Properties for hints in Ask-Elle The Haskell tutor Ask-Elle [1] helps students develop beginner's functional programs by checking if (part of) a program that a student develops is a variant of a model solution. A model solution is a teacher-specified solution to the programming exercise. A teacher also specifies a type for the programming problem, and properties a solution should satisfy. At the moment, properties are only used to diagnose errors in a student program, and not to give hints. In most programming approaches, properties play an important role to explain why a function is of a particular form. The goal of this project is to investigate if and how properties can be used to give hints to a student who develops a program in Ask-Elle, and how these hints can be combined with hints based on model solutions. Of course, we cannot infer a program from a property, in general, so this approach will have its limitations. Another project is on Types for hints in Ask-Elle. When you have made some progress with your project, discuss with the other group to find out if and how your results could be combined. [1] Alex Gerdes, Bastiaan Heeren, Johan Jeuring, and Thomas van Binsbergen. Ask-Elle: an adaptable programming tutor for Haskell giving automated feedback. In International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 2016.