Welkom bij marco@work, waar ik mijn promotieonderzoek documenteer in het kader van het Determinants of Dialectal Variation project.
Welcome to marco@work, where I document my Ph.D research in the context of the Determinants of Dialectal Variation project.

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© 2003-2007
Marco Rene Spruit

Gemaakte vorderingen tijdens mijn verblijf in Trieste
Geplaatst op Dinsdag 20 juni @ 14:20:00 GMT+1

Onderzoek Als laatste toevoeging met betrekking tot mijn verblijf in Trieste tenslotte nog een korte Engelstalige opsomming van de belangrijkste vorderingen in mijn promotieonderzoek en andere zaken:

Things I did in Trieste:

  1. Attend Mayan languages (mostly Tzotzil) course by John Haviland
  2. Prepare and present a 2 hour presentation of my research
  3. Review and annotate all SAND1 data
  4. Enhance variable distance measure
  5. Implement Fractional Distance for feature variables (one of the reasons to visit Trieste)
  6. Implement additional syntactic measure ŕ la variable distance measure (‘marked’ variables)
  7. Implement distance measure using composite variables
  8. Generate a composite variables MS Excel-compatible file to interactively explore all variable relations
  9. Integrate better MDS plot visualisations with clustering-based colouring
  10. Attended Diachronic Generative Syntax (DiGS9) conference
  11. Tried to attend a workshop on Linguistics and Cognitive Psychology
  12. Now preparing for the Digital Humanities presentation

Other things I did in Trieste:
  • Talk and discuss my work during more informal sessions with Gabriele Rigon, Chiara Gianollo, Pino Longobardi, Christina Guardiano, Andrea Sgarro
  • Visit the Universitites of Modena and Reggio Emilia
  • Showed MDS plots of Longobardi’s data
Even more things I did in Trieste:

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· Meer over Onderzoek
· Nieuws door Marco

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