@ARTICLE {RSl08, ANNOTE = {}, AUTHOR = {Rommes, Joost and Sleijpen, Gerard L. G.}, TITLE = {Convergence of the dominant pole algorithm and {R}ayleigh quotient iteration}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.}, FJOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications}, VOLUME = {30}, YEAR = {2008}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {346--363},} @TECHREPORT {RSl06, AUTHOR = {Rommes, Joost and Sleijpen, Gerard L. G.}, TITLE = {Convergence of the dominant pole algorithm and {R}ayleigh quotient iteration}, TYPE = {Preprint}, NUMBER = {1356}, INSTITUTION = {Dep. Math., University Utrecht}, ADDRESS = {Utrecht, the Netherlands}, MONTH = {September}, YEAR = {2006}, NOTE ={Submitted}}