during the passage
  of acoustic waves originating in the photosphere and steepening to
  shock in the chromosphere. To quantify the significance of possible
  physical mechanisms that contribute to the formation of umbral flashes,
  we perform a set of simulations on a grid formed by different wave
  power spectra, different inbound coronal radiation, and different
  parameterized chromospheric heating. Our simulations show that the
  waves with frequencies in the range 4.5-7.0 mHz are critical to the
  formation of the observed blueshifts of umbral flashes while waves with
  frequencies below 4.5 mHz do not play a role despite their dominance
  in the photosphere. The observed emission in the Ca II H core between
  flashes only occurs in the simulations that include significant inbound
  coronal radiation and/or extra non-radiative chromospheric heating in
  addition to shock dissipation.

Title: Constructing Computationally Tractable Models of Si I for
    the 1082.7 nm Transition
Authors: Bard, S.; Carlsson, M.
2008ApJ...682.1376B    Altcode:
  The Si I 1082.7 nm line is often observed together with the He
  I 1083.0 nm. The silicon line is assumed to give a measure of the
  photospheric driver of the chromospheric dynamics observed in the He
  I 1083.0 nm line. To exploit the diagnostic potential of the silicon
  line it is of interest to study its line formation. We here analyze
  physical processes in the formation of the Si I 1082.7 nm line and
  find that it is formed in non-LTE (NLTE). Its line core intensity is
  lower than the corresponding LTE value because the source function is
  below the Planck function due to photon losses in the line itself. In
  order to make possible full NLTE dynamic calculations of this line
  we develop a general method for reducing the size of atomic models
  used in NLTE calculations by representing several physically similar
  energy levels as one mean level. Our procedure preserves all the
  important physical properties of the atom that have a bearing on the
  observable spectrographic properties of the line under study. We
  apply our procedure to the Si I atom for the 1082.7 nm transition
  under solar conditions, and we are able to reduce the size of the
  atomic model from 238 levels and 3152 transitions to 23 levels and
  171 transitions with no significant change in the calculated emergent
  intensity of the 1082.7 nm line. We calculate the response functions
  for the Si I 1082.7 nm line both in the quiet Sun and above sunspot
  umbrae. We find that the line-center Doppler shift has a mean response
  height to velocity perturbations of 541 km in a quiet-Sun atmosphere
  and 308 km in a sunspot atmosphere. These numbers depend on the model
  atmosphere employed.

Title: Radiative hydrodynamic simulations of acoustic waves in
Authors: Bard, S.; Carlsson, M.
2004IAUS..223..445B    Altcode: 2005IAUS..223..445B
  We describe fully consistent NLTE radiation hydrodynamic simulations
  of the propagation of acoustic waves in sunspot umbrae. In contrast
  to the case of the quiet internetwork Sun, we find that the observed
  behavior of the resonance lines of singly ionized calcium (H and K
  lines) cannot be explained without adding non-acoustic heating. The
  best agreement with observations is obtained with an extra heating
  term as a function of height that is constant per volume.

Title: Normal modes and discovery of high-order cross-frequencies
    in the DBV white dwarf GD 358
Authors: Vuille, F.; O'Donoghue, D.; Buckley, D. A. H.; Massacand,
   C. -M.; Solheim, J. E.; Bard, S.; Vauclair, G.; Giovannini, O.;
   Kepler, S. O.; Kanaan, A.; Provencal, J. L.; Wood, M. A.; Clemens,
   J. C.; Kleinman, S. J.; O'Brien, M. S.; Nather, R. E.; Winget, D. E.;
   Nitta, A.; Klumpe, E. W.; Montgomery, M. H.; Watson, T. K.; Bradley,
   P. A.; Sullivan, D. J.; Wu, K.; Marar, T. M. K.; Seetha, S.; Ashoka,
   B. N.; Mahra, H. S.; Bhat, B. C.; Babu, V. C.; Leibowitz, E. M.;
   Hemar, S.; Ibbetson, P.; Mashals, E.; Meištas, E.; Moskalik, P.;
   Zoła, S.; Krzesiński, J.; Pajdosz, G.
2000MNRAS.314..689V    Altcode:
  We present a detailed mode identification performed on the 1994 Whole
  Earth Telescope (WET) run on GD 358. The results are compared with that
  obtained for the same star from the 1990 WET data. The two temporal
  spectra show very few qualitative differences, although amplitude
  changes are seen in most modes, including the disappearance of the
  mode identified as k=14 in the 1990 data. The excellent coverage
  and signal-to-noise ratio obtained during the 1994 run lead to
  the secure identification of combination frequencies up to fourth
  order, i.e. peaks that are sums or differences of up to four parent
  frequencies, including a virtually complete set of second-order
  frequencies, as expected from harmonic distortion. We show how the
  third-order frequencies are expected to affect the triplet structure
  of the normal modes by back-interacting with them. Finally, a search
  for l=2 modes was unsuccessful, not verifying the suspicion that such
  modes had been uncovered in the 1990 data set.

