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One of the fundamental tasks robots have to perform is planning their motions while avoiding collisions with obstacles in the environment. This is the central topic of the thesis. We restrict ourselves to motion planning for two- and three-dimensional rigid bodies and articulated robots moving in static and known virtual environments.

On Experimental Research in Sampling-based Motion Planning

Setting up an experiment in SAMPLE: System for Advanced Motion PLanning Experiments.

Setting up an experiment in SAMPLE: System for Advanced Motion PLanning Experiments.


In robotics research, it is often difficult to compare and evaluate techniques experimentally. This paper identifies these difficulties and provides solutions based on our work during the last four years in the field of sampling-based motion planning.


  • Roland Geraerts. On Experimental Research in Sampling-based Motion Planning. In (IROS'06) Workshop on Benchmarks in Robotics Research , pp. 31-34, 2006.

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