Lecture 1
Location and analysis of equilibria
Lecture 2
Continuation of equilibria
Lecture 3
Branching points
Lecture 4
Bordering technique and detection of limit and branch points
Lecture 5
Bialternate matrix product and detection of Hopf and Neimark-Sacker bifurcations.
Continuation of periodic solutions of ODEs
Lecture 6
Codim 1 bifurcations of equilibria and limit cycles
Lecture 7
Continuation of limit point and Hopf bifurcations. Further results on bordering techniques
Lecture 8
Continuation of limit point, period-doubling, and torus bifurcations of cycles
Lecture 9
Computation of critical normal forms for limit point and Hopf bifurcations
Lecture 10
Computation of critical periodic normal forms for limit point, period-doubling, and torus bifurcations of cycles
Lecture 11
Homoclinic orbits to hyperbolic equilibria and their numerical continuation
Lecture 12
Normal forms for codim 1 bifurcations of fixed points
Lecture 13
Continuation of codim 1 bifurcation of fixed points