Title: New Whole Earth Telescope observations of CD-24 7599: steps
    towards delta Scuti star seismology
Authors: Handler, G.; Pikall, H.; O'Donoghue, D.; Buckley, D. A. H.;
   Vauclair, G.; Chevreton, M.; Giovannini, O.; Kepler, S. O.; Goode,
   P. R.; Provencal, J. L.; Wood, M. A.; Clemens, J. C.; O'Brien, M. S.;
   Nather, R. E.; Winget, D. E.; Kleinman, S. J.; Kanaan, A.; Watson,
   T. K.; Nitta, A.; Montgomery, M. H.; Klumpe, E. W.; Bradley, P. A.;
   Sullivan, D. J.; Wu, K.; Marar, T. M. K.; Seetha, S.; Ashoka, B. N.;
   Mahra, H. S.; Bhat, B. C.; Babu, V. C.; Leibowitz, E. M.; Hemar,
   S.; Ibbetson, P. A.; Mashal, E.; Meistas, E. G.; Dziembowski, W. A.;
   Pamyatnykh, A. A.; Moskalik, P.; Zola, S.; Pajdosz, G.; Krzesinski,
   J.; Solheim, J. E.; Bard, S.; Massacand, C. M.; Breger, M.; Gelbmann,
   M. J.; Paunzen, E.; North, P.
1997MNRAS.286..303H    Altcode:
  92h of new Whole Earth Telescope observations have been acquired for the
  delta Scuti star CD-24 7599. All the seven pulsation modes reported by
  Handler et al. are confirmed. However, significant amplitude variations
  which are not caused by beating of closely spaced frequencies occurred
  within two years. Analysing the combined data of both WET runs,
  we detect six further pulsation modes, bringing the total number
  up to 13. We also examine our data for high-frequency pulsations
  similar to those exhibited by rapidly oscillating Ap stars, but we
  do not find convincing evidence for variability in this frequency
  domain. From new colour photometry and spectroscopy we infer that
  CD-24 7599 is a hot main-sequence delta Scuti star with approximately
  solar metallicity and vsini=52& plusmn2kms^-1. We cannot yet
  propose a definite pulsation mode identification, but we report the
  detection of a characteristic frequency spacing between the different
  modes. We ascribe it to the simultaneous presence of l=1 and l=2
  modes of consecutive radial order. A comparison of this frequency
  spacing with frequencies of solar-metallicity models, as well as
  stability analysis, allows us to constrain tightly the evolutionary
  state of CD-24 7599. It is in the first half of its main-sequence
  evolution, and has a mass of 1.85 +/-0.05 M_solar and a mean density of
  rho^-=0.246+/-0.020rho^-_solar. This yields a seismological distance
  of 650 +/- 70 pc, which is as accurate as distance determinations
  for delta Scuti stars observed in clusters. Most of the pulsation
  modes are pure p modes of radial order k=4-6, but the g_1 mode of
  l=2 is likely to be excited and observed as well. Since a significant
  contribution to this mode's kinetic energy comes from the outer part
  of the convective core, CD-24 7599 becomes particularly interesting
  for testing convective overshooting theories.

Title: Shock Signature in Sunspots
Authors: Bard, S.; Carlsson, M.
1997ESASP.404..189B    Altcode: 1997cswn.conf..189B
  No abstract at ADS

Title: Model spectra for the helium cataclysmic variable: AM CVn
Authors: Bard, S.
1996ASSL..208..133B    Altcode: 1996IAUCo.158..133B; 1996cvro.coll..133B
  No abstract at ADS