Basic Mathematics: Calculus (Fall 2015)


  • Lecturer: Dr. P.A. Zegeling (room 513 in the HF-building=Math-building, Budapestlaan 6, 030-2533720)

  • Teaching assistent: Kaj-Ivar van der Wijst.

  • General information about the course can be found [here].

  • The topics and exercises per week are given in this [overview] (please check this webpage regularly, do not miss any updates!) (=> update: 6-11-2015).

  • [Here] is a pdf-file of the syllabus (with extra exercises).

  • You may find the hand-in assigments and their deadlines [here] (1-12-2015: the deadline for problem 10.15/10.17 has been extended to Tuesday December 8, 10:00; Please choose one of these two exercises!)
    ==> 8-12-2015: the deadline for problem 11.13 has been extended to Tuesday December 15 10:00.

  • The schedule for the In-class Presentations can be found [here] (update: 24-11-2015).

  • Some examples (and answers) of exercises for the midterm: [pdf1] and [pdf2] (added 13-10-2015).

  • Midterm test + solutions: [pdf] (added 19-10-2015).

  • Some examples of exercises for the final exam: [pdf1] and [pdf2] (added on 1-12--2015). And here are some [answers; part1], [answers; part 2] to these exercises (added 15-12-2015).