@INPROCEEDINGS {ESG05, AUTHOR = {{van den Eshof}, Jasper and Sleijpen, Gerard L. G. and {van~\-Gij\-zen}, Martin B.}, TITLE = {Iterative linear solvers with approximate matrix-vector products}, BOOKTITLE = {{QCD} and Numerical Analysis {III}}, EDITOR = {Bori\c{c}i, Artan and Frommer, Andreas and Jo\'o, B\'alint and Kennedy, Anthony D. and Pendleton, Brian}, VOLUME = {47}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering}, PAGES = {133--141}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, ADDRESS = {Berlin, Heidelberg, New York}, isbn = {3-540-21257-4}, issn = {1439-7358}, YEAR = {2005}, NOTE = {Proceedings of the ``Third International Workshop on Numerical Analysis and Lattice QCD'', Edinburgh, June/July 2003}, } @TECHREPORT {ESG03c, AUTHOR = {{van den Eshof}, Jasper and Sleijpen, Gerard L. G. and {van~\-Gij\-zen}, Martin B.}, TITLE = {Iterative linear solvers with approximate matrix-vector products}, TYPE = {Preprint}, NUMBER = {1293}, INSTITUTION = {Dep. Math., University Utrecht}, ADDRESS = {Utrecht, the Netherlands}, MONTH = {December}, YEAR = {2003}, } @BOOK{qcdandna3, editor = "Bori\c{c}i, Artan and Frommer, Andreas and Jo\'o, B\'alint and Kennedy, Anthony D. and Pendleton, Brian ", title = "{QCD} and Numerical Analysis III", publisher = "Springer", year = "2005", volume = "47", series="Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering", address="Berlin, Heidelberg, New York", isbn = "3-540-21257-4", issn = "1439-7358", pages = "x + 201" }