subroutine gmresr(oktest,n,j,mgmres,b,x,work,eps,stc, & maxits,resid,matvec,iflag) C********************************************************* C GMRESR algorithm to solve linear system Ax = b C C author: C m.botchev, utrecht university, december 1996 C report bugs to or C C Copyright (c) 1996 by M.A.Botchev C Permission to copy all or part of this work is granted, C provided that the copies are not made or distributed C for resale, and that the copyright notice and this C notice are retained. C C Details to the algorithm may be found in C H.A. van der Vorst, C. Vuik, "GMRESR: a Family of Nested GMRES C Methods", Num. Lin. Alg. Appl., vol. 1(4), 369--386 (1994) C C parameter list: C oktest is TRUE if intermediate residuals should be printed C n == INTEGER size of problem C j == INTEGER truncation parameter (work with j last vectors) C mgmres == INTEGER dimension of the envoked GMRES C if mgmres.eq.0 then we get GCR algorithm, the simplest C version of GMRESR C b == DOUBLE PRECISION righthand side vector C x == DOUBLE PRECISION initial guess on input, C (approximate) solution on output C work == DOUBLE PRECISION work space 1 of size n x (2*j+mgmres+2) C eps == DOUBLE PRECISION tolerance of stopping criterion. C process is stopped as soon as C (1) residual norm has been dumped by factor eps, C i.e. ||res|| / ||res0|| <= eps OR C (2) maximum number of iterations maxit has been performed C stc == CHARACTER*3 C Determine stopping criterion (||.|| denotes the 2-norm): C stc='rel' -- relative stopping crit.: ||res|| < eps*||res0|| C stc='abs' -- absolute stopping crit.: ||res|| < eps C maxits == INTEGER max. no. outer_iterative_steps/truncation_length on input C on output it is the actual number of total iterative steps C resid == DOUBLE PRECISION residual measure (depends on stopping criterion) C achieved on output C iflag == INTEGER on output 0 - solution found within tolerance C 1 - no convergence within maxits C ---------------------------------------------------------- C subroutines used C matvec == matrix-vector product y <- A*x C blas subroutines: C dscal C daxpy C blas functions: C ddot C dnrm2 C********************************************************** external matvec C list of variables: arrays in alphabetical order, C then other variables in alphabetical order logical oktest character*3 stc integer i,iflag,its,nits,itsinn,j,k,maxits,mgmres,n double precision b(n),x(n),work(n,0 : 2*j+mgmres+2 -1), & alpha,alphai,cknorm,ckres,ddot,dnrm2,eps,epsinn, & res0,resnor,resid C distribute work space work(n,*) among some virtual variables; C namely, we think of columns of work as being occupied by C c(n,0:j-1), u(n,0:j-1), resid(n), workgmr(n,mgmres+1) C therefore we define "shifts" integer c, u, workres, workgmre C ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if((stc.NE.'rel').and.(stc.NE.'abs'))then PRINT *,'Error in VACGMRESR:' PRINT *,'PARAMETER STC=',stc,' SHOULD BE rel OR abs.' STOP endif C c occupies j columns 0...j-1: c = 0 C u occupies j columns j...2*j-1: u = j C resid occupies 1 column No. 2*j: workres = 2*j C workgmre occupies mgmres+1 columns 2*j+1...2*j+mgmres+1: workgmre = 2*j+1 C so that we can access, say, to the (k)th column of the virtual C array c(n,0:j-1) as work(1,c+k), C virtual residual vector resid(n) is work(1,workres) and so on ... C ***Furthermore, we build sequences c_k and u_k, k = 0,...,m-1 C but we store only the last j vectors in the following way: C Assume j=3, then C -------------------------------------------------------------- C k | number of column of work | columns of work which are vectors C | in which we store c_k | we actually store and use C 0 | 0 | c_0 u_0 ... C 1 | 1 | c_0 c_1 u_0 u_1 ... C 2 | 2 | c_0 c_1 c_2 u_0 u_1 u_2 ... C 3 | 0 | c_3 c_1 c_2 u_3 u_1 u_2 ... C 4 | 1 | c_3 c_4 c_2 u_3 u_4 u_2 ... C 5 | 2 | c_3 c_4 c_5 u_3 u_4 u_5 ... C 6 | 0 | c_6 c_4 c_5 u_6 u_4 u_5 ... C ... | ... | ... ... C This mapping is performed by function mod(k,j) C Reset iteration counter nits= 0 its = 0 C Calculate (initial) residual norm call matvec(x,work(1,workres),n) alpha = -1 call daxpy(n,alpha,b,1,work(1,workres),1) call dscal(n,alpha,work(1,workres),1) C Calculate residual norm and quit if it is zero res0 = dnrm2(n,work(1,workres),1) resnor = res0 resid = 0 if ( res0 .eq. 0.0d0 ) then iflag = 0 maxits = 0 return end if if (stc.eq.'abs') then resid=resnor else resid=resnor/res0 endif if ( resid .le. eps ) then iflag = 0 maxits = 0 return end if C Main iterative loop ============================ k = -1 do while (.true.) if(oktest)write(*,199)its,resid 199 format(' its =', i4, ' resid =', d20.6) C Loop to increment dimension of projection subspace k=k+1 C Number of step (not restart) to be done its = its + 1 C write(*,'(A,i3)') '+++++++++++++++++ its ',its C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C This part should deliver C u(1,k) <-- invA * resid C where u(1,k) is the k-th column of array u(1:n,0:m) and C invA is some reasonable approximation to the inverse of A C C If mgmres=0 then no inner iterations are performed C to get invA, so that invA is just the identity matrix. C In this case algorithm GMRESR is nothing but GCR C C Otherwise for inner iterations we perform ONE restart of GMRES C ATTN: for this implementation it is crucial to perform only C ONE restart of GMRES if (mgmres.eq.0) then C u(1,k) := resid call dcopy(n,work(1,workres),1,work(1,u+mod(k,j)),1) call matvec(work(1,u+mod(k,j)),work(1,c+mod(k,j)),n) nits=nits+1 else C Solve linear system A*u(1,k)=resid by GMRES C The stopping criterion for inner iterations is C always absolute but it is automatically adjusted C not to be stricter than the stopping criterion for the C outer iterations. For example, if stop.criterion for C the outer iterations is relative than absolute stop. C criterion for the inner iterations is (eps*res0) C Accuracy for inner iteration: if(stc.eq.'abs')then epsinn = eps else epsinn = eps*res0 endif C After envoking gmres0 epsinn and itsinn contain actual achieved C accuracy and number of performed iterations respectively itsinn=mgmres call gmres0(oktest,n,mgmres, & work(1,workres),work(1,u+mod(k,j)), & work(1,c+mod(k,j)),work(1,workgmre), & epsinn,itsinn,matvec) nits=nits+itsinn end if C - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C Inner loop to orthogonalize C c(1,k) with respect to c(1,k-j),...,c(1,k-1) C and to update correspondingly C u(1,k) with respect to u(1,k-j),...,u(1,k-1) C parameter j is used only here do i = max0(0,k-j),k-1 alphai = ddot(n,work(1,c+mod(i,j)),1,work(1,c+mod(k,j)),1) call daxpy(n,-alphai,work(1,c+mod(i,j)),1, & work(1,c+mod(k,j)),1) call daxpy(n,-alphai,work(1,u+mod(i,j)),1, & work(1,u+mod(k,j)),1) end do C Normalize c(1,k) and "normalize" u(1,k) cknorm = dnrm2(n,work(1,c+mod(k,j)),1) cknorm = 1 / cknorm call dscal(n,cknorm,work(1,c+mod(k,j)),1) call dscal(n,cknorm,work(1,u+mod(k,j)),1) C Update current solution and residual ckres = ddot(n,work(1,c+mod(k,j)),1,work(1,workres),1) call daxpy(n, ckres,work(1,u+mod(k,j)),1,x, 1) call daxpy(n,-ckres,work(1,c+mod(k,j)),1,work(1,workres),1) C call show(n,10,x,'GMRESR ') C Calculate residual norm, check convergence resnor = dnrm2(n,work(1,workres),1) if (stc.eq.'abs') then resid=resnor else resid=resnor/res0 endif if ( resid .le. eps ) then iflag = 0 maxits = nits return end if if (its .ge. maxits*j) then iflag = 1 maxits = nits return end if C print 11, ' ||res|| = ',resnor C 11 format(A,d) C 13 format(i4,A,d) end do C End of inifinite iterative loop ================= C End of GMRESR subroutine end C============================================================================= subroutine gmres0(oktest,n,im,rhs,uu,cc,work0,eps,maxits,matvec) C This is the modified GMRES routine gmres0 adapted for GMRESR by C Mike Botchev, Utrecht University, Dec. 1996 C For detail on how to make GMRES (for GMRESR) cheaper see C the above-mentioned paper on GMRESR c************************************************************* C This code was initially written by Youcef Saad C then revised by Henk A. van der Vorst C and Mike Botchev (oct. 1996) C ************************************************************ c gmres algorithm . simple version . (may 23, 1985) c parameter list: c oktest == TRUE for printing intermediate results c n == size of problem c im == size of krylov subspace: should not exceed 50 in this c version (can be reset in code. looking at comment below) c rhs == right hand side c uu == initial guess for vector u (see above-mentioned paper on GMRESR) c on input, approximate solution on output c cc == initial guess for vector c (see above-mentioned paper on GMRESR) c on input, approximate solution on output c work0 == work space of size n x (im+1) c eps == tolerance for stopping criterion. process is stopped c as soon as ( ||.