
Courses taught in the past include:

University of Maryland       1974-76   Mini-colloquium series:             The kinetic theory of fluids

University Essen               1983        Course:                                 Thermal physics

RWTH Aachen                   1976-86   Lecture courses                      Theory of transport phenomena

                                                                                              Statistical models for diffusion

                                                                                              Advanced statistical physics

Student seminars:                   Wave equations

                                                                                              Plasma physics

                                                                                              Spin models and Lattice gauge theories

                                                                                              Kinetic theory of gases and liquids


Utrecht University            1986-       Lecture courses:                    Mathematical physics

                                                                                              Statistical physics


                                                                                              Advanced classical mechanics

                                                                                              Advanced quantum mechanics and

                                                                                                  Solid-state theory

                                                                                              Chaos theory

                                                                                              Non-equilibrium statistical physics

                                                   Student seminars:                   Surface physics

                                                                                              Chaos theory

                                                                                              Non-equilibrium statistical physics




ITP | Department of Physics and Astronomy | Utrecht University