@article{SSG09, title = "{Bi-CGSTAB} as an induced dimension reduction method", journal = "Applied Numerical Mathematics", volume = "In Press, Corrected Proof", number = "", pages = " - ", year = "2009", note = "", issn = "0168-9274", doi = "DOI: 10.1016/j.apnum.2009.07.001", url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TYD-4WR19XJ-1/2/3710d6ee1153f9957712433547a50aae", AUTHOR = {Sleijpen, Gerard L.G. and Sonneveld, Peter and {van Gijzen}, Martin B.}, keywords = "Bi-CGSTAB", keywords = "Bi-CG", keywords = "Iterative linear solvers", keywords = "Krylov subspace methods", keywords = "IDR"} @TECHREPORT {SSG08, AUTHOR = {Sleijpen, Gerard L.G and Sonneveld, Peter and {van Gijzen}, Martin B.}, TITLE = {{Bi-CGSTAB} as an induced dimension reduction method}, TYPE = {Preprint}, NUMBER = {1369}, INSTITUTION = {Dep. Math., University Utrecht}, ADDRESS = {Utrecht, the Netherlands}, MONTH = {April 10}, YEAR = {2008},}