|| is the euclidean norm): c || current residual || <= eps c maxits == maximum number of iterations allowed c on OUTPUT: actual number of iterations performed c ---------------------------------------------------------------- c subroutines c matvec == matrix vector multiplication y <- A*x c c BLAS: c dcopy == y <-- x routine c ddot == dot product function c dnrm2 == euclidean norm function c daxpy == y <-- y+ax routine c dscal == x <-- ax routine c dtsrv == to solve linear system with a triangular matrix c************************************************************* c------------------------------------------------------------- c arnoldi size should not exceed 10 in this version.. c to reset modify maxdim. BUT: ---------------- c maxdim was set to 10 because of two reasons: c (1) it is assumed in this implementation that it is cheaper to c make maxdim vector updates than to make 1 matrix-vector c multiplication; c (2) for large maxdim we may lose the orthogonality property c on which this cheap implementation is based. c Please keep it in mind changing maxdim c------------------------------------------------------------- integer maxdim,maxd1,md1max parameter (maxdim=10, maxd1=maxdim+1, md1max=maxdim*maxd1) external matvec logical oktest integer jjj,jj1 integer i,i1,im,its,j,k,k1,maxits,n double precision cc,coeff,coef1,dabs,ddot,dnrm2,dsqrt,eps,epsmac, & gam,rhs(n),ro,uu(n),work0(n,im+1),t double precision hh(maxd1,maxdim),hh1(maxd1,maxdim),c(maxdim), & s(maxdim),rs(maxd1),rs1(maxd1) data (( hh(jj1,jjj), jj1=1,maxd1), jjj=1,maxdim) / md1max*0.0 / , & epsmac / 1.d-16 / C----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (im .gt. maxdim) then im = maxdim write (*,'(A,i2)') 'GMRES0: dimension has been reduced to ',im write (*,'(A)') ' => reset MAXDIM if you want it to be more' write (*,'(A)') ' BUT read comments near MAXDIM before' end if its = 0 C ---------------------------- C Outer loop starts here.. C BUT here (for GMRESR) only 1 outer loop is allowed C Compute initial residual vector C ---------------------------- 10 continue C do not calculate initial residual first restart because C initial guess is always zero. C make initial guess zero: coeff = 0.0 call dscal(n,coeff,uu,1) C make initial residual right-hand side: call dcopy(n,rhs,1,work0,1) ro = dnrm2 (n, work0, 1) if ((ro .eq. 0.0d0).or.(ro .le. eps)) then call matvec(uu, cc, n) eps = ro maxits = its return end if coeff = 1 / ro call dscal(n,coeff,work0,1) if (oktest) write(*, 199) its, ro c initialize 1-st term of rhs of hessenberg system.. rs(1) = ro i = 0 4 continue i=i+1 its = its + 1 i1 = i + 1 call matvec(work0(1,i), work0(1,i1), n) c ----------------------------------------- c modified gram - schmidt... c ----------------------------------------- do j=1, i t = ddot(n, work0(1,j),1,work0(1,i1),1) hh(j,i) = t call daxpy(n, -t, work0(1,j), 1, work0(1,i1), 1) end do t = dnrm2(n, work0(1,i1), 1) hh(i1,i) = t if (t .ne. 0.0d0)then t = 1 / t call dscal(n, t, work0(1,i1), 1) C save new column of hh in hh1 to reproduce vector cc later on call dcopy(maxd1,hh(1,i),1,hh1(1,i),1) endif c done with modified gram schmidt and arnoldi step.. c now update factorization of hh if (i .ne. 1) then c perform previous transformations on i-th column of h do k=2,i k1 = k-1 t = hh(k1,i) hh(k1,i) = c(k1)*t + s(k1)*hh(k,i) hh(k,i) = -s(k1)*t + c(k1)*hh(k,i) end do endif gam = dsqrt(hh(i,i)**2 + hh(i1,i)**2) if (gam .eq. 0.0d0) gam = epsmac c determine next plane rotation c(i) = hh(i,i)/gam s(i) = hh(i1,i)/gam rs(i1) = -s(i)*rs(i) rs(i) = c(i)*rs(i) c determine residual norm and test for convergence- hh(i,i) = c(i)*hh(i,i) + s(i)*hh(i1,i) ro = dabs(rs(i1)) if (oktest) write(*, 199) its, ro if ((i .lt. im) .and. (ro .gt. eps)) goto 4 c c now compute solution. first solve upper triangular system. c C rs := hh(1:i,1:i) ^-1 * rs call dtrsv('U','N','N',i,hh,maxd1,rs,1) c done with back substitution.. c now form linear combination to get vector uu do j=1, i t = rs(j) call daxpy(n, t, work0(1,j), 1, uu,1) end do C DO NOT restart outer loop EVEN when necessary (that is crucial C for this implementation of GMRESR): NEVER goto 10 ! C if (ro .gt. eps .and. its .lt. maxits) goto 10 C Finally, reproduce vector cc as cc = A*uu = work0*hh1*rs: C rs := hh1(1:i1,1:i) * rs coeff = 1 coef1 = 0 call dgemv('N',i1,i,coeff,hh1,maxd1,rs,1,coef1,rs1,1) C now multiply Krylov basis vectors work0 by rs: C cc := work0*rs call dscal(n,coef1,cc,1) do j=1, i1 t = rs1(j) call daxpy(n, t, work0(1,j), 1, cc,1) end do 199 format('itsinn =', i4, ' res. norm =', d20.6) maxits=its eps=ro return c------------------------------- end of gmres0 ---------------------- end