@TECHREPORT {SEs01a, AUTHOR = {Sleijpen, Gerard L. G. and {van den Eshof}, Jasper}, TITLE = {Accurate approximations to eigenpairs using the harmonic {R}ayleigh-{R}itz method}, TYPE = {Preprint}, NUMBER = {1184}, INSTITUTION = {Dep. Math., University Utrecht}, ADDRESS = {Utrecht, the Netherlands}, MONTH = {April}, YEAR = {2001},} @ARTICLE {SEs01, AUTHOR = {Sleijpen, Gerard L. G. and {van den Eshof}, Jasper}, TITLE = {Accurate approximations to eigenpairs using the harmonic {R}ayleigh-{R}itz method}, JOURNAL = {Linear Algebra Appl.}, FJOURNAL = {Linear Algebra and its Applications}, VOLUME = {358}, YEAR = {2003}, NUMBER = {1-3}, PAGES = {115-137},}